

单词 arteriovenous
释义 ar·te·ri·o·ve·nous 英ɑːˌtɪəriːəʊˈviːnəs美ɑrˌtɪrioˈvinəsAHDär-tîr'ē-ō-vēʹnəs 高COCA⁸⁸⁸⁰⁸BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb⁴²²²⁷

connecting an artery to a vein;

an arteriovenous fistula

arteriovenous crossing动静脉交叉arteriovenous shunt动静脉短路arteriovenous fistula动静脉瘘arteriovenous hemangioma动静脉性血管瘤…arteriovenous aneurysm动静脉瘤congenital pulmonary arteriovenous fistula先天性肺动脉静脉瘘…arteriovenous anastomosis动静脉吻合,动静脉吻…congenital arteriovenous malformation先天性动静脉畸形…coronary arteriovenous fistula冠状动静脉瘘…arteriovenous bridge动静脉桥congenital arteriovenous fistula先天性动静脉瘘…arteriovenous malformation动静脉畸形arteriovenous oxygen difference动静脉氧差
arterio-管道-ven-ous…的⇒动静脉的 According to the results of FFA, both retinal arteriovenous return time and retinal vein filling time were lengthened in cases with DM, especially the retinal vein filling time.
随糖尿病视网膜病变程度的加重,视网膜静脉回流时间、视网膜静脉充盈时间亦存在延长的趋势。 cnki

The incidence of tile with increased damage is increased, is common arteriovenous mixed diseases.
后天性的发病率随着各种损伤的增多有升高趋势,是常见的动静脉混合性疾病。 uuu120.com

The usefulness of this system for arteriovenous malformation AVM surgery was evaluated prospectively.
此系统在动静脉畸形 AVM手术中的作用已获得前瞻性评价。 dxy

At the tip of the villus, arterioles send out one branch to form an arteriovenous anastomosis with the vein.
微动脉在绒毛顶部与微静脉有交通支,构成动静脉吻合。 cnki

Cerebral aneurysm and arteriovenous malformation are frequent disease of cerebral vessels.
脑动脉瘤和脑动静脉畸形是脑血管最常见的疾病。 cnki

Conclusion: MSCT and its reconstruction techniques have important value in diagnosing pulmonary arteriovenous malformation, and can provide important information for treatment.
结论: MSCT及重建技术对肺动静脉畸形的诊断具有重要价值,并能为治疗提供重要依据。 cnki

Congenital malformations, blood is because in arteriovenous formed between capillary directly without access to multiple and diffuse disease.
先天性是因血管发育畸形,在动静脉之间形成的不经过毛细血管的直接通路,常为多发性和弥漫性病变。 uuu120.com

Many causative factors have been implicated including trauma, coagulopathies, rupture of arteriovenous malformations, vertebral body hemangiomas, hypertension, and pregnancy.
诱发因素包括许多:创伤、凝血病、动静脉畸形破裂、椎体血管瘤、高血压以及妊娠。 dxyer

Objective:To compare the utility time and complications between end- end and end- side anastomosis for arteriovenous fistula.
目的:比较端端及端侧血管吻合术建立标准动静脉内瘘的使用时间及并发症。 cnki

Results The main manifestations of HHT involving the livers were:Hepatic arteries were dilated, flow velocities were accelerated, and arteriovenous malformations were found in livers.
结果 HHT肝脏受累超声表现主要为肝动脉扩张、肝动脉流速加快及肝内动静脉畸形等。 cnki

Arteriovenous anastomoses are best developed in the digits.
指趾部有丰富的动静脉吻合。 blog.sina.com.cn

Arteriovenous fistulas are generating abnormal traffic between blood capillary network, across from artery directly into a vein.
动静脉瘘是动静脉之间产生异常交通,使血液越过毛细血管网由动脉直接进入静脉。 uuu120.com




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