

单词 arsenal
释义 ar·se·nal 英ˈɑːsənəl美ˈɑrsənəlAHDärʹsə-nəl ★☆☆☆☆高四GST宝八COCA⁹⁸⁴⁰BNC⁷³⁵⁸iWeb⁸⁷⁸⁶Economist⁹⁷⁴⁸

all the weapons and equipment that a country hasa military structure where arms and ammunition and other military equipment are stored and training is given in the use of armsa place where arms are manufactured来自意大利语arzenale,源自阿拉伯语 dar as-sina'ah,其中,dar表示“房屋、车间”,as是阿拉伯语定冠词al的变体形式,相当于英语中的the,sina'ah表示“手艺,制造”。整个单词的字面意思是“制造车间”。该词进入英语后,拼写改为arsenal,含义也发生了变化,用来表示造船厂或用来存放海军装备和武器的仓库,后来又泛化为任何各种军械库和兵工厂。GRE红宝书arsenal就是阿森纳. 具有众多球星的英超球队: 总司令温格, 排雷手大卫?希曼, 坦克维埃拉, 冲锋队博格坎普, 卡努和亨利, 还有一堆小牛人基翁, 亚当斯, 维瓦斯, 永贝里, 帕洛尔, 西尔维尼奥, 格里曼迪. 难道这还称不上兵工厂么?
音:阿森纳,英超球队阿森纳的名字特意取自兵工厂这个意思,球员也火药味十足,都是炮手;arse: ass 屁股;火烧屁股
词根记忆arsen热,火+ al → 带火的东西 → 军械库也是英超阿森纳足球队的名字词根记忆arsen热,火+ al → 带火的东西 ⇒ 军械库也是英超阿森纳足球队的名字词根记忆arsen军火近义词 armory军械库armoury军械库

用作名词Even the workers at thearsenalhave got a secret organization.兵工厂工人暗中也有组织。
The cannon on the Arsenal crest bears great similarity with those on the crest of the Royal Arsenal Gatehouse in Woolwich.阿森纳徽章上的大炮和伍里奇市皇家兵工厂大门上的徽章极为相似。
Cade has a smallarsenalof weapons, including a collection of antique blasters liberated on various missions.凯德拥有一个小型军械库,收集了在任务中缴获来的各种老式爆能枪。
I was shocked to discover that it was anarsenalcontaining an array of antiquated armor and armament.我愕然发现这竟是个军械库,里面存放着全系列的古老盔甲和武器。用作名词Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game.阿森纳队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。
Think Viera with Arsenal, Keane with Man Utd.想想在阿森纳时的维埃拉,在曼联时的基恩。noun.storage of weapons
同义词 armory,depository,depot,dump,factory,magazine,ordnance,plant,repository,stock,stockpile,store,storehouse,supply,warehouse
反义词 debt
ammunition dumpnoun military storage facility
ammo dump,ammunition compound,ammunition depot,armory,bomb dump,magazine,munitions dump
armorynoun military building, usually for storing weapons
depositorynoun storage place
archive,arsenal,bank,bunker,cache,collection,depot,gallery,magazine,museum,repertory,repository,safe,safe-deposit box,store,storehouse,tomb,vault,warehouse
munitionsnoun ammunition
storagenoun depository
ambry,arcade,argosy,arsenal,boutique,cache,commissary,depot,emporium,entrepot,larder,magazine,mall,repertory,repository,stash,stockpile,storehouse,trading post
storenoun place for keeping supply
arsenal,bank,barn,box,cache,conservatory,depository,depot,magazine,pantry,repository,reservoir,stable,storehouse,storeroom,tank,treasury,vault,warehouse Broad changes to the arsenal may have a very real impact on the work and mission of these institutions.
这些兵工厂的变化将会对科研机构的工作和未来产生实质性的影响。 yeeyan

That first season at Arsenal I dislocated my shoulder in every game.
在阿森纳的第一个赛季,每一场比赛我都会脱臼。 yeeyan

The Frenchification of Arsenal is perhaps the most famous example of a broader French influx to London.
阿森纳的法国化或许是更大范围的法国人涌入伦敦最著名的例子。 ecocn

To do that against Arsenal in the8-2 game is just a pleasure to play for a striker or an attacking midfielder.
在和阿森纳的比赛『最后8-2』中,能在那场比赛中担纲前锋或者出任攻击型中场是件很荣幸的事。 kle100

“ It was all change in the summer and some of that was for unwanted reasons,” Wenger told the Official Arsenal Magazine.
“这个夏天一切都变了,有些是因为可有可无的理由”温格向阿森纳官方杂志如是说。 yeeyan

“The players go away for two weekson international duty and maybe that is a good thing,” Wenger told Arsenal Player.
“球员们将离开两个星期去参加国家队集训,这也许是件好事。”温格告诉阿森纳在线视频。 yeeyan

All the Arsenal staff and everyone else have helped me.
所有的阿森纳工作人员和每一个其他人都在帮助我。 yeeyan

And I knew at that moment that I was an Arsenal fan for life.
我知道自己从那一刻起我就成为一生的阿森纳球迷。 blog.sina.com.cn

But his teammate Jô moved back to Brazil, as did Denilson, from Arsenal in London.
但是他们队友乔和德尼尔森都从伦敦的阿森纳回到了巴西。 ecocn

During the last15 years, all English soccer championships but one were won by the so-called“ Big Four”: Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool.
在过去的15年里,所有的英超冠军几乎都被所谓的“四强”:曼联、切尔西、阿森纳和利物浦夺得,仅有一次例外。 yeeyan

Ferguson had not been joking when he said he regarded Arsenal as a threat.
当弗格森说他认为阿森纳是一个威胁时,并不是开玩笑。 yeeyan

He played in fantastic teams: Arsenal and Real Madrid. I think he likes to be a player.
他在阿森纳和皇马这样的大球队踢过球,作为球员我认为他理应感到自豪。 yeeyan

His silence shows probably that he still hopes he will make it at Arsenal.
他的沉默很可能表示他仍希望他在阿森纳取得成功。 yeeyan

I am not in favour of the Arsenal system.
我并不支持阿森纳的运营方式。 yeeyan

I have been in contact with Arsenal physiotherapists and they have let me do it.
我一直在和阿森纳的理疗师沟通,他们已让我去接受这种按摩疗法了。 yeeyan

I was shocked to discover that it was an arsenal containing an array of antiquated armor and armament.
我愕然发现这竟是个军械库,里面存放着全系列的古老盔甲和武器。 ebigear

If Campbell returns to Arsenal, he wants the impart the knowledge of those past glories to the present squad.
如果坎贝尔回到阿森纳,那么他想向现在的队伍传授过去那些获得荣誉的经验。 yeeyan

It came from the team who do what Arsenal think they can do, only they do it much better: Barcelona.
它来自于一个阿森纳可以效仿、并且只有他们才能做得更好的队伍:巴塞罗纳。 yeeyan

It is India’s biggest maker of writing and printing paper, including the glossy stock that Arsenal supporters browse before kick-off.
它是印度最大的书写纸和印刷纸制造商,也生产在比赛开始前阿森纳球迷所看到的光面纸。 ecocn

Oh, Jermaine, you play for Arsenal, yeah?
哦,杰梅,你为阿森纳踢球,是吗? yeeyan

Socks with holes were not the Arsenal way.
有洞的袜子,不是阿森纳的风格。 yeeyan

The enemy bombers targeted our arsenal.

Then consider how Pakistan is rapidly expanding its arsenal of nuclear weapons.
再想想巴基斯坦是如何快速扩张它的核武器兵工厂的。 ecocn.org

We thank Cesc for his contribution at Arsenal and wish him future success.
我们感谢塞克斯对阿森纳的贡献,并且希望他的未来更加成功。 yeeyan

Arsenal announces today that they have reached an agreement in principle with Barcelona for Cesc Fabregas to move to Spain.
阿森纳在今天宣告,他们已经就西班牙球队巴塞罗那收购法布雷加斯一事达成基本协议。 yeeyan

Arsenal have been linked with both Hart and Given this summer although, unlike last season's arrangement with Birmingham City, Mancini says he has no intention of allowing the Englishman to leave.
尽管阿森纳方面已经和吉文还有哈特都有过接触,但是也会不像和伯明翰签下协议那样,曼奇尼表示他并没有让英国人离开的打算。 yeeyan




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