NayaCOCA¹⁸¹⁴⁹⁴BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本例句 n.纳亚在印度尼西亚;东经 109º45' 北纬 0º08' Diego Naya Lazo: In the strictest sense a workflow and a rule are pretty much the same. Diego Naya Lazo:严格来说,工作流和规则几乎是等同的。 infoq Diego Naya Lazo: Pentaho is a great reporting tool. Used in combination with any database can produce incredible results. Diego Naya Lazo: Pentaho是一个非常不错的报表工具,将它与任何数据库结合使用都能够产生惊人的结果。 infoq