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MUSA ˈmju:zə 高Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺⁴ 基本英英例句例句 n.可变方向的多菱形天线¹⁰⁰
Noun: type genus of the Musaceae: bananas The mountain is known and revered by Muslims as JebelMusa.穆斯林同样也知道这座山,他们把它尊称为杰别尔·穆萨意思是摩西的山。 De Waal recognized him: His name wasMusaHilal, and he was the sheikh’s son.德瓦尔认得出他是谁:他的名字就是穆萨希拉,那位酋长的儿子。 And that was after Mr Musa’s family had paid the police100,000 naira in the expectation that a bribe would help reduce the charges. 穆萨先生这样的结局,是其家人为了盼望能减轻指控而向警察局塞了10万奈拉而换来的。 ecocn Before Musa died, he had talked to Rosenberg about whether to accept the positions. 穆萨生前曾与罗森博格谈及是否接受这些位置。 yeeyan The bullet that killed Marjorie was a stray— it had apparently passed through Musa's body before piercing hers. 杀死马约莉的则是一颗流弹——显然,它穿透了穆萨的身体,射中了她。 yeeyan The Musa family has refused to accept the prospect that its patriarch was corrupt, and took out a full- page ad in a newspaper denying the allegations. 穆萨家族拒绝接受他们的家长腐化堕落这一可能,在一家报纸上打出了全版广告,否认这些指控。 yeeyan Because Musa would not have tolerated such corruption, Rosenberg said, he became a threat when he was nominated to Banrural's board. 由于穆萨不会容忍此类腐败,罗森博格说,因而被提名为农村银行董事的他便成了一大威胁。 xnny.net But, by all accounts, Musa had treated his workers well. 不过,大家都说穆萨对工人不错。 yeeyan But Rosenberg had overlooked a key detail: after receiving threats, Musa had informed the government that he was not taking the posts. 但是,罗森博格忽略了一个关键细节:接到死亡威胁后,穆萨已经通知政府,他无意于那些位置。 yeeyan Castresana told me that CICIG, using surveillance tapes and wiretaps, had recently identified the alleged hit men who killed Musa. 卡斯特雷萨纳告诉我,使用监控录像和窃听技术, CICIG最近查明了杀害穆萨的嫌疑杀手。 yeeyan He then aimed a9-mm. pistol at Musa, and opened fire— a blur of smoke and light. 他随即掏出9毫米手枪对准了穆萨,枪响处,一抹烟雾和火光迸射而出。 yeeyan If CICIG concluded that the President, the First Lady, and Alejos had, in fact, killed Khalil and Marjorie Musa, then the government could collapse. 如果 CICIG下结论说,实际是总统、第一夫人和阿莱霍斯杀害了穆萨和马约莉,那么政府会垮掉。 yeeyan If Musa survives the coming weeks, and purchases a convincing hairpiece, he’ll be well placed to contract himself out to wobbling despots across the region. 如果穆萨能在未来的几个星期幸存下来,并购买一顶可以以假乱真的假发,以他的优势,在这个地区,胜任为摇摇欲坠的独裁者工作。 yeeyan It turned out that Musa, despite his impeccable reputation, had been buying contraband for his textile factory from a criminal network. 原来穆萨虽然拥有无懈可击的声誉,却从一个犯罪网络那儿为他的纺织厂购买走私品。 yeeyan Moreover, as Rosenberg had believed, there had been an intense fight over control of Banrural’s board of directors, and an effort to block Musa’s appointment. 而且,不出罗森博格所料,农村银行董事会的控制权之争果然异常激烈,确有人试图阻挠穆萨的任命。 yeeyan Nevertheless, Rosenberg could not let the matter go: Why, he asked, had an honorable man like Musa been“put down like a dog”? 无论怎样,罗森博格都不会善罢甘休:他叩问,为什么像穆萨这样德高望重的人会“像只狗一样被杀掉”? yeeyan One was a copy of a letter Musa had sent to the head of a group of small coffee growers that had a stake in the direction of Banrural. 其中一份是穆萨发给一个小咖啡种植者组织负责人信件的副本,该组织与农村银行的管理存在利害关系。 yeeyan Rosenberg eventually ferreted out from Musa’s papers several documents concerning the appointments. 罗森博格最终从穆萨的文件里查获了一些有关这些任命的文档。 yeeyan Rosenberg warned family and friends that the Musa murders would never be properly investigated. 罗森博格告诫家人与朋友,穆萨凶杀案永远都得不到妥善调查。 yeeyan There had been a break in the Musa case. 穆萨案有了突破。 yeeyan Musa, hoping to help the country, accepted the offers anyway. 穆萨希望帮助这个国家,总之他还是接受了这些提名。 yeeyan Musa concealed his dirty business practices. 穆萨隐瞒了他肮脏的交易活动。 yeeyan Musa Ibrahim, a Libyan- government spokesman, said that the agreement with the UN was to provide “ safe passage for people to leave Misrata, to provide aid, food and medicine.” 穆萨伊布拉辛,利比亚政府承宣官,言及联合国之相关协议“凡离开米苏拉塔之民众将有安全通道政府必出援手食物及医药”。 ecocn Musa lived in an affluent neighborhood of Guatemala City, and Marjorie often drove him from their factory, on the outskirts of the capital, home for lunch. 穆萨住在危地马拉城一个富裕小区里,马约莉经常开车从位于首都郊外的工厂载着他回家吃午饭。 yeeyan Musa Shafaq wants to live in that future. 穆萨·沙法齐想要生活在一个没有压迫的未来里。 yeeyan Musa soon received threatening text messages and calls, including one noting that the farm of a meddling government official had been torched. 穆萨很快就接到了威胁短信和电话,其中一个口气强硬,说是一位从中作梗的政府官员的农场就曾遭纵火。 yeeyan Musa was not a big client or someone he knew that well. 穆萨不是个大客户,与他交往也不甚深。 yeeyan |