

单词 nabbed
释义 nab·bed 英næb美næb COCA⁴⁵⁶¹⁴BNC⁷⁴⁸¹¹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
tag the base runner to get him outtake into custody;

the police nabbed the suspected criminals

seize suddenlynab抓住或逮捕
近义词 steal偷pinch捏lift举起nail钉子swipe重击collar衣领arrest逮捕pick up捡起snitch告密者apprehend理解walk off with偷走cop纺锤状线团、管纱…rip off收取不合理的高价…

用作动词A video helped policenabthe suspect.一盒录像带帮助警方逮捕到这名疑犯。
The thief wasnabbedby the police.小偷被警察抓住了。
Police officers often use fingerprints successfully tonabcriminals.警察官员时常使用指纹成功地去逮捕罪犯。
American Corey Cogdell hit the target tonabthird place.美国选手科丽·科格德尔射中目标夺得第三。
Loading queues often disintegrate into a Hobbesian struggle tonabuntaken seats.排队等车的人们往往会一哄而上,不顾一切地争抢空座位。verb.seize
同义词 apprehend,arrest,capture,catch,clutch,cop,detain,grab,nail,snatch,takepick up,run in,take into custody
反义词 be immunefree,give,let go,liberate,lose,misunderstand,receive,release,unfasten The feathered-haired youngster nabbed her first professional gig—in a commercial for a kids' cereal—at age11.
这位女星11岁之时出演了她的第一部演绎作品,儿童麦片广告。 hjenglish

The Beach restaurant, a favourite for secular types, including foreign aid workers, was closed for three days after police nabbed a woman smoking a water-pipe.
因警察逮捕了一名抽水烟筒的妇女后,海滨餐馆停业了三天,这个地方倍受一般民众包括外国援助人员喜爱。 ecocn

The Hong Kong movie musical, Perhaps Love, has nabbed four Golden Horse awards, considered one of the highest prizes in the Chinese-language film world.
香港音乐剧《如果·爱》夺得了四项金马奖,而金马奖被认为是华语电影的最高奖项之一。 edu.sina.com.cn

The National Security Service, a controversial body, has yet to explain why it nabbed Mr Turabi this time.
苏丹国家安全机构一个备受争议的政府机构仍无法解释他们这次为何要逮捕图拉比先生。 ecocn

Boyce was arrested in 1977 after Lee was nabbed in front of the Soviet embassy in Mexico City.
李在莫斯科城的苏联大使馆前被逮捕以后的1977年博伊斯被拘留。 yeeyan

But on his return to Iran in November2008 the authorities nabbed him.
当他2008年11月返回伊朗时,当局逮捕了他。 ecocn

Florida, of course, is hardly the only state where female teachers have been nabbed for preying on boys.
当然,佛罗里达不是唯一一个有女老师因为和男学生发生关系而被逮捕的州。 yeeyan

He has nabbed the ministries of finance, defence and public works for himself.
他自己紧抓住财政部,国防部和公共建设部门不放。 ecocn

I run the risk of being nabbed.
我有被捕的危险。 ebigear

In 1999, the Americans nabbed an Algerian asylum-seeker as he tried to cross the border from Canada with explosives intended to blow up Los Angeles International Airport.
1991年,美国逮捕了一名试图从加美边界进入美国的阿尔及利亚籍庇护寻求者,他带有炸药,目的是炸毁洛杉矶国际机场。 ecocn

In 2009 China nabbed fully67% of all internationally traded iron ore.
2009年中国购买了全球交易铁矿石总量的足足67%。 ecocn

In any event, most diplomats in Addis Ababa suspect that Afar rebels have indeed nabbed their colleagues.
无论如何,大多数亚的斯亚贝巴的外交官都怀疑阿法斯叛乱分子是绑架他们同事的真凶。 ecocn

JUST as America’s spy-catchers were basking in glory for having nabbed12 Russian agents, another scandal was breaking with a different spin.
正当美国的反间谍人员刚刚因为逮住了12名俄罗斯特工而沐浴在荣耀之中时,另一起丑闻则以截然不同的态势迎面袭来。 ecocn

JUST as America's spy-catchers were basking in glory for having nabbed12 Russian agents, another scandal was breaking with a different spin.
正如美国的反间谍人员为逮捕了12名俄罗斯间谍而自鸣得意,另一件关于试图改变政治思想的间谍丑闻浮出水面。 ecocn

One cat owner in Guanghzou said people are afraid to let their pets leave the house for fear they will get nabbed.
一名在广州的猫主人说现在人们都不会让自己的猫咪在室外到处走动,因为他们害怕猫咪会被抓走。 yeeyan

Police nabbed him as he struggled to remove his costume, which included pink arm warmers and a woman’s swimsuit.
当他挣扎着奋力脱掉自己身上的道具服时被警察逮个正着。这身衣服由粉红色的长手套和女生的游泳衣组成。 hjenglish

Singapore has now nabbed the top spot and every other big port in1989 has moved down the list.
现在,新加坡成为世界上最大的港口,而其他在1989年占据世界前二十大港口已经全部被挤出了这份名单。 yeeyan

Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines have nabbed others.
另有一些成员在新加坡,马来西亚,泰国和菲律宾遭到逮捕。 ecocn

The Chinese men's win came a day after their female compatriots, Guo Jingjing and Wu Minxia, nabbed gold in the synchronized 3m springboard event.
在女队友郭晶晶和吴敏霞在双人3米板比赛中夺得金牌的一天后,胜利降临到了中国男选手的头上。 yeeyan

With her blonde hair and doe eyes, Lottie definitely nabbed the beauty genes from her famous sister.
洛蒂拥有金色的头发,大大的眼睛,完全继承了姐姐的美貌。 hjenglish

Nabbed a nice cabbie for the way home.
搭了辆不错的计程车回家了。 yeeyan




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