释义 |
Naxalbari 基本例句 n.纳萨尔巴里在印度;东经 88º12' 北纬 30º11' Known as “Naxalites”, after the district ofNaxalbariin West Bengal where they staged an uprising in 1967, they are these days almost a nationwide force.他也不是很了解外面的世界。但他仍然非常坚定地说:“我们要让人民明白,改变他们的生活,要靠武装斗争,而不是选票。” That is partly because West Bengal, where the Maoist insurrection was launched in 1967 in the village ofNaxalbari, has hitherto been resistant to it.这里的意思是:毛派1967年在西孟加拉邦纳夏巴里村起事他们也由此得名纳萨尔,但迄今为止,西孟加拉邦一直都能压制住它的发展。 |