

单词 Najafi
释义 Najafi
The Secretary General of the Afghan Independent Election Commission, Daoud Ali Najafi, was asked by reporters about that figure.
记者问阿富汗独立选举委员会秘书长纳杰菲他对这个数字的看法。 ebigear

Afghanistan's chief electoral officer, Daoud Ali Najafi, declines to confirm other officials' estimates of overall turnout dipping between 40 and 50 percent.
阿富汗的首要选举官员纳贾非拒不确认其它官员有关参选率总体下降到40%到50%的估计。 ebigear

Afghanistan's chief elections officer, Daoud Ali Najafi, says turnout may have been low in provinces under a high security threat.
阿富汗首要选举官员 Daoud Ali Najafi表示遭受重大安全威胁的省份出投票者可能很少。 hjenglish

Ayman Najafi and Charlotte Adams— both in their20s— were arrested after an Emirati woman claimed they exchanged a passionate kiss in a restaurant where she and her daughter were having dinner.
这对名叫艾曼•纳杰菲和夏洛特•亚当斯的20多岁的英国男女被一名迪拜妇女指控在餐厅内热吻而被捕,当时这名妇女正和女儿在餐厅用餐。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Chief Electoral Officer Daoud Ali Najafi informed reporters of the vote totals.
选举委员会的首席官员纳杰菲向记者宣布了选票统计结果。 ebigear




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