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词汇 Nardelli
释义 Nardelli narˈdeli COCA⁴⁹⁹³³
Mr Nardelli reacted to criticism of his pay with defiance.对那些批评他薪酬过高的言论,纳尔代利不屑一顾。
Mr Nardelli's exit was as extravagantly rewarded as his occupation of the corner office had been.纳德利的去职让他得到了天价补偿,跟他在老板办公室时拿的一样多。
Others, such as Home Depot's Bob Nardelli and Hewlett-Packard’s Carly Fiorina, paid themselves like superstars but delivered dismal results.还有其他人,如家得宝前总裁鲍勃纳德利和惠普总裁费奥里纳,他们付给自己巨星一样的薪酬但是给出了令人沮丧的结果。
Shareholders questioned why Mr Nardelli continued to receive one of the biggest pay packages in corporate America despite persistent decline in the company's share price since his appointment in 2000.尽管自纳尔代利2000年就任以来家得宝股价持续下滑,但他的薪酬在美国企业界仍属最高之列,股东对其中原因提出了质疑。
Nardelli at Chrysler Corporation website Thursday aired a video on that even though the company be able to self-sufficiency, but with the Fiat deal will help improve their viability.纳德利周四在克莱斯勒公司网站上播出的一段视频中表示,尽管该公司能够自给自足,但与菲亚特的交易将有助于提高其生存能力。




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