

单词 natural disposition
释义 natural disposition短语⁹⁰⁸⁸⁷⁺
The financial vulnerability is the financial natural disposition, it can cause the financial crisis in certain degree.

The natural disposition of the medium female image's return needs, the media emulates the best examples, repositions the chaste love with the rationality;
媒介女性形象本性的回归需要,媒介取法乎上,复位爱与理性; boshuo

The natural reigning beauty, and honest and sincere intension both come from my true self, from my firm and persistent natural disposition.
自然的天姿,敦厚的内涵,都是来自真实的自我,来自坚毅的秉性。 sslib

Way to fix all the blessing of a day, but without the virtue of nature, natural disposition is aggressive.
修罗道众生有天的福,但无天人之德,生性好斗。 bingzheng

But tea natural disposition is cold, cool, have low blood pressure, pregnancy, and period of women do not take.
不过茶生性寒、凉,有低血压、怀孕、和经期的女性请勿服用。 fs500

Charlotte Bronte the natural disposition is arrogant, pursues and yearns for all fine things.
夏洛蒂生性孤傲,追求并向往一切美好的东西。 haozhu

During the process of history, the intelligence and natural disposition of the state has strong influence on the development of system and the prosperity of the state.
在长期的历史进程中,国民的智力、禀性对制度进步及国家兴衰起关键性作用。 cnki

Edgar Morin's unique family background and natural disposition were favorable to the formation of his complex thinking.
莫兰独特的出身?禀性和经历有利于他最终形成复杂性思想。 dictall.com

Her natural disposition was intelligent, deeply doted on her parents, and had accepted the good cultural education.
生性聪慧,深受父母宠爱,接受了良好的文化教育。 cnki

My brother natural disposition is naughty but everyone knows, even the classmate all around me afraid of him.
我的弟弟生性顽皮可是人尽皆知,连我身边的同学都怕了他。 blog.sina.com.cn

One's natural disposition is stupid.

Seeking the natural disposition of mind becomes the highest level of intelligence for several millenniums during the civilization of mankind.
对心灵本性的求索,成为几千年人类文明的最高智慧。 cnki

Selfish really is woman's natural disposition.

That is, a person's external behavior manner is its intrinsic natural disposition performance.

The various countries usually all requests if a root natural disposition breaks a contract or significantly breaks a contract time, another one only then terminates a contract.
各国通常都要求如果一方根本性的违约或重大违约时,另一方可以解除合同。 iask.sina.com.cn

Thing contradictory both sides have the trend balanced natural disposition, the things develop direction always tend to comprehensive, the best dynamical equilibrium.
事物矛盾双方都有趋向平衡的本性,事物发展方向总是趋向综合的、最佳的动态平衡。 fw789

Zhang Kejiu takes Sanqu verse to describe landscapes and to express natural disposition and intelligence.
小山将散曲当作诗来创作,描写山水,抒写性灵。 cnki




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