

单词 mystifies
释义 mys·ti·fy 英'mɪstɪfaɪ美'mɪstɪfaɪ COCA⁸²²²⁶BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
be a mystery or bewildering to;

This beats me!

Got me--I don't know the answer!

a vexing problem

This question really stuck me

make mysterious;

mystify the story

近义词 beat打cloud云get得到stump残株floor地面stick手杖vex使恼怒puzzle难题baffle困惑muddle混乱gravel碎石pose摆姿势muddy泥泞的addle使腐坏amaze使吃惊perplex使困惑confuse使困惑bamboozle欺骗flummox使混乱nonplus使困惑confound使困惑bewilder 使迷惑stupefy使茫然dumbfound 使 … 惊呆stymie 使 … 处于困难境…反义词 demystify使非神秘化

I'm completelymystifiedabout what happened in the hotel the other day.我对这家酒店几天前所发生的事压根儿迷惑不解。
The act or an instance ofmystifying.神秘化神秘化的行为或事例 And her behavior mystifies some of her doctors in the same way patients have sometimes mystified me.
她的举止让医师困惑,就如同我的病患有时也让我感到困惑。 yeeyan

The price increase mystifies some analysts, who say that oil demand remains weak.
油价上涨也让一些分析师深感迷惑,他们表示,石油需求仍疲软。 yeeyan

The specter of loneliness and its share of frustrations are so many arrows that mystifies love in imprisoning life.
幽灵的孤独和沮丧,有这么多的箭头迷惑的爱终身监禁。 chinese

In addition, the“ Whole Team” approach to quality and the idea that testing and coding aren’t separate phases still mystifies some people.
此外,对一些人而言,“整个团队”都去关注质量的方法,以及测试和编码并非独立的过程这种观念仍然让他们感到迷惑。 infoq

It is mystifies. It transforms an immense social problem into a personal transaction, and at the same time pins responsibility squarely on the victim.
它将庞大的社会问题转化为个人事务,同时直接将其归为受害者的责任。 tianya

Kennedy's decision mystifies some who know her. “ I can't imagine she's going to like this, ” says one family friend.
肯尼迪的这一决定让她身边的朋友困惑不已,“我无法想象她将如此去做”一个家族朋友说。 yeeyan

My gongoozling mystifies some, such as a Midlands- raised colleague, whose morning trudge to school took her across the shopping- trolley- strewn Coventry Canal.
我的运河守望变得有些不可思议了,正如一个从米德兰提拔起来的同事,她早上跋涉去学校要穿越散布着购物手推车的考文垂运河。 ecocn




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