

单词 nanosecond
释义 nan·o·sec·ond 英ˈnænəˌsekənd美ˈnænəˌsɛkəndAHDnănʹə-sĕk'ənd 高COCA⁴⁰⁷⁹⁶BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb²⁹⁴³⁸
one billionth 10^-9 of a second; one thousandth of a microsecondnano-,纳,second,秒。nanosecond logic毫微秒逻辑nanosecond pulse毫微秒脉冲nanosecond fluorescence spectroscopy毫微秒荧光光谱学…
nano-毫微-second⇒n.毫微秒⁸²;极短的时间¹⁸近义词 trice瞬间jiffy瞬间moment片刻instant瞬间second第二的tick滴答作响split second瞬间
as in.split second
同义词 blink of an eye,millisecondbat of an eye,flash,fraction of a second,half a second,heartbeat,instant,jiffy,microsecond,moment,nothing flat,twinkling
split secondnoun very short time
bat of an eye,blink of an eye,flash,fraction of a second,half a second,heartbeat,instant,jiffy,microsecond,millisecond,moment,nothing flat,twinkling A needle- plane electrode system and non-woven polypropylene filters were used to study the space charge formation on the surface of dielectrics by nanosecond pulse discharge.
采用针-板电极系统,对无纺聚丙烯过滤膜纳秒级脉冲电压作用下电介质膜空间电荷形成过程进行研究。 cnki

For a nanosecond Rupert Murdoch seemed like the smartest guy on the Internet.
仅一纳秒之内, Rupert Murdoch就成了这个互联网上最聪明的人。 yeeyan

Nickel is electrochemical micromachininged using nanosecond pulse power, millisecond pulse power and direct current power.
利用纳秒级脉冲电源、毫微秒级脉冲电源和直流电源,进行了电解加工试验。 dictall

Now, the nanosecond is what,10 to the minus9 seconds.

“There was a real lack of confidence that the Pakistanis could keep this secret for more than a nanosecond” a senior adviser to the President told me.
“很难相信巴基斯坦能将这个秘密保持超过一纳秒,”一个总统的高级顾问这样告诉我。 yeeyan

A nanosecond pulse driver which can be used in semiconductor laser, CCD controller, signal processing and laser ladar was introduced.
介绍了一种可用于半导体激光器、高速摄影、信号处理以及激光雷达的纳秒脉冲驱动电路。 cnki

A nanosecond later, a buyer would acquire the new corporation in a tax-free stock-for-stock deal.
一眨眼工夫,一位买家又会通过一笔免税的换股交易收购这家新公司。 fortunechina

As a sub- nanosecond and pulse radiation detector, GaAs photoconductor detector has a very wide application foreground.
砷化镓光电导探测器作为一种亚纳秒脉冲辐射探测器有很广的应用前景。 cnki

Based on these experiments, a new nanosecond pulse generator as an accurate trigger generator has been designed and constructed.
作为一种精密触发用的新的纳秒脉冲发生器在此基础上已建立。 cnki

But actually measuring those times and distances to the accuracy needed to detect nanosecond differences is no easy task.
但在实际上,要测量这些时间和距离,达到所需要的检测到纳秒级别差异的准确度,绝非易事。 yeeyan

For the purpose of this article, only nanosecond calculations will be described in detail.
出于本文的目的,只详细介绍纳秒精度的计算。 ibm

For the same material, the quality of femtosecond laser micro- processing is much better than that of nanosecond laser micro- processing.
对于同样的材料,飞秒激光加工的质量明显优于皮秒、纳秒激光加工的质量。 cnki

Great progresses have been achieved recently in diagnostic technique of sub nanosecond pulse radiation.
经过几年的努力,亚纳秒脉冲辐射诊断技术取得了很大进展。 cnki

In this paper, some sub- nanosecond pulses forming technology, including the intercepting and compressing technology of forming pulses is introduced.
本文主要介绍几种亚纳秒脉冲的形成技术,其中包括脉冲形成线截取技术和脉冲压缩技术。 dictall

In this paper, a sets of experiments are carried out on the difficult-to-machine—nickel base superalloys based on the principle of electrochemical micromachining with nanosecond pulse current.
基于纳秒脉冲微细电解加工原理,在难加工材料——镍基高温合金上进行了一系列微细电解加工工艺试验。 dictall

In a nanosecond, they completely reordered the priorities and perspectives of life.
在十亿分之一秒内他们完全将生命的优先权和设想做了重新安排。 blog.sina.com.cn

Instead of the occasional light pulse, this new laser has the occasional dark pulse, which lasts about one nanosecond.
这种新的激光器是产生长约1纳秒的暗脉冲,而不是光亮的脉冲。 yeeyan

Light travels basically a foot in a nanosecond. Simple rule of thumb.

Nor do the conspiracy theories deserve a nanosecond's attention.
阴谋论也不并值得人们去关注。 ecocn

The experiments show that the material insulation and dispersion in sub- nanosecond pulse should be investigated deeply.
实验表明:材料的亚纳秒脉冲绝缘和色散特性尚需进一步研究。 cnki

This paper describes the development of a large amplitude nanosecond pulse generator.
本文叙述一种大幅度纳秒脉冲发生器。 cnki




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