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词汇 natanz
释义 natanzEconomist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
A visit to the uranium enrichment facility in Natanz is also on the agenda.
访问日程还包括访问纳坦兹的浓缩铀设施。 edu114

A visit to the uranium enrichment facility in Natanz is also on the agenda.

And, as the report notes, making the fuel is precisely what Iran continues to do in defiance of UN Security Council resolutions at its uranium- enrichment plant at Natanz.
报告提示,伊朗无视联合国安理会决议,正在纳坦兹的工厂里继续实行铀浓缩。 ecocn

And, as the report notes, making the fuel is precisely what Iran continues to do in defiance of UN Security Council resolutions at its uranium- enrichment plant at Natanz.
报告提示,伊朗无视联合国安理会决议,正在纳坦兹的工厂里继续实行铀浓缩。 ecocn

At his rally on February11th Mr Ahmadinejad boasted that a nuclear plant at Natanz had successfully enriched uranium from3.5% to 19.75% for the first time.
2月11日的集会上,内贾德吹嘘在纳坦兹的核计划已首次成功将铀从3.5%浓缩至19.75%。 ecocn

Iran’s plans for Qom include installing faster- spinning centrifuge machines than those now enriching uranium at its other known plant, at Natanz.
伊朗对于库姆核工厂的计划包括安装比位于纳坦兹的另一家核工厂的浓缩铀机器转速更快的离心分离机。 ecocn

The controllers were critical to operations at Natanz, a sprawling enrichment site in the desert.
控制器对沙漠中错综复杂的纳坦兹的运作至关紧要。 yeeyan

The controllers were critical to operations at Natanz, a sprawling enrichment site in the desert.
控制器对沙漠中错综复杂的纳坦兹的运作至关紧要。 yeeyan

The Iranians may quietly slow the addition of more centrifuges to their cascade at Natanz, in central Iran;
伊朗人可能不动声色地放缓在伊朗中部纳坦兹小瀑布增加更多的离心机; ecocn

The Iranians may quietly slow the addition of more centrifuges to their cascade at Natanz, in central Iran;
伊朗人可能不动声色地放缓在伊朗中部纳坦兹小瀑布增加更多的离心机; ecocn

The low- enriched uranium at Natanz, enough for one test, has neither been moved nor enriched to weapons grade.
在纳坦兹的低浓缩铀虽然够得上一次实验,但既未移动也未浓缩到武器级别。 yeeyan

The low- enriched uranium at Natanz, enough for one test, has neither been moved nor enriched to weapons grade.
在纳坦兹的低浓缩铀虽然够得上一次实验,但既未移动也未浓缩到武器级别。 yeeyan

“ The shortest route to Natanz lies across Iraq and the US has total control of Iraqi airspace”, the official said.

According to Reuters, an Iranian news agency quoting an “ informed source” said the second plant was similar to Iran's first facility near Natanz.
据路透社报道,伊朗通讯社引述“消息人士”的话说,这第二家工厂与伊朗位于纳坦兹附近的第一家相类似。 yeeyan

And to get the uranium to weapons grade it has only to run the stuff often enough through Natanz's centrifuges.
而提纯铀到武器级别仅需要多运行几次纳坦兹的离心分离机就是了。 ecocn

And to get the uranium to weapons grade it has only to run the stuff often enough through Natanz's centrifuges.
而提纯铀到武器级别仅需要多运行几次纳坦兹的离心分离机就是了。 ecocn

Another choke-point is the Natanz enrichment facility;
另一个瓶颈就是 Natanz的铀浓缩设施; topsage

Behind Dimona’s barbed wire, the experts say, Israel has spun nuclear centrifuges virtually identical to Iran’s at Natanz, where Iranian scientists are struggling to enrich uranium.
专家说,以色列在迪莫纳的铁丝网后面运转离心机,其性质和伊朗科学家拼命搞核浓缩的纳坦兹相仿。 yeeyan

Behind Dimona’s barbed wire, the experts say, Israel has spun nuclear centrifuges virtually identical to Iran’s at Natanz, where Iranian scientists are struggling to enrich uranium.
专家说,以色列在迪莫纳的铁丝网后面运转离心机,其性质和伊朗科学家拼命搞核浓缩的纳坦兹相仿。 yeeyan

But the mild sanctions imposed so far are not working, and now the technological clock in Natanz is outrunning the diplomatic clock at the United Nations.
但迄今为止实施的温和制裁均不奏效,在纳兹坦技术上的进展速度超过在联合国外交上的进展速度。 ecocn

Five years after the United Nations Security Council ordered it to halt uranium enrichment, Iran still has thousands of centrifuges spinning at its Natanz plant.
在联合国安理会要求伊朗停止铀浓缩活动5年后,纳坦兹工厂仍有成千上万个铀浓缩离心机在工作。 yeeyan

For example, while tightening sanctions, it could offer to talk to Iran about all aspects of their troubled relations, even before work at Natanz stopped.
例如,只要能加紧制裁,甚至可以在纳坦兹的工作停止之前,提议与伊朗进行全面对话。 ecocn

Iran had long contended that its enrichment plant at Natanz was intended for peaceful purposes and was open to international inspection.
伊朗长期抗拒接受对其位于纳坦兹的铀浓缩工厂进行基于和平目的公开核查。 ecocn

Iran had long contended that its enrichment plant at Natanz was intended for peaceful purposes and was open to international inspection.
伊朗长期抗拒接受对其位于纳坦兹的铀浓缩工厂进行基于和平目的公开核查。 ecocn

Iran says the plant was meant to be the second enrichment plant, to back up the publicly- declared facility in Natanz.
伊朗称,该核设施原打算用做第二座铀浓缩工厂,用于支持其公开宣布的纳兹兰核设施。 topsage

Israel's construction of centrifuges for this purpose, simulation of the centrifuges in Natanz nuclear facility.
以色列为此专门建造离心机,模拟伊朗纳坦兹核设施内的离心机。 securepub

It could even be at Natanz, Iran's enrichment plant, says Meier.
梅伊尔说,甚至可以建在伊朗铀浓缩工厂所在的纳坦兹。 yeeyan

It could even be at Natanz, Iran's enrichment plant, says Meier.
梅伊尔说,甚至可以建在伊朗铀浓缩工厂所在的纳坦兹。 yeeyan

Last year the number of working centrifuges at Natanz dropped, though it is unclear whether this was the result of Stuxnet.
尽管并不清楚是不是 Stuxnet蠕虫造成的,去年纳坦兹正常工作的离心机数量减少了。 ecocn

Last year the number of working centrifuges at Natanz dropped, though it is unclear whether this was the result of Stuxnet.
尽管并不清楚是不是 Stuxnet蠕虫造成的,去年纳坦兹正常工作的离心机数量减少了。 ecocn

No enrichment is yet taking place at Natanz, but diplomats accredited to the IAEA said Friday it may start within days.
还没有铀浓缩活动在 Natanz开展,但周五国际原子能机构的外交官说这项工作可能在近期内开始。 jysls

Now it is spinning the gas through thousands of centrifuges it has installed at the underground enrichment plant it built secretly in Natanz, south of Tehran.
现在它又在通过安装在纳坦兹地下浓缩工厂的数千台离心机分离这些气体。 ecocn

The target may have been the centrifuges at its nuclear refinery at Natanz.
其目标可能是位于纳坦兹核精炼厂的离心器。 ecocn

The target may have been the centrifuges at its nuclear refinery at Natanz.
其目标可能是位于纳坦兹核精炼厂的离心器。 ecocn

While the enrichment machines at Natanz keep spinning, that would still only temporarily deplete Iran’s reserves.
虽然位于 Natanz的浓缩机器仍保持运转,但仍将只是暂时消耗伊朗的储藏量。 ecocn




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