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词汇 napoleonic
释义 napoleonic
The Trappist dark ales were first brewed by monks who fled France after the Napoleonic period.
拿破仑统治后期,从法国逃离的修道士酿造了最早的啤酒。 yeeyan

The soldierly approach dates from Napoleonic times, when such forces browbeat conquered peasants into accepting the physical and symbolic power of the French state.
军人上阵的做法可以追溯到拿破仑时代,当时这种防暴部队恫吓被征服的农民接受法国实质上和象征性的管辖。 ecocn

The true gold standard, in which gold coins circulated freely as legal tender, was started in Britain in1717 and lasted for just under200 years, interrupted only during the Napoleonic wars.
真正的黄金标准—金币作为法定货币可以自由流通---诞生于1717年并且持续了200余年直到拿破仑发起战争才终止。 yeeyan

The Napoleonic Manager has no life outside of work and expects the same from you.
工作狂经理工作以外的生活一片空白,而她也希望你能做到和她一样。 hjenglish

The Napoleonic wars and, later, the German empire brought more linguistic cleansing.
拿破仑战争期间及战后,德国皇帝进行了更大的语言清洗。 ecocn

Under Gordon Brown Britain arguably became Europe's truly Napoleonic state, the real home of dirigisme.
戈登•布朗当政时期,可以说英国是欧洲名副其实的拿破仑社会---国家干预主义真正的故乡。 ecocn

After the Napoleonic Wars, Europe’s major powers all accepted that each of them had more to lose from any disruption to the international“ system” than they could possibly gain.
拿破仑战争 Napoleonic Wars之后,欧洲大国都承认,对国际“体系”的任何破坏,都会使它们当中任何一国失大于得。 ecocn

Ancient Athens, Napoleonic France, imperial Japan, and countless other countries have succumbed to this sort of hubris, and nearly always with catastrophic results.
古老的雅典城邦,拿破仑制下的法兰西,大日本帝国,以及无数其他王朝都亡于这类傲慢造成的毁灭性后果。 yeeyan

Even in places with a Napoleonic code, lawyers abound.
即便是尊奉拿破仑法典的国家也盛产律师。 ecocn

From1801, the country was occupied during the Napoleonic Wars.
从1801年开始,在拿破仑一世战争时期,葡萄牙被占领。 ebigear

Her love forged the Napoleonic will her son hid behind a reserved manner which made entering his office, as Rosalind Russell recalled, “ almost like going into a church”.
她的母爱让儿子在不苟言笑的外表下隐藏了拿破仑式的意志,罗莎林德•拉塞尔回忆道,他走进办公室的样子,“就像是走进了教堂”。 ecocn

If you have a Napoleonic complex, then your ambition is likely much greater than your stature.
如果你有拿破仑情结,你们小小的身体里一定怀着一颗巨大的野心。 yeeyan

It was the U.S. connection to the Napoleonic Wars.

Keeping these bickering siblings in check required a Napoleonic leader. Without such a figure they have yet to show they are ready to govern.
控制这些矛盾重重的政党则需要一个拿破仑式的领导,如果没有这样的关键人物,那么这些政党就必须让民众知道他们有能力来联合执政。 ecocn

Picton was a British general in the Napoleonic wars and he died of a gunshot wound to the head in 1815 at the battle of Waterloo.
皮克顿在拿破仑战争中是一名英国将军,1815年的滑铁卢战役中他死于头部枪伤。 yeeyan

Switzerland after the Napoleonic wars faced a situation quite similar to America’s a generation earlier.
拿破仑战争之后,瑞士面临的环境和一代前美国面临的环境相似。 ecocn

The American and French revolutions and the Napoleonic Wars temporarily curtailed the European demand for Chesapeake tobacco.
美国独立战争,法国大革命和拿破仑战争暂时缩减了欧洲对切萨皮克烟草的需求。 yeeyan

The etchings are the work of James Gillray, one of Britain’s most famous and ruthless caricaturists, who flourished at the time of the French revolution and the Napoleonic wars.
这些是詹姆斯·吉尔雷的作品。英国最著名最无情的漫画家,法国文艺复兴和拿破仑战争时期极富盛名。 ecocn

The region’s vineyards were originally entirely owned by the Church, then divided up among workers according to Napoleonic Inheritance Laws.
这个地区的葡萄园原来都属于教会,后来根据拿破仑法典中的继承法,葡萄园被分给了工人们。 yeeyan

The set alone, with its Napoleonic eagle and tendrils of ivy, made this show seem polished and with a depth of thought behind streamlined clothes.
这些设计只采用了拿破仑鹰图案和常青藤的卷曲图案,发布会显得精美而且体现出设计师在流线型衣服背后的深思。 yeeyan

Their idea took root; records show that harvests were carried out in the Rhineland in1813 during the Napoleonic Wars.
这个冰酒的想法就这样产生了;档案记录着1813拿破仑战争的时候,葡萄收成在莱茵河地区展开着。 yeeyan

Why, then, do so many software companies make it even worse with their Napoleonic software?
那么,为什么说如此多“拿破轮一世式”的软件使得这种情况更加糟糕呢? kekenet




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