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词汇 native
释义 na·tive 英ˈneɪtɪv美ˈnetɪvAHDnāʹtĭv ★★★☆☆初高四六研I牛4COCA¹⁶¹³BNC³²⁸⁴iWeb¹⁸⁸⁹Economist³⁰⁶⁶


belonging to or being the place of one's birth


not brought in from another place


of a quality belonging to sb from birth; not learned


sb who lives in a place all the time or has lived there a long time

an indigenous person who was born in a particular place;

the art of the natives of the northwest coast

the Canadian government scrapped plans to tax the grants to aboriginal college students

a person born in a particular place or country;

he is a native of Brazil

indigenous plants and animals
characteristic of or existing by virtue of geographic origin;

the native North American sugar maple

many native artists studied abroad

belonging to one by birth;

my native land

one's native language

characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning;

native Americans

the aboriginal peoples of Australia

as found in nature in the elemental form;

native copper

native, natural


native侧重于出生或起源; natural侧重于出自自然而非出自加工。








用作形容词 adj.
~+名词native ability天生的才能native land本国,祖国native language本族语言native produce company土产公司native tongue母语动词+~go native入乡随俗~+介词native to动植物原产于…的,原属于…的native to America原产于美洲的用作名词 n.动词+~mix with the natives与土著人交往形容词+~brawny natives强壮的土著人friendly native友好的本地人hostile native不友好的本地人介词+~like the native像当地人一样~+介词native of生于…的人,原产于…的动植物native of London伦敦人
用作形容词adj.go native

移民、游客接受当地人的而放弃自己的风俗习惯 adopt the customs of the local people and abandon those of one's own

方振宇词汇奥秘nat出生+ive名词兼形容词后缀→天生的,出生地的,本地人非常记忆na那〖拼音〗+tive踢我〖谐音〗⇒那个踢我的人是本地人nat出生+ive名词兼形容词后缀⇒天生的,出生地的,本地人词根记忆nat+ive近义词 genuinenationalresidentinhabitantadj. domesticinstinctiven. citizen反义词 outsiderstrangern. foreigner
~+ n.French is not my native language.法语不是我的母语。
This dictionary is specially intended for people whose native tongue is not English.这部辞典是专为母语不是英语的人们所编写的。
It is a severe punishment to be exiled from one's native land.从本国流放异国他乡是一种严厉的惩罚。
The traveller hungered for his native land.这个旅行者渴望回到自己的祖国去。
This is my native land and I'll defend it with my life!这是我的祖国,我将用生命保卫她。
I arrived that evening at my native town.那天傍晚我到达我的故乡。
These native pots are slowly built into a fine collection.这些本地产的盆盆罐罐逐渐积成了可观的收藏品。
Oak, ash and thorn are native English trees.橡树、白蜡树和蒺藜原产于英国。
The elections were over and the first native Governor was inaugurated.选举结束,第一个在当地土生土长的州长走马上任了。
Having lived in Shanghai for a decade or so, he still leans towards his native dishes.在上海虽已住了10年左右,他还是喜欢吃家乡菜。
All native traffic is prohibited for three months.当地交通被禁止通行三个月。
His native musical ability impressed his teacher.他天生的音乐才能给老师留下了深刻印象。
S+be+~+to n./pron.She was native to Shanghai.她原籍上海。
Banana is native to Taiwan.香蕉是台湾的土产。
The panda is native to west China.熊猫产于中国西部。
The ability to swim is native to fish.鱼生来就会游泳。用作名词n.His Chinese is so good that he could pass for anative.他的汉语如此好以至于别人误以为他是中国人。
After living among the natives for twenty years, the painter forgot his own language and civilized ways of life.那位画家在当地人群中生活了20年之后忘了自己的语言并忘记了文明的生活方式。
The natives look down their noses at foreigners.这些本国人看不起外国人。
The election committee itself was formed with four women members who were natives .选举委员会由四名女委员组成,她们都是本地人。
The natives send news over long distances by beating out a message on a hollow log.土著人用敲击空心木杆的办法向远方传送消息。
The natives used to hammer the metal into arrowheads using heavy stones.土著人以前总是用沉重的石头把这种金属锤打成箭头。Pnativelyad.生来地天然地Pnativeborn本国生的本地生的土著的Pnative-borna.土著的本地生的土生土长的







用作形容词He's emigrated to the USA and gone completelynative.他已移居美国,完全成了美国人。
Mynativelanguage is Chinese.我的母语是汉语。
You can tell from his blue eyes that he isn'tnativeto China.你可以从他的蓝眼睛看出他不是中国本土的人。
This house was built ofnativestones.这间屋子是用当地的石头建的。用作名词The kangaroo is anativeof Australia.袋鼠是产于澳大利亚的动物。
He is a Beijingnative.他是土生土长的北京人。adj.innate, inherent
同义词 endemic,indigenous,naturalconstitutional,essential,fundamental,natal,original,real,wildbuilt-in,congenital,connate,connatural,genuine,hereditary,implanted,inborn,inbred,ingrained,inherited,instinctive,intrinsic,inveterate,inwrought,unacquired
反义词 auxiliary,minor,secondary,unimportantalien,foreign,outsideadj.domestic, home
同义词 endemic,homegrown,indigenous,primitiveaboriginal,belonging,local,national,original,primaryautochthonous,from,homemade,primeval,regional
反义词 foreignalien,outsidenoun.(offensiveperson born in the country in which he/she dwells)
同义词 citizen,inhabitant,nationalaboriginal,aborigine,autochthon,dweller,indigene,localhome towner
反义词 alien,foreigner,immigrant,stranger
aboriginaladjective original, first in a place
aboriginalnoun original inhabitant
aboriginenoun first inhabitant
autochthonaladjective indigenous
autochthonicadjective indigenous
autochthonousadjective earliest
aboriginal,endemic,native The topic of illegal immigration dominates the politics of Latinos in America, whether they are native born or not.
非法移民的话题主宰了在美国的拉美人的政治,不过他们是否在本地出生。 ecocn

What of the criticism that these workers are displacing native scientists who would have been just as inventive?
关于这些工作者正在替代本国的科学家就如替代创新一样的指责是什么? ecocn

And, if your application only supports your native tongue and location, then for most cases, you won't have to add entries in the resource bundle.
并且,如果您的应用程序只支持本国语言和位置,那么在大多数情况下,不必向资源包中添加新条目。 ibm

But she says all the teachers are trained in native culture and history.
但是她说全部教师已经进行了本地文化和历史的培训。 ebigear

However, the realities of building“ native tongue” versions of an application are far from ideal.
然而,构建“本地方言”版本的应用程序的情况远远没有这么理想。 ibm

I believe that much of this is native idiocy: the infantile blathering of people who have no idea how to engage in debate.
我相信其中大部分属于与生俱来的愚蠢言论——那些不知道应该怎样加入讨论的人的幼稚胡话。 yeeyan

I'm a native of this place.; I was born here.

Managed applications that are opened from network shares have the same behavior as native applications by running with full trust.
从网络共享文件里打开的托管应用运行时和本地应用拥有一样的行为,即完全信任。 infoq

No one native platform gives developers that kind of productivity let alone giving them the ability to port across platforms.
没有一种本地平台给予了开发者这种生产力,放手让他们能够在多个平台间移植。 infoq

Once they are running, you can start to migrate them into native J2EE applications.
一旦它们运行,您就可以开始把它们移植到本地的 J2EE应用程序。 ibm

One key feature for software to be used worldwide is the ability to work in the native language of the user.
软件要想在全球得到广泛使用,一个关键特性是它需要能够以用户的本地语言进行操作。 ibm

One of the first areas you will see us invest is in native libraries.
您将会看到的我们首先投资的一个领域是本地库。 joycode

She is not American Indian, and she says there is only one native teacher.
她不是美国印第安人,她说这里只有一个本土的老师。 hjenglish

She says the kids learn about native culture and the Pilgrims and how people at that time grew their own food.
她说,孩子们了解本土文化和那些清教徒,以及当时的人是如何种植自己的食物。 hjenglish

Some cities and firms in China are quick to exploit the opportunity to lure back native talent.
中国的一些城市和公司快速的利用这个机会,希望把本国人才引诱回来。 yeeyan

This model allows for fast and efficient class transformation, and unlike some earlier methods, does not require a native component to work.
这种模型允许快速有效地传输类,并且与前面的一些方法不同,它不需要本地组件参与工作。 ibm

Translation issues resulting in the loss of information or precision due to a lack of a one-to-one mapping shared by native and XSD data types.
由于缺乏本地和 XSD数据类型所共享的一对一的映射,所以转译问题导致了信息的丢失或精度的降低。 ibm

Visitors have the feeling of walking in the desert surrounded by native plants and wildlife.
游客们感到就像走在被本土植物和野生动物环绕的沙漠之中。 hjenglish

Native Americans once wove baskets and sandals from this tree's leaves and ate its buds and seeds.
土著美国人曾经用这个树的叶子来编织篮子和凉鞋,吃它的嫩芽和种子。 yeeyan




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