

单词 mysterious
释义 mys·te·ri·ous 英mɪˈstɪəriːəs美mɪˈstɪriəsAHDmĭ-stîrʹē-əs ★★☆☆☆高四六研IMT牛4COCA⁵⁵⁷⁸BNC⁵²⁵⁸iWeb⁴⁹²³Economist⁶³³³


full of mystery; not easily understood


hiding one's intentions

of an obscure nature;

the new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms

a deep dark secret

the inscrutable workings of Providence

in its mysterious past it encompasses all the dim origins of life

rituals totally mystifying to visitors from other lands

having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding;

mysterious symbols

the mystical style of Blake

occult lore

the secret learning of the ancients

词根词缀: -myst-神秘 + -ery名词词尾y→i + -ous形容词词尾
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词mysterious disappearance神秘的失踪mysterious event不可思议的事mysterious object神秘的物体mysterious sighting神秘的景象the mysterious universe神秘的宇宙
mysteri=mystery,神秘+ous形容词后缀,有很多…的⇒神秘的。联想记忆myster=mystery 神秘+i-ous拥/具有→神秘的近义词 darkcoverthiddensecret反义词 clearfrankplain
~+ n.I saw a mysterious object in the sky last night.昨晚我看到天空中有一个神秘的物体。
The mysterious disappearance of my brother upset everyone.我弟弟神秘地失踪了,全家人心烦意乱。
S+be+~His action was very mysterious.他的行动十分神秘。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHe's being very mysterious about his future plans.他对未来的计划故弄玄虚。
He was very mysterious in his manner.他的行为举止十分神秘。
用作形容词The enchanter is verymysterious.魔法师非常神秘。
Africa is amysteriousland to him.对他来说,非洲是一片神秘的土地。
We must pay special attention to themysteriousstranger.我们必须对那个神秘的陌生人严加注意。
There are manymysteriousstories about the Egyptian pyramids.关于埃及金字塔有许多神秘的故事。
This really is amysteriousevent.这真是件不可思议的事情。adj.secret, concealed
同义词 baffling,cryptic,curious,dark,enigmatic,inexplicable,inscrutable,magical,mystical,mystifying,obscure,perplexing,puzzling,secretive,strange,unknown,weirdabstruse,alchemistic,arcane,astrological,cabalistic,covert,difficult,enigmatical,equivocal,esoteric,furtive,hidden,impenetrable,incomprehensible,insoluble,necromantic,occult,oracular,recondite,sphinxlike,spiritual,subjective,symbolic,transcendental,uncanny,unfathomable,unknowable,unnatural,veiled
反义词 apparent,bright,clear,comprehendible,comprehensible,evident,familiar,intelligible,known,normal,obvious,plain,regular,usual,visiblepublic,straightforward,tangibleunmysterious
arcaneadjective hidden, secret
cabalisticadjective occult
cloak-and-daggeradjective full of secrecy
crypticadjective secret;obscure in meaning
curiousadjective very odd
darkadjective hidden, secret
Delphian,abstruse,anagogic,arcane,cabalistic,complicated,concealed,cryptic,deep,enigmatic,esoteric,intricate,knotty,mysterious,mystic,mystical,mystifying,not known,obscure,occult,puzzling,recondite As narrow as three feet wide and a thousand feet deep, few people have ever had the courage to descend into this mysterious world.
宽度只有窄窄的三英尺,深达千尺,只有很少人有勇气深入到这个神秘的世界里去一探究竟。 ebigear

At this point we had better pause to examine that least controllable and most mysterious of all elements in the machine, the velocity of money.
到这里,我们最好暂停一下,来研究机制中最不可控制、同时也是最不可思议的一个因素:货币流通速度。 fortunechina

But the miracle of life persists, the mysterious germ of growth and renewal that is the seed itself.
但生命的奇迹依然持续,那就是种子所孕育的萌芽和再生的神奇力量。 ebigear

But, seen from another point of view, this line could be something very mysterious.
但是,从另一个观点来看,这线路可能是非常神秘的。 yeeyan

But in most places people can agree there is nothing too mysterious or controversial about the science of broken bones— or the way aspiring doctors should be taught to mend them.
但在多数地区,人们可能认为,骨折科学——或者,向满怀抱负的医生教授如何治疗的方式——没什么过于神秘或是存在争论的地方。 ecocn

He agreed that the holes could not have anything to do with protons, so there had to be some mysterious reason why they did not occur in nature.
他同意空穴与质子没有任何关系的观点,所以在它们为何没有出现在自然界这一点的背后必然隐藏着某些神秘的原因。 yeeyan

It is mysterious because we can only“ borrow it”: it is not our property but is social and collective.
其神秘之处还在于我们只能“借用它”:它并非我们的财产而是社会化和集体化拥有。 yeeyan

It is all rather mysterious.
这是非常不可思议的。 ecocn

Men also have a G- spot of sorts, below the scrotum and above the anus, Goldstein said, although it has not gotten as much attention as the more mysterious female G- spot.
高斯登说,男人也有一个类似的 G点,位于阴囊以下和肛门以上的位置,虽然它没有像更加神秘的女性 G点那样获得那么多的关注。 yeeyan

Not so with the truly mysterious disappearances.
真正神秘的消失就不是这样了。 kekenet

Now they were peeking inside his brain to see if a mysterious shadow on a previous CT image might be an internal clot, or hematoma, at the rear of the skull, indicating a blow to the head.
现在他们向冰人的脑部里面进行窥视,看之前的 CT影像中的神秘的阴影是否是一块位于后脑壳内部的结块,或血肿,如此便可表明脑部受到一击。 yeeyan

One of the soldiers chance upon a girl from a mysterious tribe, that is cursed such that its members who fornicate with outsiders will, together with them, transform into wolves.
一个士兵偶然发现了一个来自神奇部落的女孩,这个部落遭到诅咒,如果它的成员和其他部落人私通,和他们在一起,就会变成狼。 yeeyan

She assured us that her dearest wish was our welfare, but I knew even then, with the mysterious clairvoyance of childhood, that what she wanted most was the husband she never got.
她要我们相信她最大的愿望是希望我们幸福,但是即使是那个时候凭着我小孩子神秘的的直觉我都知道,她最希望得到的是她从未得到过的丈夫。 yeeyan

So is there an operating system out in that mysterious space?
所以,在那个神秘的部分,我们的操作系统在哪里? blog.sina.com.cn

The sisters, in a sort of crude seance, would ask questions of the spirit, who would answer back with mysterious knocks or raps.
这对姐妹,利用一种拙劣的降神会,向灵魂问问题,而灵魂会利用神秘的敲击声或叩击来回答。 hjenglish

The mysterious rider dissolved into the mists.

The mysterious woman passenger vanished.

There is nothing mysterious about this; in every aspect of life, we yearn for things to be regular and parallel.
这点没有任何神秘的;生活中的每一方面,我们都渴望事物是有规律和对等的。 infoq

There is nothing mysterious in her character.
她的性格里没有什么神秘的地方。 kekenet

There was one of these mysterious female passengers on every car, all leaning forward, urging their drivers to follow the moon.
每一辆汽车上都有这样一位神秘的女乘客,身体向前倾斜着,催促着她们的司机去追逐月亮。 yeeyan

Through some mysterious force, Trufa understood the miracle of her molecules, atoms, protons and electrons- the enormous energy she represented and the divine plan of which she was a part.
通过某些神秘的力量,特鲁法了解了自身分子,原子,质子和电子的奇迹,她所代表的巨大能量以及她是其中一部分的神圣计划。 ebigear

Unlike Americans of our day, however, few in the Roman Republic felt their system should be, or could be, embraced by others in the mysterious ancient societies of the East.
然而,不同于今天的美国人的是,在罗马共和国几乎没有人认为他们的系统应该,或者可能被神秘古老的东方社会文明所接受。 yeeyan

We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just like a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.
我们可以掌握神秘而不可知的未来,从中创出我们所能想象的任何东西,一如雕刻家可以将未成型的石头刻出雕像一样。 ebigear

With the period detail and deep resonance of Memoirs of a Geisha, this lyrical and emotionally charged novel delves into one of the most mysterious of human relationships: female friendship.
通过这一时期的细节和对艺妓回忆录的深深地认同感,这部抒情的和充满感情的小说探究了一个最神秘的人类关系:女性的友谊。 hjenglish

Yet if that is the right interpretation, it leaves the question of what evolved into the trilobites and their kind as mysterious as ever.
不过倘若这样的解释是正确的,三叶虫和它的同类由何而来的问题将仍然神秘晦涩,一如往昔。 ecocn




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