

单词 muscularis
释义 muscularis 英'mʌskjʊlærɪs美'mʌskjʊlærɪs BNC⁴⁴⁵⁹¹
医肌的; 肌层
It was found that the stomach wall of Trionyx sinensis consisted of mucous, submucous, muscularis and serosa.
中华鳖的胃壁由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜组成。 cnki

Lamina muscularis of ventriculus and intestine consisted of two layer smooth musclecircular muscle in inner layer and longitudinal muscle in outer layer.
胃、肠粘膜为单层柱状上皮,肌层由内环外纵两层平滑肌组成; cnki

The lamina muscularis is plentiful in proboscis, mouth and pharynx but lack in esophagus, stomach and intestine.
肌层在吻、口和咽壁发达,而在食道、胃和肠壁较薄。 cnki

The oviduct ampulla and isthmus were composed of mucous layer, tunica muscularis and adventitia.
壶腹部和峡部均由黏膜层、肌层和外膜构成。 zgsykx.com

The wall of the stomach consists of tunica mucosa, tela submucosa, tunica muscularis and serosa.
胃壁由粘膜、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜四层组成。 cnki

The wall of intestine consists of mucous membrane, tunica muscularis and serous membrane.
各段肠壁均分为粘膜层、肌层和浆膜三层。 cnki

The mucosa of the tongue contains a keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and a lamina propria, but no muscularis mucosa.
小熊猫的舌粘膜由角化的复层扁平上皮和固有层构成,无粘膜肌层。 cnki

The VIP IR and SP IR neurons were seen in the muscularis mucosa.
粘膜内可见 VIP能和 SP能神经元, 多单个分布在粘膜肌层内。 cnki

The muscularis mucosae derived from the muscle stem cells in the submucosa.
黏膜肌层起源于黏膜下层的肌肉干细胞。 cnki

The ulcer at the right is penetrating through the muscularis and approaching an artery.
右侧的溃疡正穿透肌层,接近一动脉。 com

There was muscularis mucosa in ventriculus and duodenum.
胃和十二指肠可见粘膜肌层。 cnki

By using NADH-diaphorase histochemistry, we observed neurons and colour small ganglia in the lamina propria and the muscularis mucosa of the small intestine.
使用 NADH黄递酶组化法,我们观察到小肠的固有层和粘膜肌层内的神经元和小神经节。 cnki

Conclusion:The congenital defect of gastric parietal muscularis with gastric perforation has characteristic X- ray manifestations, early diagnosis and surgical are very important for this disease.
结论:先天性胃壁肌层缺损并胃穿孔有特征性的 X线表现,早期诊断及时手术对本病的预后非常重要。 cnki

If the ulcer penetrates through the muscularis and through adventitia, then the ulcer is said to “ perforate” and leads to an acute abdomen.
如果穿透肌层和外膜层,即发生溃疡穿孔,导致急腹症。 binglixue

In cecum, mast cells mainly lied in lamina propria and submucosa turn to folds, there were small quantity distribution in tunica muscularis.
盲肠中肥大细胞主要分布在固有层和粘膜下层突向肠腔形成的皱襞中轴,肌层也有少量分布。 cnki

Lymphatics in the submucosa were found in the depth of the muscularis mucosa.
粘膜下层的毛细林巴营和淋巴管多位于粘膜肌的直下方。 cnki

Materials and Methods: The X- ray appearance of7 patients with congenital defect of gastric parietal muscularis with gastric perforation by pathologically- proved were retrospectively analyzed.
材料与方法:回顾性分析经手术病理证实的7例先天性胃壁肌层缺损并胃穿孔病例的 X线表现。 cnki

Mucous epithelium is made up of columnar cells and goblet cells. Tunica muscularis is divided into inner muscularis and outer muscularis.
粘膜上皮由柱状细胞和杯状细胞组成,肌层分两层:内环行和外纵行。 cnki

Purpose:To analyze X- ray manifestation of congenital defect of gastric parietal muscularis with gastric perforation and to find its early diagnostic methods.
目的:分析先天性胃壁肌层缺损并胃穿孔的 X线表现及探讨其早期诊断方法。 cnki

The proventriculus histological structure was mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serosa, from the inside to the outside.
前胃组织学结构由内向外依次为黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层和浆膜层。 fabiao

This is normal esophageal squamous mucosa at the left, with underlying submucosa containing mucus glands and a duct surrounded by lymphoid tissue. The muscularis is at the right.
图左边示正常食管鳞状上皮黏膜,黏膜下层内粘液腺体,以及由淋巴组织包围的腺体导管。图右侧示食管肌层。 com

Uterine suture closure is usually carried out twice, the first full- thickness continuous suture, the second suture bedded serosal muscularis suture.
子宫的封闭通常是进行两次缝合,第一次全层连续缝合,第二道缝合浆膜肌层包埋缝合。 xiyuci

Vasectomy is connected the epididymis pipe and tube ejaculation, mature sperm eduction channel, around each one, each about40-50 cm long, wall thicker, muscularis is quite developed, and small lumen.

Muscularis was comparatively thick and circular muscle was especially developed.
肌层较厚,环形肌特别发达。 cnki




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