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词汇 Museveni
释义 Mu·se·ve·ni 英muːˈsevəniː美muˈsɛvəniAHDm›-sĕvʹə-nē COCA⁶⁰⁹⁵⁵BNC⁵⁸¹⁷²
Mr Museveni therefore remains the favourite for the2011 election, but much will depend on his ability to mollify the Buganda in what will be a contentious, and perhaps bloody, process.
这样看来穆塞韦尼总统仍然是2011年竞选中被认为会获胜的竞选人,但是这很大程度上要看他抚慰布干达的能力,这将是一个容易引起争论的,甚至可能会流血的过程。 ecocn

Mr Museveni still has the support of those who count most: soldiers and farmers.
穆塞韦尼仍旧得到大部分人的支持,而这大部分人都是士兵和农民。 ecocn

The country’s president, Yoweri Museveni, has made it clear he wants a big refinery built.

“ WE HAVE soft spots for asylum-seekers,” says a spokesman for Uganda’s president, Yoweri Museveni.
乌干达总统韦里•穆塞韦尼 Yoweri Museven的一位发言人说,“我们对寻求政治庇护的人抱以同情的态度。”

“ Where you see a hat on the ballot, tick,” Museveni recently told voters in the Pallisa region of Uganda.
“当你在选票上看到一个帽子,就选择它”,穆塞维尼告诉乌干达帕丽萨地区的选民。 yeeyan

“Is Uganda going to depend on firewood forever?” asks Museveni's press secretary, Tamale Mirundi.
“乌干达要永远依靠柴火吗?”穆塞韦尼的新闻部长 Tamale Mirundi质问道。 ecocn

But it was her contact with a United States congressman, Tony Hall from Ohio, and his wife that inspired her to go to Uganda in 1993, as a guest of the First Lady Janet Museveni.
然而,是她和一个美国议员的接触,即俄亥俄州的 Tony Hall及其夫人,激发了她1993年作为第一夫人 Janet Museveni的客人到乌干达去的热情。 worldbank

But Museveni has said jobs created by the plantation would outweigh losses caused by the clearing of forest land.
但是穆塞韦尼说了,种植园创造的就业将多于清除森林带来的损失。 ecocn

In countries like Uganda where Janet Museveni, the president's wife, condemns birth control on religious grounds that means profound cultural change.
在一些国家,像乌干达,总理夫人简莉特·慕塞温妮,声讨基于宗教理由的节育,这意味着更深的文化变革。 yeeyan

Messrs Kagame, Meles and Museveni have all improved their countries' lot. But election time invariably shows up the flaws in their model.
湛卡加梅,梅莱斯和穆塞韦尼都很大程度改善了本国的情况,但是每逢选举,他们的模式就显现出缺陷。 ecocn

President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda won re-election with an increased majority.
乌干达总统穆塞韦尼在该国大选中赢得了比上次更多的多数人支持,从而连任成功。 ecocn

President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda won re-election with an increased majority. The election was said to be fairer than the one five years ago. See article.
乌干达总统穆塞韦尼在该国大选中赢得了比上次更多的多数人支持,从而连任成功。人们认为此次选举要比五年前的更加公平。 ecocn

President Museveni's key constituency is not the Ugandan public. It is the military and the security establishment.
他的关键支持者并不是乌干达公众,而是军队和安全武装。 voanews

Some political analysts say the bill could be passed in the coming months, after a general election in February that is expected to return Mr. Museveni, who has been in office for25 years, to power.
二月份的大选预计会将 Museveni重新送上权力舞台,他已经在办公室待了25年。一些政策分析人士说该法案有可能在接下来的几个月内出台。 yeeyan

Speculation is rife that Mr Museveni will sign an agreement with one of China’s acquisitive state-owned oil firms at an Africa-China summit in November.
有流言猜测,穆塞韦尼将在11月举行的非—中首脑会议上同一家跃跃欲试的中国国有石油公司签署协议。 ecocn

Uganda's president, Yoweri Museveni, has resolved to keep his troops, five of whom have been killed, in the line of fire.
当五位士兵牺牲之后,乌干达的总统约韦里•穆塞韦尼 Yoweri Museveni这次是下了决心要让他的部位进驻火战的前线。 ecocn

Yet the NFA study commissioned by Museveni concludes that ecological and economic losses would be devastating.
然而穆塞韦尼委托国家森林管理局所做的调研结论是生态和经济的损失是灾难性的。 ecocn

IT HAD seemed like plain sailing for President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.
乌干达总统约维利•穆塞韦尼的政途似乎是一帆风顺。 ecocn

According to Professor Frederick Golooba-Mutebi of Uganda's Makarere University, the opposition found itself with no newfound political power, while Museveni remained as strong as ever.
据乌干达马凯雷雷大学的穆特比教授说,反对派发现他们没有获得新的政治权力,而总统穆塞韦尼却依然像过去一样强大。 voanews

Campaign chic: Yoweri Museveni, who attended Uganda's International Fashion Week back in2004, seems to have learned some valuable lessons.
选战中的时尚:约韦里穆塞维尼在2004年参加了乌干达的国际时装周,也许他从中学到了一些东西。 yeeyan

Mr Museveni is worried lest malcontents foment a Tunisia-style uprising.
穆塞韦尼对此很担忧,他不希望不满者会煽动起一场突尼斯式起义。 ecocn

Nevertheless, Mr Museveni is an astute political operator and it would be folly to write him off.
不过,穆塞韦尼总统是个精明的政治家,不把他放在眼里是愚蠢的。 ecocn

Museveni has good reason to want fighting to continue.
穆塞韦尼有足够的理由希望战中继续。 yeeyan

Museveni is still chasing Kony; the violence is now mostly off of Ugandan soil, but Ugandan troops are spread more widely than ever.
穆塞韦尼依然在通缉科尼,而战斗也不再在乌干达境内进行,但乌干达军队却控制了前所未有的地区。 yeeyan




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