

单词 musicians
释义 musicians 英mju:'zɪʃənz美mju:'zɪʃənz COCA⁵⁴⁸⁰BNC⁵⁴²⁸Economist⁸³⁹⁴
n.音乐家musician的复数;乐师¹⁰⁰原型musician的复数 And many musicians genuinely believe that a great old instrument will do more for them than a new one.
许多音乐家都毫不怀疑的认为一副古老的出色乐器在演奏时比新的更加优美。 yeeyan

The service did not begin until well after midnight. This being the marriage season, the musicians and dancers first had to perform at several weddings around Lahore.
演奏到过了午夜后好久才开始,这是由于现在正当结婚季节,音乐家和舞蹈演员先要在拉合尔赶好几个结婚场子。 yeeyan

Are you both musicians?
你们都是音乐家吗? yeeyan

Artists and musicians often go weeks without sleep trying to use this device to catch the tail of the illusive creativity dragon.
艺术家和音乐家通常几个星期不睡觉试图用这个方法来抓住虚幻的创造力龙的尾巴。 yeeyan

Because he liked music, she encouraged him to read music magazines or books about musicians.
因为他喜爱音乐,她鼓励他读音乐杂志或者关于音乐家的书籍。 yeeyan

Fans like to reward artists, musicians, authors and the like with the tokens of their appreciation, because it allows them to connect.
粉丝喜欢给艺术家、音乐家、作家等回报来表示他们的赞许,因为这允许他们联系在一起。 blog.sina.com.cn

For the study, musicians had to be playing since at least age 16, and have a minimum of six years formal training.
在这个研究中,音乐家是不得不至少从16岁开始一直演奏,最少有六年的正式训练的。 yeeyan

Go out and support local musicians.
走出去支持当地的音乐家。 yeeyan

He rates among the greatest musicians.

He's a pygmy when compared with great musicians.

I'm not trying to persuade you all to become writers or musicians.
我不是在试图说服你们都成为音乐家或者作家。 yeeyan

In every city there are unimaginable numbers of young struggling musicians who could be the next Beatles if given the chance.
在每一个城市,都有大量年轻奋斗的音乐家,如果有机会,他们可能会成为下一个披头士。 yeeyan

Listed below are ten of the most important musicians of early jazz.
以下列出的是爵士乐早期最重要的十位音乐家。 yeeyan

My friends are musicians and we like to jam together.

My parents were both musicians, so I inherited from them the notion that music can be important, that it's not something you do lightly.
我的父母都是音乐家,所以我继承了他们的主张,认为音乐可以成为至关重要的因素,而不是随意处理的。 yeeyan

Since she was constantly chauffeured from class to class, and went to school with the heir to this fortune or that, it was difficult for her to meet struggling artists and musicians.
因为她去上学时通常都是由司机接送的,而同学们也都是这个公司那个集团的公子哥,她很难见到在奋斗挣扎中的艺术家和音乐家。 yeeyan

South Korean musicians need to perform on home turf, but“ Japan is where all the money is”.
韩国音乐家需要在家乡的土壤上表演,但是日本却是所有的金钱来源。 yeeyan

The camp is legendary. Students from around the world come to study with the some of the best Hawaiian musicians and teachers.
那传说中的露营是如此神奇,来自世界各地的学生都去跟随那些最好的夏威夷音乐家和老师学习。 yeeyan

There are6 music videos this year, all of them from professional musicians and their record labels.
在今年的视频中有6个是音乐视频,而这些都来自专业的音乐家和他们的唱片。 yeeyan

They are formidable musicians, although critical opinion is still split as to the emotional depth of their playing.
他们是优异的音乐家,尽管有批评的声音仍然指向他们演奏中情感的深度。 yeeyan

They play with sounds, so they are musicians.
他们玩声音的游戏,所以他们都是音乐家。 yeeyan

This formula is quickly becoming a common one for not only musicians, but even authors.
这种模式很快就成为普遍性的,不光对音乐家,作家也是如此。 blog.sina.com.cn

We got a chance to meet with local musicians and listen to them play.
我们得到与当地音乐家见面的机会,并听了他们的演奏。 ebigear

We've only just discovered what we can do as musicians, what thresholds we can cross.
我们只是才发现我们作为音乐人能做什么,以及我们能跨越什么极限。 yeeyan

Musicians require the same type of practice.
音乐家需要同样类型的练习。 ibm

Musicians sitting in front of the trombone or trumpet have suffered from these shock waves.
那些坐在长号或者小号前的音乐家会遭受到这些冲击机。 yeeyan




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