

单词 nativism
释义 na·tiv·ism 英ˈneɪtɪˌvɪzəm美ˈnetɪˌvɪzəmAHDnāʹtĭ-vĭz'əm 高COCA⁵³¹⁹⁵BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb⁴⁵⁶⁶⁵Economist¹¹⁹⁴⁹
the policy of perpetuating native cultures in opposition to acculturationphilosophy the philosophical theory that some ideas are innatenativ-ism学|术|症|法⇒n.先天论⁶⁰;天性论²⁰;土著保护政策²⁰ In Maharashtra, for example, it has adopted a less rabid brand of nativism than Shiv Sena's.
例如,对马哈拉施特拉邦,国大党采纳了比湿党狂热民族主义略逊的本土化政策; ecocn

The European Court of Human Rights has a role to play in curbing the sort of religious nativism that crimps individual liberties;
欧洲人权法院需要在阻止宗教先天论者限制个体自由方面发挥应有的作用; ecocn.org

The nativism of China's eco- ethic has ample bases: The serious situation of ecological environment forms its realities foundation;
中国生态伦理本土化的合理依据在于:中国的生态环境现状是本土化的现实基础; fabiao

“ West centralism” and“ Nativism” are two opposite orientation in the development of higher education under the context of globalization.
“西方中心主义”和“本土主义”是在全球化背景下发展高等教育的两种对立的取向。 cnki

But then the Republican- dominated House wrecked the whole thing in a fit of crude nativism.
但是,其后,共和党主导的众议院却因为一时的本土主义思想而将整个计划都全盘否定。 topsage

Critics who branded the book as a work of undisguised nativism missed an essential point.
那些把这本书看作是不假掩饰的排外主义作品的评论家们忽略了一个关键问题。 yeeyan

He appealed to his country's nativism.
他求助于这个国家的排外主义。 yeeyan

In contrast, the U. S., despite occasional fits of nativism, remains remarkably successful at integrating cultures from around the globe.
相比之下,美国虽然也有合适于本土的文化,但仍然相当成功的融合了来自世界各地的文化。 yeeyan

Opposition Conservatives accuse Gordon Brown of having stoked the embers of nativism with a pledge of “ British jobs for British workers” in2007.
反对党保守党指责英国首相戈登•布朗 Gordon Brown给本土化的余烬添柴加炭,他在2007年曾许诺“英国就业机会只给英国工人”。 ecocn

Such nativism is common of the federal parliament in Berne, with its William Tell statue and painted tributes to such Swiss virtues as “ Wisdom” and“ Prosperity”.
在伯尔尼联邦议会上,瑞士的这种排外主义随处可见,比如威廉泰尔的雕像,对瑞士美德中的“智慧”和“繁荣”表达敬意的油画。 ecocn

Nativism is the rational selection for the third sector on the view of relationship between government and the third sector.
在政府与第三部门的关系视角下,本土化的营设是第三部门发展的理性选择。 cnki




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