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词汇 Murdoch
释义 Mur·doch 英ˈmɜːˌdɒk美ˈmɝˌdɑkAHDmûrʹdŏk' 

United States publisher born in Australia in 1931British writer born in Ireland known primarily for her novels 1919-1999 rupert murdochn. 鲁伯特·默多克…
近义词 Rupert Murdoch梅铎

用作名词Rhetorically, Mr Murdoch hit all the right notes.默多克先生说起话来头头是道。
Murdoch is one of the media tycoons in the world.默多克是全球媒体大亨之一。 Adrian Murdoch believes it was a decisive moment in the development of the West.
艾德里安·默多克相信在西方发展进程中那是决定性的时刻。 yeeyan

Rupert Murdoch said he expected that all of his websites would charge users for access within a year, despite his previous commitment that only some sites would experiment with such charges.
鲁伯特•默多克称,他预计要在一年内对他旗下的所有网站的使用者收费,尽管他之前曾承诺说只对一部分网站试验这种收费。 ecocn

The Murdoch family owns about 12% of the company but controls almost 40% of the votes, through a special class of shares which have superior voting rights.
默多克家族拥有公司12%的股份,却控制着40%的股权,这更高的表决权就是通过一种特殊的股份标准实现的。 ecocn

To all intents and purposes, the media company, whose satellite dishes protrude from the roofs of ten million British homes, is already part of the Murdoch empire.
因为无论出于什么目的,那些从数以万计的英国家庭中突出的卫星接收器早已是默多克媒体王国的一部分了。 hjenglish

“ So, do we shake?” asked Murdoch.
“那么,我们握手?”默多克问。 yeeyan

“ Yes, your regular deal,” said Murdoch.
“对,你通常的交易,”默多克说。 yeeyan

All those who fought back against capitalism were vilified mercilessly by the Murdoch and right-wing gutter media in general.
所有那些反对资本主义的人士总是被默多克和其他右翼的肮脏媒体无端地诬蔑中伤 。

By the end of his premiership, Blair wrote of Murdoch in his memoirs that he“ came to have a grudging respect and even a liking for him”.
等到首相任期行将届满时,布莱尔在其回忆录中提到默多克时称他“已经开始有点尊敬甚至于喜欢上他了”。 yeeyan

For Murdoch, the price, it seems, is not right.
只是对默多克来说,这个价格似乎不太合理。 yeeyan

Having established his humility, Mr Murdoch then spent more than two hours telling the MPs that he was— in essence— much too important and busy to have known what his feckless underlings were up to.
为了显示他的谦逊,默多克先生花费两个多小时的时间对议员们解释说他由于大体上忙于处理太多重要的事情而不了解其手下员工的所作所为。 ecocn

Her last question elicited the best answer of the day from Rupert Murdoch.
她的最后问题引出了鲁珀特•默多克今天最好的回答。 ecocn

In 2009 the usually cerebral James Murdoch launched a scathing attack on the BBC, whose size and zeal for expansion into new areas he described as“ chilling”.
2009年,一向理智的詹姆士•默多克对 BBC发起严重的攻击,他将 BBC向新领域扩张的范围和热情形容为“令人心寒的”。 ecocn

James Murdoch, head of News Corporation Europe and Asia, has assured ministers that he and his father will not alter Sky News content.
欧亚新闻公司总裁詹姆斯.默多克向部长们保证他和他的父亲不会改变天空新闻的内容。 yeeyan

Just for a moment, I wondered if we were watching the echt Rupert Murdoch.
就在一瞬间,我怀疑我们看见的是否是真正的鲁珀特•默多克。 yeeyan

Many reporters were horrified at the prospect of working for Mr Murdoch.
许多记者都对为默多克先生工作的前景感到恐惧。 ecocn

My feeling is that the MurdochNWS purchase of the WSJ got competitive juices flowing at both newspapers for the first time in a while, and that readers are picking up on that.
笔者的感觉是在默多克的新闻集团收购华尔街日报的最初一段时间里,的确为两份报纸带来了竞争性的活力,并因此使读者量回升。 yeeyan

Nor is it sufficient merely to call, as some on the left incredibly have done, for the ‘ break-up of the Murdoch empire’.

Rupert Murdoch apparently wants his employees to know that he does not take piracy lightly-- especially when it's one of his movies that is being illegally downloaded.
显然,鲁伯特默多克希望他的员工们认识到他对非法翻印有多么重视---尤其是当他的一部电影正在被非法下载时。 yeeyan

The British tried to shut him up but Keith Murdoch would not be silenced and his efforts led to the termination of the disastrous Gallipoli campaign.

The most likely contender is Murdoch, but he is preoccupied with his own troubles.
最可能下手的人是默多克,但是他正忙着解决自己的麻烦。 yeeyan

The move takes Miliband's campaign against the abuse of media power to new heights after a fortnight in which he has reinvigorated his own leadership by leading the attack on the Murdoch empire.
此举使得米利班德反对滥用媒体权力的运动到达了新的高度,在领导对默多克帝国猛烈攻击的两周之后,他为自己的领导地位注入了新的活力。 yeeyan

When they entrusted Rupert Murdoch with their money, they knew he would not let them tell him what to do with it.
当将自己的钱委托给鲁伯特·默多克时,他们知道他不会让他们告诉他该怎样处理这些钱。 ecocn

When Rupert Murdoch sees beams of light in the American advertising market, it is not necessarily time to reach for the sunglasses.
当鲁珀特·默多克看到美国广告市场上反弹的光芒时,那光线还不够刺眼戴太阳镜还为时过早。 hjenglish




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