

单词 naked
释义 na·ked 英ˈneɪkɪd美ˈnekɪdAHDnāʹkĭd ★★☆☆☆高四六研IT牛4八COCA⁴⁰³⁹BNC³⁸⁶²iWeb⁵¹⁹⁷Economist⁶³³⁴


not covered by clothes


not covered by the usual covering


not hidden or made less clear; plain to see and perhaps shocking

completely unclothed;

bare bodies

naked from the waist up

a nude model

having no protecting or concealing cover;

naked to mine enemies

of the eye or ear e.g. without the aid of an optical or acoustical device or instrument;

visible to the naked eye

devoid of elaboration or diminution or concealment; bare and pure;

naked ambition

raw fury

you may kill someone someday with your raw power

lacking any cover;

naked branches of the trees

lie on the naked rock

naked, bare, nude, uncovered


1.bare修饰人时指身体的某一部分裸露; naked修饰人时,指全身裸体的,连眼镜等都不戴的; nude修饰人时,意思是“全裸的”,尤指广告女郎、模特儿,是naked的委婉语; uncovered指人时,意为“不戴帽子的”。

2.bare修饰物时指“没有遮蔽的”“没有装饰的”; naked修饰物时,指不必掩盖、遮盖的; uncovered多指无覆盖物的。







用作形容词 adj.
~+名词naked eye肉眼naked fists赤手空拳naked sword出鞘的剑naked tree光秃秃的树动词+~go〔walk 〕 around naked光着身子走动〔到处走〕~+介词naked of rings没戴戒指naked to injury易受伤害的naked to the waist光着上身,赤膊
非常记忆na那〖拼音〗+ke客〖拼音〗+d弟〖编码〗⇒那位客人看到弟弟是裸体的nak裸露+ed过去分词形式⇒裸露的。和nudeadj. 裸体的一起记近义词 bareplainsimpleevidentexposed反义词 clothedcovered
~+ n.Naked bathing is not allowed to this beach.这个海滩禁止裸泳。
To the east of our school, there's a naked hillside.我们学校东边有片光秃秃的山坡。
This is the naked truth.这是赤裸裸的事实。
The star is not visible to the naked eye.这颗星肉眼看不见。
S+be+~+ prep .-phraseBeneath them the earth was naked of grass.在他们脚下是寸草不生的土地。
Their hands were naked of rings.他们的手上没戴戒指。
S+V+O+~It was so cold that nobody can make his hands naked.天气太冷,没有人能把手露在外面。Pnakednessn.裸明显赤身裸体Pstark-nakeda.一丝不挂的赤裸的Pmother-nakeda.象初出娘胎时那样一丝不挂的

用作形容词These little boys swimnakedin the river.这些小孩光着身子在河里游泳。
The men of this tribe used to gonaked.这个部落里的男子过去常是裸体的。
Craft must have clothes,but truth love to gonaked.欺诈必须伪装,真理不须掩饰。
This in itself isnakeddeprivation ;.这本身就是赤裸裸的剥夺。
This star is not visible to thenakedeye.这颗星肉眼看不见。
The trees werenakedduring autumn.秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。
They don't live on thenakedhills.他们不在荒凉的山地上生活。adj.without covering
同义词 bare,defenseless,exposed,helpless,nudeau naturel,bald,bare-skinned,bared,barren,denuded,disrobed,divested,in dishabille,in one's birthday suit,in the altogether,in the buff,in the raw,leafless,natural,open,peeled,stark naked,stripped,unclad,unclothed,unconcealed,uncovered,undraped,undressed,unprotected,unveiled,vulnerable,without a stitch
反义词 clothed,coveredadj.manifest, evident
同义词 blatantartless,disclosed,discovered,dry,matter-of-fact,obvious,open,overt,palpable,patent,plain,pure,revealed,sheer,simple,stark,unadorned,undisguised,unexaggerated,unmistakable,unqualified,unvarnished
反义词 hidden,private,secret
au natureladjective without clothing
bare,disrobed,exposed,in one's birthday suit,in the buff,in the raw,naked as a jaybird,natural,nude,stark naked,stripped,unclad,unclothed,undressed,without a stitch
baldadjective having no covering
baldheaded,bare,barren,depilated,exposed,glabrous,hairless,head,naked,shaven,skin head,smooth,stark,uncovered
bareadjective without clothing
bald,bareskinned,denuded,disrobed,divested,exposed,in one's birthday suit,naked,nude,peeled,shorn,stripped,unclad,unclothed,uncovered,undressed,unrobed
barefacedadjective shameless;open
barestadjective without clothing
bald,bareskinned,denuded,disrobed,divested,exposed,in one's birthday suit,naked,nude,peeled,shorn,stripped,unclad,unclothed,uncovered,undressed,unrobed
bereftadjective lacking;missing
beggared,bereaved,cut off,deprived,destitute,devoid,dispossessed,divested,fleeced,impoverished,left without,minus,naked,parted from,robbed,shorn,stripped,wanting,without But when a sedan overtook us I nearly went off the road in surprise: crouched on its roof was a naked girl with her hair blowing in the wind.
当一辆私家车超过我们的时候,我差点惊讶的翻下马路:在这辆车的车顶上蜷缩着一个裸体女孩,她的头发正在风中飞舞。 yeeyan

But the idea of a real, naked human body is, it seems, just too much for the authorities.
但似乎在当局看来,在那里展示一个真实的裸露身体的想法有点过火了。 yeeyan

For over25 years I have enjoyed nothing more than being naked on naturist beaches and in the privacy of my garden.
在过去25年里,没有什么比赤裸地躺在沙滩上或者私人花园里更令我感到舒服了。 yeeyan

He is thought to have eclipsed his brothers in the succession stakes because of what some have described as his naked ambition and leadership skills.
他被认为在继承人争夺中全面超越了他的哥哥们,被描述为有着赤裸裸的野心和很强的领导手腕。 yeeyan

He once jumped out of bed, yanked out the tubes and collapsed naked on the floor.
他曾经从床上跳起,猛的扯拉喉咙里的管子,然后赤裸裸的昏倒在地上。 yeeyan

I felt proud of my self- control and began to think of myself as a mature, sophisticated man, accustomed to being in a bedroom with a naked woman.
我为自己的自我控制感到骄傲,开始认为自己是个成熟、世故的男人,已经习惯于在卧室里与一个裸体的女人相对。 yeeyan

I went to his room and found him naked in the bathroom.
我去到他房间,发现他在浴室里赤身裸体。 yeeyan

Most people who are reluctant to go naked in nudist places, wonder why they were worried after they have done it.
大多数人在裸体的地方会犹豫是否要裸露,在他们做了以后又开始纳闷为什么之前会犹豫。 yeeyan

My wife and I have been together for a decade, but I've never seen her naked by daylight.
我太太和我在一起已经十年了,可我从没看过她在日光下裸体的样子。 yeeyan

She had trouble undressing me; I felt awkward and wondered if she would change her mind and leave once she saw me naked.
她为我脱衣很是费劲;我感到尴尬难堪,想知道她是否会改变主意,一旦看见我的裸体就离开我。 yeeyan

She’s almost naked now but keep her underwear on for another minute or so.
虽然她现在已经基本裸体了但让她还穿着内衣一两分钟。 yeeyan

She gazes down at the man lying naked in her bed.
她向下端详着在她的床上躺着的赤裸的男人。 yeeyan

Sitting behind me on the trunk of my car was the naked girl, pointing toward the moon.
那个裸体的女孩正坐在我身后的汽车行李箱上,指着月亮。 yeeyan

Some of the Indians of this region, earlier in the century, used to sleep naked in hammocks.
在本世纪早期,这一地区的一些印第安人常常赤身睡在吊床里。 kekenet

Some feel betrayed by the boycotts and naked politicking of the opposition parties, particularly the SPLM.
反对党赤裸裸的政治活动和抵制让一些人觉得被出卖,特别是 SPLM。 yeeyan

Song, let them take it For there's more enterprise In walking naked.

These books made it plain that if life was to be something more than a naked scramble for government favors, a new attitude toward the producer must be created.
这些书通俗的表述了,如果生活不只是在赤裸裸的争夺政府的宠幸,那就不得不用一种全新的态度来对待生产者了。 yeeyan

This was standing naked in front of the world when it was a miracle that I was even still in the world.
这是我的胜利,这样赤裸的站在世人面前,那是一个奇迹,我还活在这个世上。 yeeyan

Unless he was naked.
除非他是裸体。 yeeyan

Yet AIG’s rescue has done little to banish the naked fear that has the markets in its grip.
然而美国国际集团的援救却丝毫不能消除市场对它的控制这一赤裸裸的恐惧。 yeeyan

You can be clothed or naked, whatever feels best for you.
你可以穿衣或者裸体,只要你觉得最好就行。 yeeyan

You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams.
你们想用你们的手指触摸你们梦想赤裸的身躯。 ebigear




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