

单词 narratological
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Based on Narratological theories and structure, text composing and narrative phenomenon of documentaries are conferred.
本文在引入叙事学的基础上,借用其理论框架研究纪录片的文本构成和叙事现象。 fabiao

The general framework of narratological stylistics framework includes the five structural elements, namely Character, Space, Event, Spatial Form and Point of View.
叙事文体学分析的总体框架包括五个成分,它们是人物、场景、事件、空间形式和视角。 fabiao

With a focus on third person and first person narration, traditional narratological paradigms have a very limited discussion on second person narration.
传统的叙事理论,着重对第三人称叙述和第一人称叙述进行论述,对第二人称的关注甚少。 fabiao

The employment of narrative pronouns in fiction has long been an important topic in western fiction narratological theories.
小说叙述的人称问题,一直是西方小说叙事学理论中被关注的问题。 fabiao




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