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Nadia 基本例句 n.纳迪亚; 纳迪娅 As a native of Bergamo and a champion of the arts, owner Nadia Galeotti and her team are the perfect hosts and always have a tip for something to discover. 酒店老板 Nadia Galeotti是土生土长的贝加莫人,也是一位艺术大师,她与自己的团队打造出完美的酒店总有许多值得令人探寻之处。 yeeyan Gymnast Nadia Comaneci was the first gymnast to score a perfect ten in Olympic competition 1976 Montreal Olympic Games. Nadia Comaneci是第一个在奥运会上获得满分十分的体操运动员1976蒙特利尔奥运会。 ebigear The first wave came back in2005, according to Nadia Papagiannis of Morningstar, a research firm, when infatuation with hedge funds was near its peak. 据晨星调研公司 Nadia Papagiannis称,首次回潮在2005年,当时热衷于对冲基金接近峰值。 ecocn The Web inspires a teenager like Nadia, who might otherwise spend most of her leisure time watching television, to read and write. 网络让如 Nadia那样的孩子开始阅读和写作,没有了网络可能他们就会把剩余时间花费在电视上。 yeeyan “ I'm afraid of the cops, not my customers,” said Nadia. “我害怕警察,而不是我的顾客。”娜迪娅说。 yeeyan Nadia Sugich of Los Angeles sued Wednesday, saying she eats no animal products and would not have eaten the fries had she known they contained dairy ingredients. 此外,洛杉矶居民纳迪亚·苏吉奇也起诉麦当劳,称自己是一个素食主义者,若知道薯条中含有乳制品成分,她是不会食用的。 cri Asked how she had started in the sex trade, Nadia's wary expression crumbled into choked-back grief. 当问到她是如何进入性产业的时候,娜迪娅小心翼翼的表情变成了带着哽咽的悲伤。 yeeyan But after Yashca was born, Ms. Konyk spent the baby’s nap time reading the Harry Potter novels to Nadia, and she regularly brought home new titles from the library. 但是 Yashca出生以后, Konyk就在小宝宝睡觉的时候给 Nadia朗读《哈利波特》 Harry Potter,自己也开始有规律地定期从图书馆借阅一些书籍。 yeeyan Deborah Konyk always believed it was essential for Nadia and her8-year-old sister, Yashca, to read books. Deborah Konyk总是相信,阅读书籍对 Nadia和她8岁大的妹妹 Yashca来说是非常重要的。 yeeyan Her mother, Deborah Konyk, would prefer that Nadia, who gets A’s and B’s at school, read books for a change. 妈妈 Deborah Konyk希望 Nadia可以改变现在的生活状态,在学校拿到好成绩,读些书。 yeeyan Now, Nadia's top concern isn't gangsters or pimps, but police stings. 现在娜迪娅担心的不是黑社会或者皮条客,而是警察的圈套。 yeeyan The former world number one claimed a straight-sets win over Nadia Petrova of Russia in an exhibition match in Cairo, Egypt on Saturday. 在埃及开罗公开赛上,这位前任世界头号种子直落两盘,轻取俄罗斯选手佩特洛娃。 hjenglish Wearing a bright pink, puffy winter jacket, Nadia took a seat in a small office, two gold rings circling bony fingers. 穿着蓬松的亮粉色冬季夹克,娜迪娅坐在一个小办公室里,干瘦的手指上戴着两只金戒指。 bbs.internet.org.cn Zheng's compatriot Peng Shuai, however, lost to Russian16th seed Nadia Petrova1-6, 5-7 in a later match. 郑洁的同胞彭帅,在随后的比赛中以1-6,5-7不敌俄罗斯16号种子佩特洛娃淘汰出局。 yeeyan Nadia had led her group down to the airport after hearing that the U.S. military was handing out food. 娜迪娅她们是听说美国救援部队在分发食物,才赶到机场的。 yeeyan Nadia was picked up from her home in Wigan by her father, who said they were going to a party. 纳迪娅的父亲当时说要带她去参加派对,并将她从维冈的家中带走。 yeeyan Nadia said she preferred reading stories online because“ you could add your own character and twist it the way you want it to be.” Nadia说她更喜欢阅读在线小说,因为“你可以加入你自己想要的角色,让故事朝着理想的方向发展。” yeeyan Nadia said she wanted to major in English at college and someday hopes to be published. Nadia说自己想在大学的时候主修英文,并且希望有一天自己的小说能被发表出来。 yeeyan Nadia was riveted by heartbreaking details of life in the concentration camps. Nadia被集中营让人痛心的生活细节的描写吸引住了。 yeeyan Nadia's story doesn't easily lend itself to either side of the legalization debate. 娜迪娅的经历不能单纯支持合法化辩论的任何一方。 yeeyan |