

单词 nannying
释义 nannying 英'næniɪŋ美'næniɪŋ ☆☆☆☆☆高BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
n.作乳母¹⁰⁰原型nanny的现在分词 The new regulatory tilt threatens to tie up innovation in a straitjacket of bureaucratic nannying while slowing the global economy, they say.
新的监管倾向不但减缓全球经济增长,还预示着创新将被禁锢在官僚主义的呵护这件紧身衣之中。 yeeyan

Although it is still rare to find guys on traditional nannying courses, attitudes are fast changing.
虽然在传统的保姆课程班很少能看到男学员,但这种观念正在迅速发生变化。 zixuezhe

Europe as a whole, not just the eastern Europeans, cannot expect constant nannying.
欧洲作为一个整体,而不仅仅是东欧,不能一直期望被保姆式的照顾。 ecocn

Granted, Mr Bloomberg’s nannying—he has banned trans-fats and smoking virtually everyw he re, including in the city’s parks—has aggravated some.
诚然,布隆伯格天天挂在嘴边的唠叨已经让一些人感到恼火。 这是因为他禁止在纽约出售含有反式脂肪酸的食品,并且在纽约市到处抵制公众场合吸烟,就连城市花园也包括在内。 ecocn

Mr Johnson is also taking a bet on the libertarianism of voters over a nannying health-and- safety culture.
约翰森先生在赌,赌选民的自由主义思想能压过对健康安全的担心。 ecocn

She kept her silence as a teenager, nannying and doing household chores for whites who would look at her as if they owned her.
少年时期,她依然沉默寡言,替白人当保姆打杂务,听凭那些人主子一般地使唤她。 ecocn

Nannying monastery has been an important temple in the Tibetan history, and is also the important historical witness of Tibetan people's resistance against the invasions of foreign enemies.
乃宁曲德寺是西藏历史上一座重要的寺庙,也是近代西藏人民抵御外敌入侵的重要历史见证。 cnki




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