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词汇 Musharraf
释义 MusharrafEconomist⁶⁷⁴⁹
Mr Zardari would then inherit the swollen powers Mr Musharraf grabbed for the office, allowing him to appoint provincial governors and service chiefs and to dissolve parliament on a whim.
穆沙拉夫当政期间,总统权力得到加强,扎尔达里将继承这一切,他可以任命省长和军队参谋长,可以随意解散国会。 ecocn

Pervez Musharraf, in his Pakistan Day address, also credited his regime with paving the way for the return to civilian government.
穆沙拉夫在巴基斯坦国庆日的讲话中还赞扬了他的政府为巴基斯坦重返文官政府铺平了道路。 ebigear

The new ruling coalition is packed with anti- Musharraf parties calling for the president to step down or face possible impeachment in the parliament.
巴基斯坦新的执政联盟由反穆沙拉夫的政党组成,他们呼吁穆沙拉夫要么下台,要么面临议会的弹劾。 ebigear

And, according to the IRI poll, 79 percent of surveyed voters believe the elections will have been rigged if Mr. Musharraf's party wins the most seats.
同时,根据国际共和研究所的调查,接受调查的79%的投票者认为,如果穆沙拉夫的政党赢得最多的席位,选举就一定有舞弊存在。 ebigear

As the next stage of these negotiations, Miss Bhutto is seeking guarantees that General Musharraf will not rig the election against her party, as he has done before.
作为谈判的下一个阶段,布托将寻求穆沙拉夫将军的保证,不再像以前那样操控选举来反对她的党派。 ecocn

Based on these results, Britain and America were able to persuade Mr Musharraf to accept Bhutto, then in exile, as a partner.
基于这些结果,英国和美国能说服穆沙拉夫作为合作者接受布托,而后让布托流亡海外。 ecocn

In his address at the national stadium in the capital Sunday, Mr. Musharraf hailed a“ new real era of democracy” for Pakistan.
穆沙拉夫在巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡的国家体育场发表了讲话。 他宣称巴基斯坦进入“一个新的民主时代”。 ebigear

It was not immediately clear whether Mr Musharraf, currently in London, would return to contest the case.
目前尚不清楚身在伦敦的穆沙拉夫是否会回国就此案进行辩护。 iciba

Mr Zardari resembles Mr Musharraf, however, in talking a good game: about the importance of fighting the Taliban not for America’s or Afghanistan’s sake but for Pakistan’s.
不过,扎尔达里在谈及打击塔利班的重要性不在于为了美国或者阿富汗,而是为了巴基斯坦这一点上与穆沙拉夫是一脉相承的。 ecocn

Mr Musharraf’s regime was proof of that.
穆沙拉夫的统治就是很好的证明。 ecocn

Officials did not disclose the contents of the agreement, but it is widely believed to involve when and how the government would restore top judges deposed by President Musharraf last year.
有关官员并没有公布协议的内容,但是广泛认为协议涉及政府在什么时候,以什么方式恢复被穆沙拉夫总统去年解职的大法官的职务。 ebigear

Pakistan's supreme court ruled that the order establishing General Pervez Musharraf's2007 state of emergency was unconstitutional.
巴基斯坦最高法院裁定佩尔韦兹•穆沙拉夫将军于2007年颁布的紧急状态法令违宪。 topsage

President Musharraf has been a key U.S. ally in the war on terror, but Senator Biden suggested it is time to broaden American foreign policy.
穆沙拉夫总统一直是反恐战争中美国的重要盟友,但是,拜登参议员暗示,现在是拓宽美国外交政策的时候了。 kekenet

Sharif's party wants to restore the deposed justices and have them decide whether to retain those justices appointed by Mr. Musharraf under the provisional constitution.
谢里夫的政党希望,恢复那些被解职的法官的职务,让他们来决定,由穆沙拉夫总统指派的那些法官是否能够保留他们的职位。 ebigear

She wants General Musharraf to rid her of the corruption charges, brought by Mr Sharif, that have kept her in exile.
布托女士希望穆沙拉夫能取消谢里夫先生对她的腐败指控,这个指控迫使她流亡海外。 ecocn

The polls have struck a raw nerve with Mr. Musharraf, who while reiterating his pledge of fair elections, sharply denounced the surveys by international organizations.
这次民意调查触及到穆沙拉夫的痛处,他重申对公正选举的承诺,同时强烈谴责国际组织做出的调查。 ebigear

This newspaper has long argued that America was serving neither its own nor Pakistan's interests by relying so heavily on Mr Musharraf.
长久以来,本报一直认为,美国如此倚重穆沙拉夫既不符合美国的利益,也不符合巴基斯坦的利益。 iciba

Yet for all the judge’s talk of his“ commitment to the core values of democracy”, he first accepted his post from General Musharraf in2005, some six years after democracy was overthrown.
而且不论这名法官怎么谈论自己“对民主核心价值的承诺”,他首次被穆沙拉夫将军任命为审判长这个职务是在2005年,而当时民主已经被推翻六年了。 ecocn

Zardari told reporters in Islamabad that the parties plan to restore parliament powers that had been weakened under President Musharraf.
扎尔达里在伊斯兰堡对记者说,这些党派计划恢复在穆沙拉夫领导下被削弱的议会权力。 kekenet

Musharraf said that the two countries share a profound friendship and have conducted close cooperation. Both sides support and cooperate with each other on many major issues.




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