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词汇 naboo
释义 nabooCOCA¹⁹⁸⁵⁰⁰
Following the failed invasion of Naboo, the Neimoidians began losing favor in the galaxy.
对纳布的入侵失败后,内莫迪亚人在银河系的名声骤降。 starwarsfans

It came as a surprise when Kenobi returned from a mission to Naboo elevated to the rank of Jedi Knight, and with an unlikely Padawan apprentice, Anakin Skywalker.
令人深感意外的是,克诺比从纳布执行任务归来后荣升为绝地武士,还带回一个出人意料的徒弟——阿纳金·天行者。 starwarschina

Nute Gunray delighted in toying with Bibble, taunting him about the dire state of the Naboo populace.
纽特·冈雷以玩弄比布尔为乐,用纳布人民的悲惨命运来嘲弄他。 starwarsfans

Representations of the aquatic monster have been part of the Naboo folk culture for ages, often used to symbolize distrust and fear.
自古以来,这种水生猛兽的艺术形象就是纳布民间文化的一部分,经常被用来代表恐怖与不信任。 starwarsfans

Sio Bibble was the outspoken governor of Naboo.
西奥·比布尔是直言不讳的纳布资政官。 starwarsfans

The Gungans have had an uneasy relationship with the Naboo, the human colonists on the planet.

The rift between the Gungan and Naboo people began at first contact, centuries ago.

The Trade Federation, in protest of government measures that would tax their outlying trade routes, blockaded and invaded Naboo.

Abandoned for Episode V, they were sketched as possible creatures in Return of the Jedi and then as a concept mount for the Gungans of Naboo in Episode I.
它们在《第五部》中被放弃后,又作为《绝地归来》中的可能生物而被绘制了草图,然后又在《第一部》概念图中设计为纳布的冈根人坐骑。 starwarschina

After the Battle of Naboo, they crafted a select assassination corps in a bid to exact vengeance against the Jedi.
纳布战役后,他们组建了一支成员经过精挑细选的暗杀部队,来向绝地复仇。 starwarsfans

Against a peaceful populace, the Trade Federation army of battle droids was able to quickly conquer and take control of the Naboo population centers.
面对一群爱好和平的平民,贸易联盟的战斗机器人军队迅速征服并控制纳布的人口中心。 starwarschina

An outcast, the Gungan spent his time in the Naboo swampland, surviving on raw shellfish or just about anything else that the murky ecosystem had to offer.
作为流亡者,这个冈根人在纳布的沼泽地里消磨时光,靠着贝类和那阴暗的生态系统所哺育的几乎一切东西来活命。 starwarsfans

As per Naboo tradition, the reigning monarch personally names the Royal vessel.
根据纳布的传统,王家飞船由在位君主亲自命名。 starwarsfans

Egged on by their Sith overlord, the Trade Federation began a full-scale invasion of Naboo.
在西斯霸主的教唆下,贸易联盟开始对纳布展开全面入侵。 starwarsfans

Glamour rating? She may not be royalty but she does get to dress up as the queen of Naboo.
魅力指数?她可能不是皇室但是她确实打扮的像纳布女皇。 yeeyan

Her robes display the style and elegance of peaceful Naboo.
她的长袍展示了和平的纳布的风尚和优雅感。 starwarschina

It was the invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation that showed the galaxy not only the effectiveness of battle droids, but also the glaring oversights in their design.
正是贸易联盟对纳布的入侵让银河系不仅仅看到了战斗机器人的效率,更看到了其设计上显而易见的失误。 starwarschina

Nonetheless, the Queen's forces and allies were able to capture the Trade Federation viceroy, and destroy the orbiting Droid Control Ship, thus freeing Naboo.

Outraged, the Trade Federation brazenly blockaded the peaceful planet of Naboo in protest.
恼羞成怒的贸易联盟放肆地封锁了和平的纳布星球以示抗议。 starwarsfans

Rhys Dallow was a Naboo pilot devoted to protecting his world.

She had discovered Jerec while working as an archaeologist for the ExplorCorps many years before the Battle of Naboo.
她发现杰雷克时,还在勘探队当考古学家,那时距离纳布战役爆发还有许多年。 starwarschina

She escaped their clutches and called upon the native Gungans of Naboo to join with a growing resistance force.
她从他们的手中逃脱,联合了纳布的土著冈根人加入了日益壮大的抵抗力量。 starwarsfans

She may not be royalty but she does get to dress up as the queen of Naboo.
她可能不是皇室但是她确实打扮的像纳布女皇。 yeeyan

The Gungans retreated to a sacred place within the Naboo swamps.

They have long muscular tongues with which they scoop mollusks and lesser amphibians from the Naboo swamps.

They refused to allow Qui- Gon to train Anakin, but the Jedi Master nevertheless kept the boy as his ward as he returned to Naboo.
他们拒绝同意奎-冈训练阿纳金,但这位绝地大师在重返纳布时仍将这孩子置于自己监护之下。 starwarschina

Three years after the Naboo incident, the Republic started to disband the Trade Federation armed forces.
纳布事件过去三年后,共和国开始裁减贸易联盟的武装力量。 starwarsfans

Together, the people of Naboo were able to overthrow their oppressors.
最终,纳布人民团结一致推翻压迫者。 starwarsfans

When the government sought to tax outlying trade routes, the Neimoidians reacted with a brazen blockade of the peaceful world of Naboo.
当政府试图在外围贸易航道上征税时,内莫迪亚人用封锁和平星球纳布的无耻行为作为回应。 starwarsfans




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