

单词 nacelle
释义 na·celle 英nəˈsel美nəˈsɛlAHDnə-sĕlʹ 高COCA⁷⁶²⁶⁶BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb³⁰³⁰⁵
a streamlined enclosure for an aircraft enginenose nacelle前舱double nacelle双吊舱engine nacelle发动机舱

用作名词The elevator servo is mounted inside thenacelle, and a channel inside the vertical tail allows the motor power wires and elevator servo wires to be run internally.电梯伺服安装在发动机舱,以及一个频道内的垂直尾翼使电机功率电线和电线伺服电梯运行国内。as in.basket
同义词 box,cratebassinet,bin,bushel,cradle,creel,hamper,pannier
basketnoun woven container
bassinet,bin,box,bushel,cradle,crate,creel,hamper,pannier An O- ring located in nacelle flange is applied between the grease channels in nacelle and bearing.
在机舱润滑油脂通道和轴承之间有 O形圈, O形圈位于机舱法兰上。 www.1x1y.com.cn

In a traditional turbine the blades are in front of both the pole and the nacellethe structure that houses the generator.
传统涡轮的桨叶在支柱与引擎机舱发动机所在的房屋结构前。 ecocn

In this paper the second generation low order panel method is used for calculation of the pressure distribution on the nacelle in low speed.
应用第二代面元法对发动机短舱的压强分布进行了计算。 dictall

The nacelle azimuth control of DC torque motor under the reaction flywheel control mode is presented, and the nacelle azimuth control system is investigated in theory.
提出了用直流力矩电动机在反作用飞轮控制方式下对气球吊篮的方位控制,从理论上研究了气球吊篮方位控制系统。 cnki

The results show that the cooling requirements of the accessory nacelle can be met by the cooling system.
结果表明,附件舱冷却系统可以满足舱内冷却要求。 cnki

The stratospheric nacelle attitude control system is the key technology in keeping position stabilization and posture adjustment.
气球吊篮姿态控制系统是吊篮在空中保持姿态稳定、进行姿态调整的关键部件。 cnki

The nacelle is lowered onto the tower, which has, by now been fixed into place with dumbbell-sized bolts.
机舱放到了塔上,固定机舱用的螺栓有哑铃那么粗。 yeeyan

A luffing extension- jib was installed on top of the carriage with a telescopic nacelle.
在方舱上安装由液压系统控制的可升降伸缩旋转吊臂;在吊臂顶端安装有可折叠吊篮。 dictall

Aircraft engine Nacelle flexible ducts.
飞机发动机短舱挠性管道。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

Based on data from wind- direction sensors, a yaw- drive motor turns the nacelle to face the wind.
装在新型风力发电机上的风向传感器会根据采集的数据,指挥偏航驱动马达调整方向,让发电机正面对着来风; yeeyan

By contrast, FHI has opted for a downwind design, which puts the blades behind both nacelle and pole.
通过对比,富士重工已经选择了顺风设计,这种设计将叶片放在了机舱和连杆之后。 ecocn

Characteristics and influence factors of total pressure distortion are studied based on tests conducted on a disturbed board installed in the nacelle inlet.
在吊舱进气道进口安装扰流板进行试验,研究扰流板进气畸变的影响因素及总压畸变特征。 dictall

Different nacelle with deeper ross- section and intake over propeller shaft.
发动机舱、螺旋桨轴处的进气口有一些不同。 iciba

In a traditional turbine the blades are in front of the pole and also of the nacelle—the structure that houses the generator.
在传统的风力发电机中,叶片放置在塔杆和机舱的前面,构成了风力发电机的结构。 ecocn

Numerical investigation is carried out for inner space of nacelle of a2.5MW wind turbine.
在以上研究的基础上,对2.5 MW真实机舱进行了温度场数值计算分析。 fabiao

Owing to the popular use of nacelle in airplane, the power supply problem of the electrical equipments in the nacelle has attracted much attention.
由于目前飞机吊舱使用越来越多,吊舱内的电子设备供电问题越来越受到重视。 cnki

Part of an engine nacelle and an exhaust ejector are visible at left.
在左侧可看见部分的发动机短舱和排气顶针。 yeeyan

Simulation results show that the average temperature inside the nacelle will change linearly with environmental temperature.
结果显示:环境温度降低,机舱内平均温度呈线性降低; fabiao

The nacelle control system of intelligent wind generator is based on fuzzy control. Host computer adopted the fuzzy controller80C552 of single chip microcomputer.
基于模糊控制的智能风力发电机机舱控制系统,主机采用单片机模糊控制器80C552。 cnki




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