

单词 Navarro
释义 Navarro nəˈvɑːroʊ 高Economist¹⁷⁴⁹⁸
n.纳瓦罗在美国;西经 123º34' 北纬 39º10'
Héctor Navarro, a former education minister who is now a spokesman for the ruling socialist party, says crime is a product of the neglect of youth under the pre-Chávez regime.
执政的社会党发言人原教育部长 Héctor Navarro说犯罪是查韦斯上台前的政府忽视年轻一代的产物。 ecocn

Natalia Navarro, from the Bolivar province, smiles after being elected Miss Colombia during the annual beauty contest in Cartagena.
哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳来自玻利瓦尔省的纳塔莉亚·纳瓦罗在年度选美大赛上当选哥伦比亚小姐后的微笑。 yeeyan

They also have access to multiple vertibirds from their battle with the Enclave over Navarro and their war with the Brotherhood of Steel.
新加州军也拥有一些从与英克雷战争中从纳瓦罗和与钢铁兄弟会战争中缴获的飞鸟直升机。 www.bn13.com

They may also have access to the blueprints of the vertibirds, because there were copies at Navarro and in possession of the Brotherhood of Steel.
可能也获得了飞鸟的结构图,因为这些结构图的复制品在兄弟会和纳瓦罗都有存放。 www.bn13.com

“ They convinced him and there was a deal, ” Spain's Europe minister, Alberto Navarro, told Reuters.
西班牙的欧洲部长阿尔伯特告诉路透社说:“在他们的劝说下,最终达成了协议。” blog.sina.com.cn

“ You need to combine all of those numbers to come up with a good understanding, ” Navarro says. “ It's not going to be easy.”
“你需要综合所有这些数字去得到一个更好的理解”, Navarro说,“这将会是不容易的”。 yeeyan

General manager Chris Wallace announced the move Thursday that surrenders the right to match any future offers if Navarro returns to the NBA.
总经理 Chris Wallace在周四宣布这一决定,如果纳瓦罗返回 NBA,则灰熊放弃一切权利。 iciba

In his only NBA season, Navarro averaged10.9 points and2.2 assists in82 games in 2007-2008.
在纳瓦罗第一个 NBA赛季,他平均砍下10.9分,2.2次助攻,出勤82场比赛。 iciba

Meanwhile, Grunfeld continues to field offers for guard Juan Carlos Navarro, who recently negotiated out of his contract with FC Barcelona of the Spanish pro league.
与此同时,格伦菲尔德也在极力争取后卫线上的胡安·卡洛斯·纳瓦罗,他与最近的西班牙巴塞罗那篮球俱乐部刚刚解约。 cpgl

Micaela Navarro, the Andalusia region's social affairs minister, said the father of the baby is also a minor, and both the mother and the baby were in good health.
安达卢西亚社会事务部长米卡埃拉•纳瓦罗称,婴儿的父亲也是未成年人,母亲和婴儿的身体状况良好。 www.china.org.cn

Napoleon Navarro is the deputy country director of the UNDP in China.
拿破仑纳瓦罗是中国国家开发署副主任。 blog.sina.com.cn

One of our PhD students Alex Navarro, who graduates next week, has based his thesis on the development of new medical devices to allow the rapid cooling of the organs.
我们的一个将于下周毕业的博士生毕业论文的题目就是研发可快速冷却器官的新型医疗器械。 dxy

With the focus on versatile design, Langarita Navarro Arquitectos thoughtfully created a flexible space capable of setting itself up as a scenario for almost any type of activity.
这个餐厅的设计追求的是五彩缤纷的元素,它旨在创造一个极其灵活自由的空间,适用于任何一种活动。 julemei

Navarro is now correctly marked on your map when you go there via the Gecko- Enclave encounter.
纳瓦罗现在是你的地图上标明正确的时候你去通过 Gecko的飞地遇到那里。 www.bn13.com

Navarro suggests that humans might have a similar type of nuclear body.
纳瓦洛认为人类的细胞核中可能也有类似的构造。 iciba

Navarro twice threw into center field trying to throw out a runner at second only to have Kershaw strand them at third in the first two innings.
纳瓦罗两次全身心地投入到中心领域,试图扔掉了亚军,仅在第三克肖钢绞线他们在首两局。 lingdi




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