

单词 art class
释义 art class ɑ:tklɑ:s 短语⁴⁵⁰²⁷

a class in which you learn to draw or paintI am auditing theart classsimply for pleasure.我是为了乐趣而旁听这门艺术课。
We sing and draw at the Art lesson.我们在艺术课上唱歌和画画。 Aries could also meet someone special at an art class or dance club. A little dose of culture will definitely go a long way!
你还有可能在舞会上结识特别的异性,要知道浪漫的文化氛围对增进感情是大有裨益的。 putclub

I will give a slide show next art class.
下节美术课我要做一个幻灯片展示。 hjenglish

I'll go to my art class.

If you were in charge of education, would art class be as important as math?
如果你主管教育,艺术课会像数学课一样重要吗? dict

In art class, Mrs. Ma showed us a beautiful Chinese painting and then taught us to paint it.
在美术课上,马老师先向我们展示了一幅漂亮的中国画,然后教我们怎样画国画。 teacher.yqedu.com.cn

In art class, we learn to work with clay in making pottery. I will share a piece with you.
在美术课堂上,我们学习如何用黏土制作陶器,我要和你分享这件作品。 twrses

Moeller's Art class is hard to get into. Most students who enter art have decided their future even before the entrance test.
默乐高中美术班难进,大多数学生在竞争这30个名额之前,早就认准了他们的未来职业追求。 edu.sina.com.cn

Part four concerns teaching practice in instructingself-regulated learning of art class in senior middle school.
第四部分,高中美术课堂上引导学生自主学习的教学实践探索。 cnki

Sign up for an art class, or at yoga, introduce yourself to the woman who's downward- dogging next to you.
参加一堂艺术课,或者瑜珈,把你自己介绍给正在你旁边做向下伸展动作的女士. yeeyan

The students made some paper flowers for their favorite teacher in the art class.
学生们在美术课上为他们最喜欢的老师做了一些纸花。 blog.sina.com.cn

Today, I had an art class with my girlfriend.
今天,我和女友一起上艺术课。 uuniao

We have an art class today.
我们今天有美术课。 blog.sina.com.cn

We learned charcoal drawing in the art class.
我们在美术课上学习了木炭画。 nciku

Art class, chemistry class, history class or maths class have started.
艺术课,化学课,历史课或数学课已经开始。 blog.sina.com.cn




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