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词汇 Nahda
释义 NahdaEconomist¹⁰¹³²
A more plausible opposition to Nahda may emerge in an alignment of parties and figures with a strong record of battling against Mr Ben Ali and his security services.
复兴党的对手更有可能产生于那些曾联合起来与本•阿里和他的安全部队进行过激烈抗争的各党派和政治人物当中。 ecocn

A recent opinion poll, necessarily rough and ready after decades when it was rash to air political preferences openly, put Nahda at14%.
民意调查在遭禁几十年之后,现在急不可耐地公开发布人们的政治倾向,自然免不了粗糙和仓促。 ecocn

In legislative elections of1989, Mr Ben Ali let Nahda activists stand as independents.
1989年立法机构选举期间,在本•阿里的操控下,复兴党活动家变成了独立人士。 ecocn

The main Islamist parties, Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and the Nahda party in Tunisia, do look likely to emerge with the biggest parliamentary quotas.
主要的伊斯兰主义政党,如埃及的穆斯林兄弟会和突尼斯的复兴党,看起来确实将在议会选举中赢得最多席位。 ecocn

Both Nahda and Egypt’s Muslim Brothers, conscious of the fears they inspire, insist that they would not want to rule alone even if they did win majorities.
突尼斯复兴党 Nahda和埃及穆斯林兄弟会都觉察到其引发的恐慌,坚称即使赢得了大多数人的支持也不想单独统治。 ecocn

Even if Mr Ghannouchi's softer words are sincere, women are worried by Nahda and its more extremist elements.

He said al- Nahda had invited a hard-line Islamist singer to one of its political meetings.
他说,基地 Nahda邀请了强硬的伊斯兰歌手的政治会议之一。 yeeyan

In any event, Nahda is tugged in different directions by its largely moderate leadership and its more conservative rank and file.
无论如何,复兴党领导层大多数为温和派,而其成员行事则更为保守,在此情况下,复兴党正朝着不同的方向前进。 ecocn

In Tunisia an Islamist party, Nahda“ Renaissance”, that was brutally banned for decades has won a stunning victory at the polls.
在突尼斯,一个叫做 Nahda复兴的意思的伊斯兰政党在民调表现上成绩斐然,该政党曾数十年来遭受残酷镇压。 yeeyan

Led by Rachid Ghannouchi, Nahda says it is willing to form a ruling coalition with its secular rivals.
复兴党在领导人Rachid Ghannouchi的带领下表示愿意同非宗教的反对政党联合统治突尼斯。 ecocn

Like Islamists across the Arab world who have refashioned themselves under new freedoms, Nahda says it looks to Turkey’s mild-mannered ruling Islamists. .
如同所有阿拉伯国家的伊斯兰信徒在新的自由下重塑自我那样, Nahda宣称他们要向温良恭谦的土耳其伊斯兰统治者看齐。 ecocn

Likewise, Nahda in Tunisia says it hopes to get a similar score.
同样地,突尼斯的复兴党 Nahda说,他希望能得到类似的成就。 ecocn

Many creative types and intellectuals are particularly hostile even to a refashioned Nahda, suspecting it of wanting to curb freedom of expression.
即便是重整旗鼓后的复兴党也遭到了许多有识之士的格外反对,他们怀疑复兴党妄图禁止言论自由。 ecocn

Opinion polls suggest that Nahda could get a good20% of votes—and perhaps even more than that, since many of those surveyed said they were undecided.
根据民意测验结果显示,复兴党将获得20%这一不错的支持率-由于许多受访者表示尚未作出最后决定,因此该党的支持率或将更高。 ecocn

Playing by the rules, Nahda appears to have secured88 seats in the217- seat assembly, clearly entitling it to lead a new government, while gaining at least a quarter of actual votes.
复兴党充分遵守投票规则,赢得了议会217个席位中的88个有效选票当中至少有四分之一投给复兴党,显然获得了领导新政府的权利。 ecocn

Stepan was there in March and met with al- Nahda leader Rachid Ghannouchi for more than an hour.
斯捷潘在那里三月和与基地 Nahda领导人拉希德 Ghannouchi会见了一个多小时。 yeeyan

Such opponents of Nahda are largely middle- class.
这些复兴党的反对者大多是中产阶级。 ecocn

That is the problem with Nahda; we have no guarantees about the future.
这是那达党所面对的一个问题,我们不能保证未来。 ecocn

The al- Nahda party became the largest in Tunisia’s new parliament, with over40 per cent of the vote and90 of the parliament’s217 seats.
在突尼斯的新议会中,伊斯兰复兴党成为最大的政党,取得了超过百分之四十的选票和议会的217个席位中的90个。 yeeyan

The Kaaba in Mecca is transformed into a ballot box, surrounded by voters supporting Nahda, the Islamist party that won a majority in Tunisia’s recent elections.
麦加的克尔白 【注】 被改造成一个投票箱,支持复兴党 Nahda的选民将其团团环绕,该伊斯兰政党在突尼斯最近的选举中赢得绝大多数。 ecocn

Throughout the 1990s and into the next decade, Nahda supporters risked imprisonment and torture; even their relatives were often shunned by employers.
在整个20世纪90年代以及接下来的十年当中,复兴党的支持者们面临着遭受监禁和酷刑的危险,就连他们的亲属也时常遭遇雇主的冷遇。 ecocn

Virtually every opinion poll puts Nahda, the main Islamist party, in the lead.
几乎每一次民意测验都显示主要的伊斯兰政党埃纳赫达 Nahda处于领先。 ecocn

Nahda's promises to generate hundreds of thousands of new jobs differ little from those of other parties.
复兴党承诺将新增数十万就业岗位,这与别的党派稍有不同。 ecocn

But the Islamists cover a wide spectrum and no one can say for sure where Egypt’s Brothers or Nahda in Tunisia will end up on it.
但是伊斯兰主义者涉及广泛,无人知道兄弟会与复兴党的最终政治目标着落点会在哪里。 ecocn




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