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词汇 Nayef
释义 NayefEconomist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
Barring a belated challenge from other powerful princes to Prince Nayef's advance, this council looks unlikely to be summoned until the end of the present king's reign.
该委员会排出了其他强势亲王对纳耶夫亲王优先继位的迟来挑战,看起来直到现任国王在位结束委员会都不太可能被召集。 ecocn

Known as the Sudairis after the family of their mother, these princes, among them Nayef, have long dominated the defence and interior ministries.
人称“苏德里七兄弟”同父同母七兄弟、包括纳耶夫在内的这些王子们长期占据着国防和内政大臣等职。 ecocn

They depended on the good graces of Saudi clerics and powerful princes like Prince Nayef, who later claimed the 9/11 attacks were a Zionist plot.
拉登家族的兴盛与沙特神职人员及王子们的支持密不可分,其中,纳耶夫王子曾于911后宣称,袭击是犹太人复国运动者 Zionist策划的栽赃阴谋。 yeeyan

A suicide bomber there came close last year to killing the man who chased them out of the country, the kingdom’s head of counter-terrorism, Prince Muhammad bin Nayef.
去年一名自杀袭击者差点把默罕默德.本.纳耶夫王子炸死,纳耶夫王子主管沙特反恐部门,就是他将基地组织分子赶出沙特的。 ecocn

As deputy minister of interior, Prince Muhammad bin Nayef is credited with masterminding a carrot-and- stick approach to Islamist extremism.
作为内政部副部长,据认穆罕默德•本•纳耶夫亲王对伊斯兰极端主义主张“胡萝卜加大棒”的做法。 ecocn

Both Sultan and Nayef also appointed one of their younger Sudairi brothers, as well as one of their own sons, as deputies.
苏尔坦和纳耶夫各自都任命了一个苏戴瑞系的弟弟,及他们自己的一个儿子作为副手。 putclub

Prince Nayef, one of Sultan’s full brothers, has been seen as the likely next in line to Sultan since the king promoted him last year to the crown-prince- in-waiting post.
纳耶夫亲王,苏尔坦众多同胞兄弟中的一个,在去年被国王晋封为王储后,被认为是排在苏尔坦之后的王位继承人。 ecocn

Prince Nayef is also renowned for his visceral hostility to Iran, Saudi Arabia's rival for dominance in the Persian Gulf.
纳耶夫亲王也因刻骨敌视沙特在波斯湾统治地位的竞争对手伊朗而享有盛名。 ecocn

Some diplomats and Saudis insist that Prince Nayef is more pragmatic and flexible than his reputation would suggest.
一些外交官和沙特人坚持认为,纳耶夫亲王更加务实和灵活,胜过世人对他的评价。 ecocn

Sultan took the lucrative defence portfolio, and Nayef eventually succeeded Fahd at the interior ministry.
苏尔坦则获得了国防部长的职位,纳耶夫最终继任了法赫德的内政部长。 putclub

The next in line, Prince Nayef, the feared interior minister, is 78 and badly diabetic.
下一顺序的接班人纳耶夫亲王——强势的内政部长——现年78岁,患有严重的糖尿病。 ecocn

There are whispers that similar changes are in the offing in the ministries of defence and interior, where sons of Princes Sultan and Nayef are deputy ministers.
有消息传在国防部和内务部也将发生相似的变动,因为苏尔坦王子和纳耶夫王子的儿子都在各部门任副部长。 ecocn

Two of the most powerful princes, Nayef, who has run the since1975, and Salman, who has governed the capital, Riyadh, since1962, have also recently been ill.
另外两位最有权力的王子,自1975年起掌管内政部的纳伊夫和1962年开始管理首都利雅得的萨曼近来都染病。 ecocn

With his half-brother, King Abdullah, and his full brother, Crown Prince Sultan, likely to leave the scene soon, Prince Nayef's accession appears all but assured.
他的同父异母哥哥阿卜杜拉国王和他的亲哥哥苏尔坦王储可能很快将退出历史舞台,纳耶夫王子的登基似乎只是时间问题。 ecocn

Nayef is only77, and fairly spry. But he seldom travels outside the country.
他只有77岁,并且相当健康,但是他很少出国。 ecocn

Nayef is only77, and fairly spry.
纳耶夫只有77岁且相当有精神。 ecocn

Nayef thinks they’re all naive
纳耶夫认为他们全都太天真了 ecocn




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