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词汇 murtha
释义 murtha
Firms linked to Jack Murtha, a Democrat notorious for earmarking funds for his home town, are under investigation.
Jack Murtha是将指定用途资金转用于自己家乡的臭名昭著的民主党人,与其有关的公司正在接受调查。 ecocn

Michele Trevorrow, a lifelong Johnstowner and mother of five boys, complains that Mr Murtha spent36 years making the area dependent on him.
米歇尔·特雷沃罗在约翰斯敦生活了一辈子,养育了5个儿子,她抱怨说默撒花了36年让这个地方没他不行。 ecocn

The facts about Jack Murtha, who died on February8th, were seldom in dispute.
人们对杰克默萨的评价少有争议,2月8日,他的人生画上了句号。 ecocn

Their man won the special election to fill the House seat left vacant in Pennsylvania’s12th congressional district by the death in February of John Murtha, a long- serving Democrat.
宾夕法尼亚州第十二选区举行了一场补选,以填补任职多年的民主党众议员默撒 John Murtha于二月去世后空出的议席。 ecocn

When Democrats captured Congress in2006, the new speaker, Nancy Pelosi, wanted Mr Murtha to have the number-two job in the House.
2006年,民主党在国会占据了主要席位,新国会发言人南茜佩罗西想要默撒担任众议院的二号职位。 ecocn

When the idea was previously proposed, by Jack Murtha, a House Democrat, its author admitted that it was a slow-bleed strategy to end the war.
这一想法先前由众议院的民主党人杰克•默撒提出,当时他也承认这是结束战争的长痛之计。 ecocn

A former Marine colonel with close ties to the military, Murtha stunned much of Washington when he called for a swift U. S. pullout a year ago.
穆色做过海军的上校,同军方保持有密切的联系,一年前穆色下令美军即刻撤退震惊了华盛顿的大多数官员。 biodic

Beth Murtha has no qualms about volunteering at her children's schools Monday through Wednesday.
贝思·默撒每周一至周三都在她孩子的学校里当义工,对此她毫无顾虑。 dict

But other Democrats thought it would look odd, having run against the Republican“ culture of corruption”, to give such prominence to Mr Murtha.
但是其他的民主党人觉得这会显得很奇怪,在反对共和党的“贪污传统”之后,却给默撒这么一个要职。 ecocn

But they turned down Pennsylvania Congressman John Murtha, her choice for top lieutenant, instead picking Maryland's Steny Hoyer to be the next Majority Leader.

But this is a dangerous strategy: doubly dangerous now Mr Murtha has been fool enough to spell it out.
但是这是一个危险的战略,就像双刃剑,默萨打出这张牌真是愚蠢到家。 ecocn

In addition, Murtha was politically powerful, and adamantly against the War in Iraq during his tenure, so newspaper coverage of this event was certain.

It's easy to get here, thanks to the lavishly subsidised but little-trafficked John Murtha airport.
到这里很容易,这要感谢慷慨投资却门庭冷落的约翰默撒机场。 ecocn

John Murtha, a close ally of Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker, foolishly revealed a plan gradually to place so many restrictions on how troops can be deployed that the war would become unwinnable.
国会发言人,洛佩西的铁杆支持者约翰·默萨,愚蠢的提出一项法案,给军队部署逐渐增加诸多限制,这使得战争变得毫无胜利希望。 ecocn

John Murtha, a stridently anti- war Democrat who chairs the House committee on defence spending, has suggested two months of funding should be provided, to come with targets.
强烈反对战争的美国众议院国防支出委员会主席,民主党众议员约翰·默撒建议,为配合这些目的,应提供足够美军两个月使用的经费开支。 ecocn

Many small towns— Congressman Jack Murtha's Johnstown in central Pennsylvania is an egregious example—are kept alive only by federal pork.
许多小城镇只有靠政府补助才能生存下去,其中一个臭名昭著的例子就是国会议员 Jack Murtha所在的宾州中部小镇 Johnstown。 ecocn

Mr Murtha’s death last February has put that legacy in question.
去年二月,默撒的逝世让人怀疑,这些传统能否保留。 ecocn

Mr Murtha argues that this stance helped the Democrats win.
默尔萨声称正是反伊战立场帮助民主党赢得了选举。 topsage

PMA was heavily tied to the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee and its late Chairman John MurthaD-PA.
PMA被众议员国防预算分会和已故的主席约翰莫桑拖下了水。 yeeyan

Murtha underwent surgery at a prestigious hospital, where an accident such as nicking the intestine so that septicemia would ensue is almost unheard of.

Murtha's and Ms. Keesler's supervisor. Ms. Schelling also supervises another job-share on her17- member team.
身为默撒女士和凯斯拉女士的主管,谢林女士在她那个17人的团队里还监管着另一项工作共担。 joyen




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