

单词 narrating
释义 nar·rate 英nə'reɪt美nə'reɪt 高COCA⁴²⁹¹⁷BNC⁶⁹⁷⁶³Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
provide commentary for a film, for examplenarrate or give a detailed account of;

Tell what happened

The father told a story to his child

近义词 tell告诉recite背诵relate叙述report报告review复习recount详述describe描述

用作动词Shall Inarratea strange experience of mine?我把我的一次奇遇叙述一下好吗?
As he continued tonarratehis story I could hardly bear to listen.他继续叙述他的故事,我几乎不忍心听下去。as in.recitation
同义词 monologue,narration,oration,recital,recounting,renderingaddress,appeal,delivery,discourse,discussion,exercise,lecture,passage,performance,piece,playing,proclamation,rehearsal,report,selection,speaking,talk,tellingdeclaiming discoursingholding forth,soliloquizing
反义词 denial,quiet,refusal,silence,wholeas in.reporting
同义词 broadcasting,coverageannouncing,describing,informing,journalismpublicizingrecording,recounting,summarizingmaking public,newscasting
recitationnoun reading to audience
address,appealdeclaimingdelivery,discoursediscoursingdiscussion,exercise,holding forth,lecture,monologue,narration,oration,passage,performance,piece,playing,proclamation,recital,recounting,rehearsal,rendering,report,selection,soliloquizing,speaking,talk,telling
reportingnoun newsgathering
announcing,broadcasting,coverage,describing,informing,journalism,making public,narrating,newscastingpublicizingrecording,recounting,summarizing I’m narrating the process, but I am also the antibody at the end.
我叙述这一过程,当然我也是最终的抗体。 yeeyan

In March of this year, “ Hubble3D” was released, with Leonardo DiCaprio narrating.
今年3月,这部名为《哈勃3D》的电影正式上演,由著名影星莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥担任电影解说。 www.internet.org.cn

The new- period novels have transformed in narrating tactics from writing realistically to writing artistically.
新时期小说在叙述策略上完成了由写实到写意的转型。 cnki

“ I grew up watching the ‘ Wonderful World of Disney’ on TV, with Walt Disney narrating,” he said.
他说:“我是看着由沃特•迪斯尼解说的《迪斯尼美妙世界》电视节目长大的。” edu.sina.com.cn

“ Narrative inquiry” in education field concerns how to narrate and how to expand education research with seemly mode of narrating.
教育领域里的“叙事研究”关注如何叙事,以及如何以恰当的叙事方式展开教育研究。 cnki

He's narrating in great detail what happened while he was in the womb. Where does this knowledge come from?

In language, the novel coloratura written by Li Er imitates the narrating way used in historical discourse, but the real intention is to subvert the historical discourse.
从语言表层来看,李洱的小说《花腔》模仿了历史话语的叙事方式,但其真正意图恰恰在于颠覆历史话语; cnki

Kiyosaki illustrates his point in the first part of the book by narrating a story based on his childhood experiences.
清崎在书的第一部分根据自己童年的经历讲述故事来阐述他的观点。 kekenet

Mythology is used to describe stories that deal with The birth, the life events of gods and demi- gods, sometimes legendary heroes, but narrating a sequence of events.

Narrative research is a completely new research method which can reproduce the history of life in form of story by narrating the subject of research.
叙事研究是一种全新的质化研究方法,它通过研究对象的叙述,以故事的形式再现其生活史。 cnki

Obama didn't offer any new policies during the ad, most of which featured him narrating the stories of everyday people who are struggling with economic hardship.
在广告中,奥巴马并没有提出任何新政策,而是主要讲述了在经济困境中苦苦挣扎的寻常百姓的故事。 i21st

Other readers include Kim Basinger narrating The Awakening, Kate Chopin's1899 novel set in New Orleans and Samuel L JacksonChester Himes's1965 book, A Rage in Harlem.
其他参与朗读的还有金·贝辛格,朗读凯特·肖邦1899年以新奥尔良为背景的小说《觉醒》,以及塞缪尔·杰克逊,选的作品是切斯特·海姆斯1965年的小说《哈莱姆之怒》。 yeeyan

She entertained them by narrating her adventures in Africa.
她讲述她在非洲的历险来使他们开心。 blog.sina.com.cn

The second part of the essay discuss the art of narrating, mainly from three respects, the visual angle and the style of narrating, and the imagery.
论文的第二章是对苏童小说叙事艺术的探讨,主要从叙事视角、叙述风格及意象三方面进行论述。 cnki

These two narrating patterns come into being separately because of the refined culture background and the mass culture environment.
两种叙事模式的形成分别缘于精英文化背景和大众文化环境。 cnki

These caused the lyricism declining and the narrating developed of the literature in the Han Dynasty.
这种卫生观念和官方诗学批评模式造成了汉代文学抒情式微而叙事发达的态势。 cnki

Narrating the preparation and application of dispersion rosin gum as well as analyzing its economic benefits.
叙述了分散松香胶的制备方法和应用,分析了该胶的经济效益。 cnki




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