

单词 nauseam
释义 nauseam 英'nɔːzɪæm美'nɔːzɪæm ●○○○○高COCA⁵⁶⁰²⁷iWeb³⁶¹⁶³
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For the last20 years, we have been negotiating, ad nauseam, with a process that has no relationship to reality, “ she said.”
阿什拉维说:“过去20年我们一直以一种跟现实脱节的过程来谈判。” putclub.com

The need for the countries of Africa to embrace free markets and the rule of law gets written about ad nauseam, sometimes even allegedly by this newspaper.
非洲需要自由市场和法治的观点已是陈词滥调,据说本报也发表过这类观点。 ecocn

The veracity of these charges has been explored ad nauseam, and at least partially refuted, but that is not the goal of this essay.
这些指控的真实性还有待考察,但是至少一部分是可以进行驳斥的,但这不是此文的目的。 yeeyan

After the 7/7 bombings in London, the “ spirit of the Blitz” was referred to ad nauseam by press and public.
在伦敦七七事件后,报纸与公众都过度地提起“伦敦大轰炸的精神”。 blog.sina.com.cn

Finally, campaigns demand heaps of money these days: TV ads are not cheap to design or to broadcast ad nauseam.
最后,这些年来竞选需要大量的钱:电视广告的设计与反反复复的播出直到令人反胃都不便宜。 edu.sina.com.cn

Hewlett-Packard's rise as a tech powerhouse is a story that's been told ad nauseam.
惠普作为一个技术发电站而崛起是一个被人们讲得令人生厌的故事。 yeeyan

Ms Whitman is now open to charges of hypocrisy, after pledging ad nauseam for a year to hold employers of illegal immigrants“ accountable”.
怀特曼女士如今正在经受伪善的指控,因为过去的一年里她都在反反复复的表示,非法移民的雇主应当“负责”。 ecocn

Since they do not have current experience using the existing process, every single little detail must discussed ad nauseam before any decision can be reached.
由于他们不具备使用现已存在的处理过程的经验,所以即使是很小的细节都要在作出任何决定之前进行没完没了的讨论。 ibm

The prime minister’s favourite pronouncement, which he likes to repeat ad nauseam, is that his government will never“put its hands in the pockets of the Italian people”.
贝卢斯科尼总理有一点实在令人作呕,就是他最爱不厌其烦地向公众宣称,他的政府永不会“将手伸进意大利人民的口袋中”。 ecocn

We can argue, ad nauseam, about which forum Mr Obama should use to level with the American people.
我们可以不厌其烦的争论奥巴马应该通过哪一平台来与美国人民开诚布公的沟通。 blog.sina.com.cn

We have heard your complaints ad nauseam.
我们已经听到你的抱怨,令人讨厌。 iciba

You need a very specific type of person for this task-- the type that can get around oceans of people and meetings ad nauseam.
您需要非常特定类型的人员来完成此任务,这类人员能够避开众多的人员和讨厌的会议。 ibm




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