

单词 natter
释义 nat·ter 英ˈnætə美ˈnætɚAHDnătʹər ☆☆☆☆☆COCA⁷⁸³⁵⁹BNC⁶⁰⁸⁶⁵iWeb⁵³⁴⁷⁶
talk socially without exchanging too much information;

the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze

拟声词。比较chatter,mutter.natter away亲热地谈个没完…
近义词 jaw颚chat闲谈talk交谈visit拜访confab会议chatter饶舌blather胡说blether胡说claver闲谈…chitchat闲谈chaffer 讲价gossip流言蜚语have a chat谈天confabulate闲谈chit-chat无聊话conversation谈话chew the fat闲聊chinwag聊天; 谈天prattle小孩般说话shoot the breeze闲聊

用作动词Henatteredabout his work.他唠叨自己的工作。
I can'tnatteryou far and near.我不能到处把你絮叨。
Conservative politicians in particular like tonatteron about family values.保守派的政客们尤其喜欢对家庭价值观谈个不休。用作名词Dianna came in,as soon as she saw the usual coffee, andnatterwas up.黛安娜进来,一见又是那常喝的咖啡,便抱怨开来。as in.buzz
同义词 chattercall,inform,rumor,tattle
反义词 conceal,hideas in.chatter
同义词 babble,blather,cackleblab,chat,chitchat,clack,gab,gabble,gas,gibber,gossip,jabber,jaw,palaver,prate,prattle,tattle,twaddle,twiddle,yakgo on and on
反义词 be quietdrawl
buzzverb gossip
chatterverb speak fast and non-stop
babble,blab,blather,cackle,chat,chitchat,clack,gab,gabble,gas,gibber,go on and on,gossip,jabber,jaw,natter,palaver,prate,prattle,tattle,twaddle,twiddle,yak
chatteredverb speak fast and non-stop
babbled,blabbed,blathered,cackled,chatted,chitchated,clacked,gabbed,gabbled,gassed,gibbered,gossiped,jabbered,jawed,nattered,palavered,prated,prattled,tattled,twaddled,twiddled,went on and on,yakked Among the natter there are these sentences of wisdom.
闲谈中夹有这些充满明智的语句。 odict.net

He stood for a moment in the doorway of the Great Hall, listening to the two nobles natter.

Second, most poker is still played socially, whether in casinos or at home, and you can't have a beer and a natter with a bot.
其次,扑克牌游戏大多还是在娱乐场所或家里许多人一起玩,而计算机却无法陪你喝酒聊天。 ecocn

That Neanderthals also shared with moderns the single known genetic component of speech is another clue that they possessed the necessary apparatus for having a good natter.
尼安德特人与现代人共享语言遗传基因的线索还有他们拥有交谈所必须的器官。 ecocn

The Dutch duo had a good natter about the club while the World Cup finals were taking place and although Kromkamp's future is unclear, he didn't have a bad word to say about us.
在世界杯期间两个荷兰人聊过俱乐部,虽然克隆坎浦在俱乐部的前途未卜,但他并没有说我们的坏话。 lfcfans




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