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词汇 narco
释义 narco.
=narcotics(hospital) 吸毒成隐者医院,=narcotics(officer) 麻醉品管理员,麻醉剂检查员,吸毒者管教员,=narcotics(treatment center) 吸毒者治疗中心
And along with it comes warlords and fears of a narco- state.
随之而来的还有军阀和对毒品国家的担忧。 topsage

Coast Guard asked the FBI for assistance with a case involving a “ narco sub,” a semi- submersible vessel regularly used to smuggle drugs.
他们负责协助调查了一起毒品潜水艇案件——利用半潜式船只走私毒品的案件。 yeeyan

The source of nine-tenths of the world's heroin, Afghanistan is just one step away from becoming a narco- state.
世界上的海洛因有十分之九来自这里,阿富汗离变成毒品国家仅一步之遥。 ecocn

The stakes in Mexico were enormous, he concluded: “ We cannot afford to have a narco state as a neighbor.”
他在总结时对墨西哥寄予厚望:“我们决不能让我们的邻邦被毒贩子掌权。” ecocn

They left a message warning Televisa to “ stop reporting only about us, also report about the narco- officials”.
歹徒向 Televisa留下信息,警告其“不要只顾报道我们,那些缉毒官员也要报道。” ecocn

Whereas in 2007 there were many more narco- linked murders in the Federal District than in Mexico State, last year Mr Peña’s territory saw three times as many such killings as Mr Ebrard’s.
与2007年联邦区比墨西哥州发生了更多与毒品相关的谋杀案相比,去年墨西哥州的此类案件发生数量是联邦区的三倍。 ecocn

“The narco-mafia state is now completely consolidated, ” he said.
“现在阿富汗已经彻底沦为毒枭的国度”,他说。 yeeyan

American officials, including a former drug tsar, have publicly worried about having a“ narco state” as their neighbour.

American officials, including a former drug tsar, have publicly worried about having a“ narco state” as their neighbour.
美国的官员们,包括一个前毒品沙皇,都已经公开担心会像他们的邻居那样成为“缉毒警察的国度”。 yeeyan

But the military, with no local knowledge or experience in urban warfare, had no luck at first in stopping the rising narco violence.
但是由于缺乏对当地的了解和城市作战的经验,在打击贩毒暴力的初始阶段,军队没有占到任何优势。 yeeyan

He has achieved little since, presiding over a spread of narco- corruption by which he seems blithely unperturbed.
此后他的成就很少。在他之下有大范围的毒品勾结的腐败,可他却似乎对此一笑而过。 ecocn

High homicide rates and violence associated with organised crime and“ maras” youth gangs linked to narco- trafficking underpin voter concerns about public security.
高自杀率以及同组织犯罪和马拉斯毒品走私青年犯罪团伙相关联的暴力,使得投票人对国家的安全问题深表担忧。 ecocn

In a statement sent to CNN, Blog del Narco said its site is not dedicated to denouncing crime, as are other sites.
在发送到 CNN的一份声明中,毒品博客说,它的网站和其他网站一样,不是专门用来谴责犯罪的。 yeeyan

It is a corrupt regime which has enriched itself through the narco- trade and Uncle Sam’s billions.
这个政权腐败不堪,靠毒品贸易和山姆大叔的银子中饱私囊。 yeeyan

Ordinary Colombians seem to have an unshakable attraction to glamorous narco-lifestyles judging by the sky-high ratings of two TV soap operas.
但是可卡因生活方式光鲜无比,哥伦比亚普通百姓对此的艳羡似乎不可动摇,这从两部肥皂剧收视率的居高不下就可以略见一斑。 yeeyan

Prohibiting drugs has failed to prevent their use and social harm and fuelled narco- gang violence.
禁止毒品未能阻止毒品的使用、社会危害性和毒品团伙的暴力。 yeeyan

When American marines first hit the ground in February, on a mission to clear out the Taliban and their narco- trafficking affiliates, things looked different.
当2月,美国海军陆战队一踏上这片土地时,情况却变了。 他们是奉命清扫塔利班和他们的走私贩毒团伙的。 ecocn

While the country’s narco-traffickers ship vast quantities of the stuff to Europe and the United States, enough of it stays behind to offer a cheap and easy temptation to the people at home.
尽管毒贩子们往欧洲和美国输送了大量的毒品,留在本国的部分因其廉价和舒适已经足够对人们构成诱惑。 yeeyan




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