

单词 nada
释义 nada
n. 什么也没有=nothing
Flavor After years of raiding the waters of Azeroth, the nada have acquired a treasury for themselves.
在经年累月的劫掠艾泽拉斯的水域之后,纳迦也积累了不少宝藏。 meetgee

No me gusta nada.
我一点也不喜欢。 hjenglish

Tuskarr like it because of that expansive shore, and the Riplash Ruins gives the nada a perfect view of anyone approaching across the ocean from the south.
图斯卡人喜欢这里广阔的海岸,同时裂鞭废墟给了纳迦一个适合用于观察谁穿过南方的海洋的地方。 wowdps

Zip, nada, nothing. No cardboard boxes, no disposable containers, no bottled water.
没有纸箱,没有扔掉的容器,没有扔掉的水瓶。 yeeyan

“ Nada” mean nothing and anything. The word can be used in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences.
指什么也没有,可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ The same car, ” says Jonathan Banks, NADA's executive auto analyst.
“就是同一辆车”美国汽车经销商协会高级汽车分析师说到。 blog.sina.com.cn

Combine that with the fact that you're recharging the batteries for nada and we think this light is a little gem.

Hamed Nada, a painter who exhibited in Paris and Cairo through the late1940s and early1950s, has six works in this sale.
此次拍卖的还有哈米德.纳达的6件作品,他的作品曾于1940年代晚期和1950年代早期在巴黎和开罗展出。 ecocn

I am Lady Nada, come with the Hosts of God.
我娜达夫人,来自伟大的上帝。 cfjkshbdw

I basically had nada left.
我基本上已经毫无感觉了。 yeeyan

In Starcraft, pro- players like Bisu, Nada, and Savior had strong Micro and a good sense of time management.
在星际争霸当中,职业竞技选手如 Bisu, Nada以及 Savior都有很强的微操能力和良好时间意识。 bbs.17173.com

It may be the21st Century but the issue of virginity in Arab culture can still be a matter of life and death, especially for women like Sonia and Nada.
即使在21世纪的今天,阿拉伯文化中的贞操问题仍是是生死攸关的大事,尤其像对索尼娅和纳达这样的女子更是如此。 yeeyan

Just as the nada, high elves, and blood elves are descended from night elves, so Darnassian bears some resemblance to the Nazja and Thalassian languages.
由于纳迦、高等精灵和血精灵本质上都是暗夜精灵的变种,因此达纳苏斯语和纳兹迦语、萨拉斯语之间的区别并不是很大。 ngacn

Lady Nada: Jess, let me speak to you again this evening.
娜达夫人:杰西,今晚让我再次与你交谈。 blog.sina.com.cn

No es nada grave.
没什么大不了的事情。 douban

No me seduce nada la idea de ir al extranjero.
到国外去的想法一点也不吸引我。 kekenet

They will tell you the answer: Zero, zilch, nada.
他们会告诉你毛都没有。 yeeyan




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