

单词 nagging
释义 nag·ging 英'nægɪŋ美'næɡɪŋ ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁰¹⁹⁰BNC²⁴¹³³iWeb¹⁷⁸⁴⁰Economist¹⁶⁵⁶⁷
continually complaining or faultfinding;

a shrewish wife

nagging parents

nagg,-ing动名词⇒adj.纠缠不休的¹;抱怨的²;唠叨的n.唠叨动词nag的现在分词.近义词 pesky讨厌的irksome厌恶的niggling琐碎的shrewish泼妇一样的…irritating使愤怒的troublesome令人烦恼的distressing使人痛苦的

用作形容词I've got anaggingpain in my lower back.我后背下方老是疼。
You scoff at the hand-wringing moralists but somewhere inside you, admit it, there is thisnaggingdoubt.你嘲笑那些焦虑的道德主义者,可是承认吧,在你内心深处还是有一丝怀疑。
Being so young, how can you be asnaggingas an old woman?你年纪轻轻的,怎么说话比老奶奶还磨叨?
Sue has anagginghusband. She calls him a pain in the neck.苏的老公很罗嗦。苏说她老公使她大伤脑筋。用作名词He is tired of his wife's constantnagging.他讨厌他妻子唠叨不休。adj.painful
同义词 aching,agonizing,excruciating,grievous,inflamed,severe,terrible,throbbing,troublesomebiting,burning,distressing,harrowing,hurting,irritated,piercing,saddening,smarting,stinging,tender,tormenting,tryingachy,afflictive,arduous,awful,caustic,difficult,dire,disagreeable,distasteful,dreadful,extreme,extremely bad,hard,hurtful,laborious,raw,sensitive,sharp,sore,tedious,uncomfortable,unpleasant,vexatious
反义词 easy,good,helpful,nice,pleasant,mild
achingadjective painful
achyadjective painful
captiousadjective very critical
carpingadjective complaining
criticaladjective fault-finding, detracting
demandingadjective challenging, urgent
ambitious,backbreaker,bothersome,clamorous,critical,dictatorial,difficult,exacting,exhausting,exigent,fussy,grievous,hard,imperious,importunate,insistent,nagging,onerous,oppressive,pressing,querulous,strict,stringent,taxing,tough,troublesome,trying,wearing,weighty In other words, the very fact that we feel we must nag is itself evidence that nagging doesn't work.
换句话说,我们觉得必须唠叨的事实也证实了唠叨起不了作用。 yeeyan

Which leads to the final, and most crucial, problem with nagging: It simply doesn't work.
唠叨并不会起作用,这便是唠叨最后也是最关键的问题。 yeeyan

AS THE holiday shopping season kicked off in America and elsewhere, children have started nagging their parents for the latest toys.
随在美国及其他地区的购物季节的开始,孩子们已经开始向他们的父母唠叨索求最新款式的玩具。 ecocn

Every time I try to get him to do his chores, the scene degenerates into an extended nagging session and sometimes an all-out fight.
每次我试着让他做家务时,总会退化成一个极其唠叨的过程甚至有时候还会变成一场全力以赴的战争。 yeeyan

Here it occurs to me that nagging because we love doesn't mean that without nagging there can be no love.
在这我突然明白,因为爱而唠叨并不意味着没有了唠叨就没有了爱。 yeeyan

I can't stomach your constant nagging.

I never realized the full extent of her seemingly “ nagging” phrase until I actually saw children dying of starvation in third- world countries.
我一直都没有意识到妈妈的那种“唠叨”直到自己亲眼看着第三世界的孩子因为饥饿垂死的状态。 yeeyan

If I let my email go for a few days, I feel like I’m under a pile of nagging, unfinished tasks, and it drains my energy.
如果我让我的邮件发送过后几天,我会感觉我就像在一堆唠叨下面,未完成的任务,并且会吸干我的能量。 yeeyan

Instead of having a relaxing date with your partner you start nagging or nit-picking because you are just too tired of doing it all by yourself.
你不再和你的爱人有轻松愉快的约会,而是开始唠唠叨叨和吹毛求疵,因为你对这一切都开始不耐烦了。 yeeyan

Maybe giving up nagging only means giving up the delusion of control.
停止唠叨可能意味着放弃控制他人的幻想。 yeeyan

Not all athletes are finely tuned specimens of perfect physical health, of course. A fair number are smokers, not prepared to give up despite the nagging of coaches and physiologists.
当然,不是每一个运动员都是身体健康的典范,相当一部分是烟民,除非教练或保健医师唠叨个没完,他们才不打算戒烟。 yeeyan

Our parents may have used sarcasm, nagging, or open hostility when problems got to the boiling point.
当问题到达沸点时,我们的父母也许是用挖苦,挑剔,或公开的敌意。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Over time, a parent-child dynamic can develop, complete with constant nagging.
随着时光流逝,一种“主从关系”官能伴随着不断的挑剔发展,完全。 yeeyan

Sex is a wonderful activity that you should enjoy free of inhibitions and nagging thoughts.
性爱是种美妙的行为,你应该毫无抑制、毫无挑剔之心地去享受它。 yeeyan

So why the nagging market worries?
那么为什么挑剔的市场会担忧呢? ecocn

Somewhere along the way, perhaps you started to have a few nagging doubts.
在该过程中的某个阶段,您也许会开始产生一些挑剔的疑问。 ibm

There is also“ be like me” nagging, she says.
巴罗指出,还有一种“像我一样”的唠叨。 yeeyan

This isn’t your mother nagging you to go to church.
这不是你的妈妈在对你唠叨要你去教堂。 yeeyan

Wang, who lives with his parents, retired factory workers who remind him of his single status with nagging regularity.
和父母住在一起的王先生说。他的父母都是工厂退休职工,没事就和他唠叨找媳妇的事。 yeeyan

Yeah! I got sick and tired of her nagging all the time.
是的!我生病了,厌倦了她一直唠叨个不停。 hxen

Nagging is just one of the many interesting habits women have that men need to endure.
男人不得不忍受的女人众多习性中重要的一点就是——唠叨。 kekenet




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