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词汇 muskets
释义 muskets ˈmʌskɪts COCA³⁷⁷⁷⁹BNC³⁸⁹⁵⁸
n.史火枪;尤指滑膛枪musket的名词复数原型musket的复数 A group of Union Army members line up and prepare to fire their muskets.
联盟军的成员行组成的,并准备解雇他们的步枪。 bugutang

Our lights warmed the air about us with their pitchy blaze, and the two prisoners seemed rather to like that, as they limped along in the midst of the muskets.
我们松脂火把的火光使四周的空气温暖起来。两个囚犯似乎也很喜欢暖和一下,一拐一拐地在滑膛枪的包围中走着。 tingroom

The Confederates raise their muskets and prepare a volley of fire.
同盟军步枪和提高他们的防火准备截击。 bugutang

The word of command must have sounded, and after it the shots of the eight muskets.
应该听到口令了,口令之后应该响起八支步枪的射击声。 tingroom

With his three sons, his carpenter, and his servant, he fired upon the advancing ruffians, whilst his daughters rapidly reloaded the muskets.
泰勒带领他的三个儿子、家里的木匠以及佣人的帮助下,朝过来的恶棍们开火,他的女儿则负责迅速地给来福枪装弹。 yeeyan

Yes, there will be rare soul bound muskets.
存在稀有的火枪如魂缚。 ngacn

After all smooth bore muskets were very unreliable and inaccurate, especially at the beginning of this period.
毕竟顺利口径步枪是非常不可靠和不准确的,尤其是在本月初期间。 clanlong

As the story goes, Whitney put on a display for the group, assembling muskets before their eyes by choosing seemingly at random from a supply of parts he brought with him.
当时,惠特尼在这群人面前取出似乎是随机地随身携带的零件,当着他们的面组装出了一挺滑膛枪。 yeeyan

Before it arrives, musketeers have to reverse their muskets and use them as crude clubs to beat down opponents.
出现刺刀前,火绳枪兵要扭转他们的火枪,并把它们作为棒子来击败了对手。 clanlong

Deep ditch, single drawbridge, massive stone walls, eight at towers, cannon, muskets, fire and smoke.
深深的壕堑,单吊桥,厚重的石壁,八座巨大的塔楼。大炮、毛瑟枪、火焰与烟雾。 jukuu

Deep ditches, double drawbridge, massive stone walls, eight great towers, cannon, muskets, fire and smoke.
深深的壕堑、双重的吊桥、厚重的石壁、八座巨大的塔楼。大炮、毛瑟枪、火焰与烟雾。 jukuu

Many of the slaves had learned to shoot muskets in African civil wars, while others would fight more effectively with the cane knives and axes they had learned to wield in the hot Louisiana sun.
许多奴隶在非洲打内战时都知道怎么用步枪,更多的人则是用他们在路易斯安娜大太阳下抡熟了的甘蔗刀和大刀来更有效的战斗。 yeeyan

Men collected muskets; militias drilled on the commons of many villages.
男人囤积毛瑟枪旧式步枪;民兵在许多村庄的集合场操练军事。 iciba

Optimized the accuracy and the aiming system of the muskets to feel realistic.
优化的准确性和瞄准系统的火枪感受到现实。 clanlong

Rifles and Light Infantry Muskets range increased to scale with the longer range of standard muskets.
线膛枪和轻步兵滑膛枪射程根据标准滑膛枪射程按比列提升。 clanlong

Such rifles could not be loaded as rapidly as smoothbore muskets.
它们不能像无膛线步枪那样迅速填装弹药。 yeeyan

The doctor's watch were all back at their loopholes, the rest were busy loading the spare muskets, and every one with a red face, you may be certain, and a flea in his ear, as the saying is.
医生这一组的人都回到了自己的射击孔旁,其余的人都忙着给备用枪支上弹药。可以肯定,我们每个人都是面红耳赤的,而且,就像俗语讲的,耳朵里就像有个跳蚤。 enread

These soldiers carry muzzle-loading, smoothbore muskets firing lead balls as wide as a man's thumb.
这些士兵装备前装滑膛枪,所射出的铅弹如人的拇指一般粗。 clanlong

They do have the advantage of being armed with carbine muskets, but they are trained to use these when on foot;
他们确实具有装备卡宾枪的优势,但他们的射击训练却都是以下马作战为前提的; clanlong

Think what Waterloo would have been if one of the armies had been boys armed with old muskets supposed not to be loaded, and the other army had been composed of their female relations.
再试想一下,倘若有一支旧火枪武装起来的童子军,大概没有装上子弹,而另一支部队是由他们的女亲戚组成的,那么滑铁卢战役会是什么结局。 putclub

While melee is important, the massed line of muskets is the key image.
有时肉搏很重要,线形集结火枪是关键。 clanlong

With heavy cannon we blew musketeers off some cliff, with hats and muskets flying, and watched them bounce down into the canyon below.




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