

单词 natural calamities
释义 natural calamities
It's one of the important forms of foreshadowing for prediction, dreamland, natural calamities, augury, etc.
其中预言、梦境、灾异、卜筮等都是伏笔艺术的重要表现形式。 cnki

With Average W. A is the cover under which the insurer is responsible for the partial losses of the insured goods and protects them against damage from seawater caused by natural calamities.
投保水渍险意味着一旦发生自然灾害引起海水侵害被保险货物造成部分损失,保险人将负责赔偿; cn9f

Damage or loss caused by natural calamities or force majeure. For value-insured mail, these circumstances are limited to losses caused by war.
二因天灾事变或其他不可抗力之情事致损失者。但保价邮件,以因战事致有损失为限。 cntranslators

Enhance safe take precautions against natural calamities and the security that defend insurance property.
加强安全防灾和维护保险财产的安全。 iciba

This is something that Singaporeans who have grown used to affluence and have little experiences with natural calamities should ponder about.
单就这一点,便对丰衣足食、少有机会经历天灾的新加坡人有深重意义。 hotdic

Undertake take precautions against natural calamities prevents the another obligation that caustic job is an underwriter actively.
积极进行防灾防损工作是保险人的又一义务。 http://dj.iciba.com




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