

单词 natural gas
释义 natural gas 英'nætʃərəl ɡæs美'nætʃərəl ɡæs ★☆☆☆☆高短语⁹³⁴²

a fossil fuel in the gaseous state; used for cooking and heating homes近义词 gas煤气
Libia is very rich in OIL AND NATURAL GAS.利比亚有丰富石油和天然气。
The pipeline conveysnatural gasto the Midwest.管道将天然气输送到中西部。as in.petroleum
同义词 crude oil,fossil fuel,fuel,gas,gasoline,kerosene,petrolnaphtha
petroleumnoun oil
crude oil,fossil fuel,fuel,gas,gasoline,kerosene,naphtha,petrol In the Northeast, oil prices have more than doubled since the winter of2003-2004, and are expected to be twice those for natural gas this winter.
从2003年冬季到2004年冬季,美国东北部的油价已经上涨了不只两倍,而且预计今年冬季将会涨到天然气的两倍。 yeeyan

Along with rich fishing grounds, the area is believed to have large oil and natural gas reserves.
该地区被认为拥有大量的石油和天然气资源,同时也是富饶的渔场。 yeeyan

And because it is the main ingredient in natural gas, it leaks from many older natural- gas pipelines.
而且因为甲烷是天然气的主要成分,它通过许多老式的天然气管道泄露。 yeeyan

Attention to natural gas— nearly absent from the House bill, but produced in32 states— could help as well.
对天然气的注意力——在众议院的法案里几乎缺席,但却在32个州有产量——也有帮助。 ecocn

Both sides agreed to sign an inter- government agreement on natural gas cooperation, which conforms to the policy of Russia to develop Siberia and Far East areas.
双方将争取签署政府间天然气合作协议,扩大这一领域的合作符合俄罗斯发展其西伯利亚和远东地区的政策。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Both natural gas and biogas create emissions when burned, but far less than coal and oil do.
天然气和沼气燃烧时,都会产生二氧化碳,但是要比煤和石油少得多。 yeeyan

But what of our natural gas glut?
但是天然气供过于求怎么办? yeeyan

But if natural gas is not produced cleanly, it will not prove to be so cheap, either.
但如果天然气的生产过程是不清洁的,那么它的成本低廉就无从谈起。 ecocn

In America, we have a natural gas company going bankrupt when the price of natural gas has tripled.
在美国,尽管天然气的价格已经翻了两翻,我们还是有家天然气公司破产了。 yeeyan

It produces almost no fossil fuels and imports some75% of its energy in the form of oil, coal and liquefied natural gasLNG.
它本国生产的矿石燃料少得几乎没有,并且以石油、煤和液化天然气的形式进口了75%的能源以满足其能源需要。 ecocn

Methane, the primary component of natural gas and among the more potent greenhouse gases, has far more of an effect on climate change than carbon dioxide.
甲烷是天然气的主要成分,也是温室效应相对比较高的气体之一,它对气候变化的影响远比二氧化碳强得多。 yeeyan




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