

单词 art festival
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The annual rice field art festival began recently in the Aomori village of Inakadate, Japan.
日本青森县田舍馆村近日迎来一年一度的“稻田艺术节”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The Frankfurt International Book Fair, with China being the main guest of honor, and the recently concluded Europalia- China Art Festival, have brought people from both sides closer to each other.
法兰克福国际书展中国主宾国活动和不久前刚刚闭幕的欧罗巴利亚—中国艺术节则大大拉近了双方人民的距离。 hxen

The art festival session will be3 days, consisting of three main parts: Expo, Chinese Cartoon Industry Forum, Cartoon Carnival and Cartoon Evening Party.

The art festival mainly includes a grand opening ceremony and closing ceremony, large scale theatrical performances with various characteristics, and paintings and photographic exhibitions.
艺术节的内容主要包括隆重的开幕式和闭幕式,各具特色的大型文艺表演以及美术、摄影展览。 jukuu

This week was a bust week as we were preparing for the English Art Festival.
我们还要准备英语艺术节,所以本周我们过得很忙碌。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn

“ Meeting in Northeast Asia” Gala Eveninga concert of Chinese, Japanese and Korean songs& Northeast Asian Culture and Art Festival is in the process of planning.
“相约东北亚”文艺晚会中日韩歌会暨东北亚文化艺术节开幕式正在积极筹划之中。 tumenprogramme

About2,000 children are attending the Shanghai International Children's Cultural and Art Festival in the coastal city.
大约2000名儿童正在上海这个沿海城市参加上海国际少儿文化艺术节。 hxen

Every afternoon, I'll go to the People's Square to hand out to the citizens and try to explain the importance of holding this art festival.
每个下午,我将去人民广场去发给市民并且试图解释举行这次艺术节的重要性。 xiadoc

He acted the leading role in Longevity Palace which was awarded Excellent Achievement Prize in Shanghai Culture& Art Festival.
他主演的《长生殿》荣获上海文化艺术节优秀成果奖。 iciba

I attended relevant activities of Austria's Salzburg art festival which enjoys high reputation.
奥地利萨尔茨堡艺术节久负盛誉。我出席了艺术节有关活动。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

In the marry sound, let us all welcome the Hailida international kindergarten for the first session of English art festival.
在欢乐的笑声中,我们海丽达春申幼儿园的孩子们迎来了我们开园来的第一届英文艺术节。 bjchild

In February or March, the Oscars are usually being held. In end of July, there's the Malibu Art Festival, which has a bit of everything.
在二月或三月,会举行奥斯卡颁奖典礼。在七月底,则是马利布艺术节,有很多可看的东西。 yappr

Our class produced a play during the Art Festival.
艺术节期间我们班演出了一台剧。 hpjx.hpjy.edu.cn

Suzuki made a scale model of his design back in2004 but has only now unveiled his unique vessel at the recent Setouchi International Art Festival in Japan.
据悉,铃木康広早在2004年就造出了这艘摩托艇,而直到最近在日本举行的濑户内国际艺术节上,他才展出了自己独一无二的杰作。 kekenet

The International Youth Art Festival is coming.
国际青年艺术节即将来临。 xiadoc

The midterm will be done on Wednesday. The other days, we will work on decorating the door for the English art festival.
期中考试将在周三完成。其它时间我们将为英语艺术节装饰教室门。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn

There is an Art Festival, a Chinese Contest, a Music Festival and an English Party on.
校庆日有艺术节,中文比赛,音乐节和英语晚会。 blog.sina.com.cn

Third Art Festival will be held in Wenzhou ended this weekend, two visual feast will be held in Wenzhou Stationery market and the Century Plaza.
第三届温州艺术节将于本周末落幕,两场视觉宴席将分别在温州文化用品市场和世纪广场举行。 blog.sina.com.cn

Today is the open day of our school Language and Art Festival, we are so happy that you can come here to appreciate our talent show.
今天,是学校语言艺术节的开放日,您们来看我们的才艺表演,我们的心里是多么高兴啊。 blog.sina.com.cn

We are welcoming the eighth Science and Art Festival of our New Hua Chu.
我们迎来了新华初第八届科技艺术节。 iciba

We have an Art Festival at our school.
在我们学校我们举办艺术节。 wdjyzx

When do you have an Art Festival at your school?
你们什么时候会在学校有一个艺术节? iask.sina.com.cn




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