

单词 Muscle wasting
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DMD, which affects boys, is caused by a single faulty gene, and results in progressive muscle wasting.
影响男孩的一种疾病,是由一种单一的缺陷基因引起的,结果会造成肌肉的持续性衰退。 jingcai

To test whether artificial gravity can counteract such muscle wasting, researchers subjected15 healthy men to a zero- gravity simulation.
为了测验人造重力是否能抵消肌肉流失,研究人员对15名健康男子进行了零重力模拟。 yeeyan

When the mice were given the drug, muscle wasting stopped. Cataracts didn’t grow.
当药物进入鼠体后,实验鼠肌肉停止变松垮,白内障停止生长。 yeeyan

Muscle breakdown stayed constant in both groups, consistent with previous research showing that muscle wasting is caused by a drop in muscle production, not an increase in muscle destruction.
肌肉破坏量在两个组中保持一定,这与先前的研究相符,即肌肉流失与肌肉合成量减少有关,而非肌肉破坏量的增加。 yeeyan




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