

单词 nass
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Naval Anti-Submarine School 海军反潜学校
Rep Been is a member of Boss Nass's Gungan High Council.
比恩议事是纳斯头领的冈根高级会议的一员。 starwarschina

The Gungans are ruled by Boss Nass and his Rep Council, from the High Tower Board Room of Otoh Gunga.
冈根人的领袖是纳斯头领及其代表会议,他们在奥托冈加城内的高塔会议室里进行统治。 starwarsfans.cn

The time of each stage of labor, mode of delivery and postpartum hemorrhage, gases analysis of umbilical blood and the Neonatal Neurologic Adaptive Capacity Score NASSwere recorded.
观察分娩各产程时间、分娩方式、产后出血、脐血血气分析及新生儿神经适应能力评分等; cnki

Unconsciously, they didn’t want to“ hurt the computer’s feelings”, said Nass.
很明显, Nass说,这是因为他们潜意识里不想“伤害电脑的感情。” yeeyan

“ Everything distracts them,” observed Clifford Nass, the professor who heads the Stanford lab.
根据这个斯坦福大学实验室的主任克里福德纳斯的观察,“每件事都使他们分心”。 yeeyan

Another issue Nass examined was persuasion, in particular in the area of recommendations.
Nass研究的另一个方面是劝说,特别是在推销产品的领域中。 yeeyan

Following the defeat of the Trade Federation, overcrowding became a prime concern for Boss Nass and the Rep Council.
贸易联邦溃败后,人口密度过大成为纳斯头领和代表会议面对的首要难题。 starwarsfans.cn

In a society that seems to encourage more and more multitasking, the findings have social implications, Nass observed.
纳斯注意到,在这个似乎鼓励做多重任务的社会环境下,此项发现具有社会影响。 ebigear

One of the subjects Nass tackled, and discusses in the book, is team- building.
Nass 想要解决的和在书中讨论的一个话题是团队建设的问题。 yeeyan

So the leaders of other First Nations will not be the only ones watching the Nass valley with interest.
所以密切关注纳斯谷动静的人将不仅仅是其它“第一民族”的首领们。 ecocn

Stirred by her words, Nass agreed to join forces with the Naboo to rid the planet of the Trade Federation.
纳斯被她的言辞打动,同意和纳布人联手发兵将贸易联盟赶出这个星球。 starwarsfans.cn

The final straw was a disastrous display before Boss Nass.
压倒他的最后一根稻草是他在纳斯头领面前灾难性表现。 starwarsfans

This is home to the government of the Gungans, where their leader, Boss Nass, resided.
它既是冈根政府所在地,也是冈根领导人纳斯头领的住所。 starwarsfans.cn

USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service NASS said in a statement that it gathered most of the data before the worst of the flooding occurred.
美国农业部下属的国家农业统计处 NASS在一份报告中说,他们已在最严重的洪水发生之前收集到了大部分数据。 www.21food.cn

When the Trade Federation invaded Naboo, Boss Nass chose to remain uninvolved in the conflict.
当贸易联盟入侵纳布时,纳斯头领决定置身事外。 starwarsfans.cn

When it came to such essential abilities, people who did a lot of multitasking didn't score as well as others, Nass said.
当涉及到这些关键能力时,担任多重任务的人得分没有其他人高,纳斯如是说。 ebigear

Nass, through his work in human- computer interaction, realized that he had found the perfect, consistent confederate: a computer.
而通过研究人与计算机的关系, Nass意识到他发现了人类完美的,始终如一的搭档:计算机。 yeeyan

NASS is the cornerstone of the new era of large-scale network computing.
NASS是大规模网络计算新时期的基石。 dictall




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