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词汇 narratology
释义 narratology 英nærə'tɒlədʒɪ美nærə'tɒlədʒɪ COCA³⁴⁰⁶⁴BNC⁷⁴⁸¹⁶
James Phelan had enlarged the researching range of Wayne C Booth, and it just embodies the developing trend from “ narratology” to“ narratologies”.
詹姆斯·费伦扩展了韦恩·布斯的研究范围,而这正好体现了“前叙事学”向“新叙事学”的发展趋势。 iciba

The goals of narratology are clear: to discover, describe and explain the mechanics of narrative, the elements responsible for its form and functioning.
叙事学的目标很明确,即发现描述并解释叙事作品的结构以及在叙事形式和功能中起作用的各个部分。 iciba

The Great Gatsby, which is commonly set as a model for modern art of novels, supplies us an enormous practical space to study and exercise the theory of narratology.
堪称现代小说艺术之楷模的《了不起的盖茨比》为我们提供了学习和研究叙事学理论的广阔的实践空间。 cnki

The Heart of Darkness is a work which is of the significance of initiative and transition in narratology.
《黑暗的心脏》就是一部在叙述学上具有开创性和转折性意义的叙事作品。 cnki

According to narratology, a novel has its story time and narrative time.
小说叙事学认为小说存在“故事时间”和“叙事时间”。 cnki

According to narratology, dialogue can shorten the narrative distance between writer and reader, control the point of view in narration, and eliminate writer's intervention.
从叙述学的角度看,对话达到缩短叙述距离,控制叙述角度,消除作者介入的目的。 cnki

Because of culture- society critic's rising after the80s, the research of Narratology declined.
80年代后,由于文化——社会批评的崛起,叙事学研究受到冷落。 cnki

Essentially, narrative is a way of cultural expression; narratology is a perspective probe into culture.
因此,本质上叙事是一种文化表达方式,叙事学是对文化的透视和探讨。 cnki

Feminist narratology, an interdisciplinary approach, is a combination of narrative form and gender politics.
作为跨学科派别,女性主义叙事学将叙事形式分析与性别政治分析融为一体。 cnki

From the narratology angle, it has close relation with the hidden writer and the narrator.
从叙事学的角度看,它与作品中隐含作者与叙述者的关系密切相关。 cnki

From the perspective of narratology, this paper studies it as a phenomenon of literary narration and explores its functions and significance to the textual construction.
本文拟从叙述学的功能意识着眼,将它还原为一种文学叙述现象来审视,旨在探讨“好货”叙述对文本建构的功能和意义。 cnki

In such a perspective, the fiction narratology for the “Late Generation” is anti- modernity modernity narrative, which is of great contemporary significance.
从这个角度,“晚生代”的小说叙事是一种反现代性的现代性叙事,因而具有不可忽视的超越意义。 cnki

In this issue, the debate about narratives' and narratology's relevance to game studies is clearly visible.
在这个问题上,关于叙事和叙事学与游戏研究关系的争论就显而易见了。 douban

Literature research entered a new epoch, as Narratology got expansion in last century.
叙事学在本世纪的兴起,使文学研究进入了一个新的天地。 cnki

Modern News Narratology is the theoretical foundation of this paper.
新兴的新闻叙事学是本文的理论基础。 cnki

Then the new prospects of Western Narratology in China are exploited in new age.
提出不足的同时,总结经验,探寻西方叙事学在中国新的发展前景。 cnki

There can be some common technical assurance extracted from news narratology to serve on this level.
从新闻叙事学中可以提炼出服务于这个层面有一些共通的技术保障。 cnki

This paper makes a study of American novelist Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in terms of the theory of narratology.
本文采用叙事学理论对马克·吐温的小说《哈克贝利·芬历险记》进行研究。 cnki

This thesis analyzes the characteristics of narration in Maugham's fiction by applying the theory of narratology.
本文旨在运用叙事学理论,系统分析毛姆长篇和短篇小说的叙事特征。 cnki

This dissertation conducts an elaborate study of the narrative art in Woolf's fictions from the perspective of narratology.
本论文即从叙事学角度对伍尔夫小说的叙事艺术进行详细地研究。 cnki

Through Narratology and the female narration voice of new narrative theory, the author of this dissertation manages to analyze three narrative patterns in Bing xin's short stories.
本文从叙事学、新叙事理论的女性主义叙事声音角度,对冰心小说的叙事模式进行分析。 cnki

Time has long been a problem in philosophy, politics and narratology, but also determines the aesthetic feature of a work as a rhetorical problem.
时间不但作为一个哲学、政治和叙事学问题由来已久,作为一个修辞学问题还决定了作品的美学特征。 cnki

With feminism narratology theory, we study the narrative form of this novel and the gender factor, which influence author's use of this narrative form.
运用女性主义叙事学我们研究这部小说的叙事形式和影响作者使用这种叙事形式的性别因素。 cnki




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