

单词 nailing
释义 nail·ing 英'neɪlɪŋ美'neɪlɪŋ COCA³¹⁷¹¹BNC⁴⁴⁵⁹³

动词 nail:
attach something somewhere by means of nailstake into custodyhit hardsucceed in obtaining a positionsucceed at easilylocate exactlycomplete a passnailing strip钉条nailing mold加钉型clench nailing弯脚钉合concealed nailing暗钉,藏钉skew nailing斜钉nailing machine钉钉机,钉入机,钉接…secret nailing暗钉nailing strip bracket地板梁托nailing block可受钉块blind nailing暗钉end nailing端部敲钉marrow nailing骨髓腔内插钉术…edge nailing边缘敲钉intramedullary nailing骨髓腔内插钉术…nailing concrete受钉混凝土
The microphone has a foam guard that protects it from the wind making it easy for your friends to hear your taunts and your family to hear you celebrate after successfully nailing a jump.
带泡沫防风物的麦克风,可以让朋友们听到你的嬉笑,同时也可以让家人听到你成功一跃后的欢呼声。 yeeyan

Thus, the kiwi spent what must have been its whole life nailing trees to the side of a cliff. All this, to fulfil its one dream of flying, even though it was technically unable to.
它花了一辈子时间在悬崖上钉上一棵棵树木,来实现飞行的梦想,虽然飞对它来说,是不可能的。 yeeyan

Arguably, nailing everything down too early may also hamper innovation.
事实证明,过早地把一切敲定会阻碍创新。 ecocn.org

At last, some simulating calculations for an engineering excavation by phases as well as simultaneously nailing are conducted, and the results obtained are satisfactory.
最后,对某一具体基坑工程中的分级开挖和加钉同时进行了仿真模拟计算,取得了较满意的结果。 cnki

Blocking, toe- nailing, or proprietary fasteners are needed for the girt- to- post connection, which requires more material and labor than flat construction.
块状物,斜钉,专有的紧固件在墙梁-柱子连接中被用到,这比公寓建设需要更多的材料和劳动力。 wpc

But this may have to do with nailing the spelling down because an older word, spelled slightly differently dates from1583.
但是对该词及其拼写的确定可能和一个来自1583年的更古老的词有关,该词拼写形式稍有不同。 yeeyan

But even with the best will, nailing down a new nuclear treaty by year’s end will be tough going.
但是,就算出于最好的意愿,要在今年年底之前谈妥一项新的核武器条约将道路崎岖。 ecocn

Companies might do well to think these things through more before nailing their products to the mast of some campaign.
公司如果能在推出某种产品之前,更彻底全面的想想这些问题,他们也许做得会更好。 yeeyan

Face- nailing the 20d nails was even more awkward.
钉到第20个面钉时更麻烦了。 yeeyan

Flaunt your unique accessorizing skills by nailing down the hottest headband trends.
掌握了最热门的发带趋势,你就可以去炫耀你独特的配饰技巧啦。 yeeyan

Following the various negotiations on raising the US debt ceiling is like nailing jelly to a wall.
追踪所有为调高美国举债上限而进行的谈判是一个非常困难的任务。 yeeyan

I top-nailed the floor using square-headed cut nails. It was easier than nailing through the tongues.
我使用方头的钉子将地板固定住,这比用舌隼钉起来容易的多。 yeeyan

I've thought of nailing his head to the shed out back, that way maybe the ants won't be so bad.
我考虑过往他头上敲根钉子,把他钉在屋后,这样那些蚂蚁也许不会如此肆无忌惮。 yeeyan

Just as there's more to building a house than“grab a hammer and start nailing boards,” there's more to Java development than“ grab your IDE and start slinging code.”
正如盖房子不仅仅是“抡起锤子在板上钉钉子” 一样, Java开发也不仅仅是“掌握 IDE并开始编写代码”。 ibm

Shangjiao village, which produces 80% of Guangdong's traditional dragon boats, is filled with the noise of drilling and nailing.
在广东80%龙舟的生产地——上漖村,到处回荡着钻孔和敲钉声。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

That means nailing down the details.
那意味着明确地定下细节。 yeeyan

This mapping provides a head start for nailing down the requirements and for the analysis and design workflows.
这种映射为敲定需求和分析、设计工作流程提供了一个开头。 ibm

We kept my brother in pretty good shape for six months that way. It wasn't until we started nailing him to the shed out back that he got to looking ragged.
用同样的办法,我们在六个月时间里把我弟弟保存得相当好,直到我们把他钉在屋后,他才开始变得难看。 yeeyan

Working at the NSF- Arizona Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Hodgins was able to solve one of the many mysteries about the book, nailing down the time when the manuscript's pages were made.
工作于亚利桑那质谱原子加速实验室,霍金斯能够解决书中的一些难题,从而明确了手稿的形成年代。 yeeyan

Nailing down shadowy numbers is difficult, of course.
当然,要用数字来确定“地下经济”总量是很困难的。 yeeyan

Nailing hedge funds can be particularly difficult.
揭发对冲基金交易更是特别地困难。 ecocn

Nailing plywood over windows doesn't provide much protection, Malik said. Corrugated metal or Lexan coverings with permanent anchoring systems are worth the investment, he said.
在窗户上钉木板并不能进行有效保护,瓦楞铁或聚碳酸酯的膨胀螺丝防护罩还是有必要购买的。 yeeyan




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