

单词 museum
释义 mu·se·um 英mjuːˈziːəm美mjuˈziəmAHDmy›-zēʹəm ★★★★☆中高四六研I牛4COCA¹¹²¹BNC¹²⁵⁰iWeb¹⁴⁰⁷Economist³¹⁰⁸


building in which objects of artistic, cultural, historical or scientific importance and interest are displayed

a depository for collecting and displaying objects having scientific or historical or artistic value古时候人们常常将各种艺术品供奉在缪斯女神的神殿里,从而演变为现代的博物馆museum。
用作名词 n.
动词+~close a museum关闭博物馆,闭馆install a museum设立博物馆open a museum开放博物馆visit a museum参观博物馆形容词+~local museum地方博物馆military museum军事博物馆natural museum自然博物馆popular museum大众博物馆public museum公共博物馆well-arranged museum陈设整齐的博物馆well-laid museum规划周密的博物馆名词+~art museum美术馆history museum历史博物馆science museum科学博物馆wax museum蜡像馆the British M-不列颠博物馆the Palace M- in Beijing北京故宫博物院介词+~at a museum在博物馆里in a museum在博物馆里exhibit in a museum在博物馆里展出guide sb through a museum领某人参观博物馆~+介词museum of Modern Art现代艺术博物馆museum of natural history自然历史博物馆museum of native region乡土博物馆museum of popular education教育博物馆
muse缪斯女神+um名词后缀,在此表场所→供奉缪斯女神的神殿⇒博物馆。近义词 academy学院salon美容院exhibit展览archives档案treasury宝库gallery美术馆collection收集repository容器storehouse仓库institution制定reliquary圣骨匣depository存储处arts center艺术中心exhibition hall展览馆
用作名词n.A guidebook to the museum is available free of charge.这个博物馆的参观指南免费供应。
Employees have liberty to use all the museum facilities.雇员获准使用所有博物馆的设备。
There are some butterfly specimens in the museum.那家博物馆里有一些蝴蝶标本。
There were some fine specimens of rocks and ores in the museum.过去这家博物馆有一些极好的岩石和矿物标本。
The museum has very high artistic standard.这家博物馆的艺术水准很高。
These manuscripts are invaluable to scholars and should be in a museum.这些手稿对学者们极有价值,应该存放在博物馆。
They visited the Museum of the Chinese Revolution.他们参观了中国革命博物馆。
There is a large library in the British Museum.大英博物馆有个很大的图书馆。



用作名词Themuseumhas many immemorial cultural relics.该博物馆收藏了很多极其古老的文物。
Themuseumdisplays the specimen of ancient Chinese porcelain.这个博物馆展出中国古瓷器标本。
Flashes are not allowed to be used in thismuseum.这个博物馆里不准使用闪光灯。
We found a Picasso in themuseum.我们在展览馆发现了一张毕加索画的画。
Every year themuseumorganizes 10 temporary exhibitions.这个展览馆每年举行十次短期展览。noun.place for viewing artifacts or
同义词 building,foundation,gallery,hall,institution,library,salondepository,exhibition,menagerie,repository,storehouse,treasury,vaultexhibits archive
archivesnoun place where records are stored
depositorynoun storage place
archive,arsenal,bank,bunker,cache,collection,depot,gallery,magazine,repertory,repository,safe,safe-deposit box,store,storehouse,tomb,vault,warehouse
gallerynoun showplace for wares
exhibit,exhibition room,hall,museum,salon,showroom,studio,wing
landmarknoun historical or notable sight
battleground,benchmark,bend,blaze,feature,fragment,guide,hill,mark,marker,memorial,milepost,milestone,monument,mountain,museum,promontory,remnant,ruins,souvenir,specimen,stone,survival,trace,tree,vantage point,vestige,waypost
landmarksnoun historical or notable sight
treasurynoun place where money, valuables are kept
Fort Knox,archive,bank,bursar,bursary,cache,chest,coffer,damper,depository,exchange,exchequer,gallery,hoard,museum,register,repository,safe,storage,store,storehouse,strongbox,treasure house,vault A sixth, still in the museum, continues to be sought by some family members.
他的第六幅油画还留在博物馆,其一些家人仍在搜寻这幅画。 ecocn

As the guide was showing us round the museum, two or three foreign tourists joined themselves on to our party.

It could have collapsed if it were not for some collectors who turned it into a museum in 2010.
2010年它被一些收藏家改建为一家博物馆,若非如此恐怕早已经倒塌了。 yeeyan

Another interesting work looked to me for all the world like a security device or a utilitarian part of the museum itself.
另一件有趣的作品正注视着我因为全世界就像一个安全装置或者博物馆本身的功力部分。 yeeyan

At the museum.
在博物馆。 ebigear

But for this show, museum officials thought the time would be right.
不过对于这次展览,博物馆官员认为时机恰好合适。 yeeyan

Eventually the indefatigable collector would like to establish a museum, though he has yet to decide where it should be.
这位不知疲倦的收藏者最终想要建立一个美术博文馆,但他还未决定将其建在何处。 ecocn

Every country will have its own poverty museum.
各国都将拥有自己的贫困博物馆。 ecocn

Have we passed through the museum?
我们经过博物馆了吗? ebigear

He led us to a museum.

I saw some specimens in museum collections that are over100 years old.
我曾经在博物馆看见过一些保存了超过100年的标本。 yeeyan

I sometimes perform magic in the store, and we have a Houdini museum there.
有时,我会在店里表演魔术,在那里我们还设立了霍迪尼博物馆。 yeeyan

Now, kindly step aside and allow me into the museum.
现在,请你友好地站在一边允许我进入博物馆。 yeeyan

Someone stole a painting from the museum.

That's why these clothes only appear in the museum.
这就是为什么这些衣服只出现在博物馆里啊。 ebigear

The dinner was held under the auspices of businesses that have partnerships with the museum and contribute money to it.
此次晚宴的举办得到了与该博物馆有合作关系并提供捐助的几家公司的联合赞助。 forbeschina

Then head to the Museum of Science and Industry.
那就到科学和工业博物馆去吧。 yeeyan

There will be a display of bronze statuary in this museum next week.
下星期这个博物馆将举办一个青铜雕塑作品展览。 hjenglish

Therefore, the funding for the park and museum should be increased significantly.
因此,拨给这个公园和博物馆的基金应该大幅增加。 iciba

This museum attempts to change all that.
这个博物馆试图改变这一切。 yeeyan

We passed between the heavy columns and into the museum.
我们从巨大的柱子间穿过,来到了博物馆。 yeeyan

We saw it at the Space Museum.
我们在空间博物馆看见它。 hjenglish

WE SHOULD congratulate the Science Museum for setting up an exhibition on psychoanalysis.
我们应该庆贺科学博物馆成立一个关于精神分析的展览。 yeeyan




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