

单词 MVQ
释义 MVQ
The thermal aging resistance of LDPE/MVQhybrid rubber decreased with the increase in the mass ratio of LDPE:MVQ.随着LDPE与MVQ混炼胶的质量比的增加,材料的耐热老化性能下降。
MVQmight play a role in determination of biological behavior in astrocytoma and its grading.MVQ对星形细胞瘤分级及生物学行为判定有较大意义。
A study was made on the application of dimethyl silicone oil,propanetriol and 1,2 propanediol to decrease the modulus ofMVQvulcanizate.探讨了用增塑剂二甲基硅油、丙三醇和1,2-丙二醇降低甲基乙烯基硅橡胶MVQ硫化胶模量的途径。
The solubility parameter of methyl vinylsilicone rubber was determined with the equilibrium swelling method and the viscosity method respectively.采用平衡溶胀法和粘度法分别测定了甲基乙烯基硅橡胶MVQ的溶解度参数。
The influence of curatives,reinforcing fillers and anti-heat agent on the heat resistance ofMVQvulcanizate was investigated.探讨了硫化剂、补强剂和耐热添加剂对甲基乙烯基硅橡胶硫化胶耐热性能的影响。




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