

单词 Naruto
释义 NarutoCOCA²⁴⁵³⁵¹
n.鸣门在日本;东经 134º37' 北纬 34º11'
BLEACH and Naruto are both solid series that I also enjoy, but there is just something about One Piece that is so much fun that I never want to miss a chapter or episode.
《死神》和《火影忍者》也是我非常喜欢的两部作品。但是《海贼王》实在是太有意思了,我不想错过任何一章或一集。 yeeyan

Huo Ying was the fourth generation of the village were considered to be a hero, but he hoped that the village people will be similarly treated Naruto as a hero.
第四代火影被村里的人觉得是好汉,但他更盼望村里的人一样地将鸣人当作好汉对待。 lilv8

Huo Ying was the fourth generation of their own lives to seal the nine Yaohu newborn children both four generations of the Watergate affair Huoying their children Naruto Uzumaki people.
当时的第四代火影捐躯本身的人命,把九尾妖狐封印在刚诞生的孩子既是四代火影风波水门本身的孩子旋涡鸣人身上。 lilv8

Miss Qi usually like to watch“One Piece”, “ Naruto” fighting like the animated cartoon blood.
齐小姐平时最喜欢看《海贼王》、《火影忍者》之类的热血战斗动漫剧。 dw188

Sasukes vengeful eyes invoke the real strength of Naruto!
佐助的复仇的眼神是真正的火影力量! showye

“ Naruto: ” What do you mean?
鸣人:你是什么意思? zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org

By that logic, Naruto and Kakashi are both gay simply because they have hit somebody on the rear.
按照这个逻辑,鸣人和卡卡西都是同性恋了,因为他们都有攻击别人的屁眼。 comicdd

Even without their knowledge for future generations, parents of infection, there is also alienated Naruto.
就连他们不知情的后代,在父母的传染下,亦生疏鸣人。 lilv8

He made Naruto look like a total moron.
他使鸣人变得像一个低能者。 yappr

One day, Naruto belongs to Class VII took over the country protect the ghost witch, “ Aster” task, but it has encountered ghosts on the way Army attacks.
某日,鸣人所属的第七班接下保护鬼之国巫女“紫苑”的任务,然而却在途中遇到幽灵军团的攻击。 vcddvd88.com

Puppet of a group of immortal soldiers, to Naruto, a pedestrian into a bitter struggle.
一群不死之身的傀儡兵,让鸣人一行人陷入苦战。 vcddvd88

Re-forming the third-generation descendants of Huo Ying has banned the villagers and that this9 Yaohu raid events, but still can not stop people from discrimination in Naruto.
从头复出的第三代火影已经制止村民和后代提到此次的九尾妖狐突袭变乱,可是仍不能制止人们鄙视鸣人。 lilv8

Subsequently, the “ Naruto” in TV animation in Japan, Tokyo, television has become the most popular animation works.
随后,《火影忍者》的 TV动画在日本东京电视台播放,成为最受欢迎的动漫作品之一。 lilv8

Therefore, Naruto childhood Beishou isolation.
因而,鸣人从小倍受孤立。 dqlb

This is “Sadness and Sorrow” from the anime, Naruto. It sounds very beautiful on the ocarina and I hope you enjoy it!

Naruto clone: Is anyone here able to get in touch with the contact team?
鸣人兼顾:这里谁能和通讯小队联络上? rr2

Naruto clone: Please put me in touch with them now!
鸣人兼顾:请立即让自己和他们联络! rr2

Naruto, Shikamaru, and Sakura are executing their mission of delivering a lost pet to a certain village.
火之国的忍者村-木叶隐忍村中的下忍漩涡鸣人,今日也一如往常地被交付一些小儿科的任务。 animelv.com

Naruto, the Japanese manga series, came fourth in the list.
日本动画片《火隐忍者》名列第四。 neworiental

Naruto or Sasuke?Make your choice!
鸣人还是佐助,选择吧! hcbbs




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