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词汇 munch
释义 munch 英mʌntʃ美mʌntʃAHDmŭnch ★☆☆☆☆高GCOCA¹⁸¹⁰⁶BNC⁴⁷¹⁵⁶iWeb¹⁶⁶⁶⁸

Norwegian painter 1863-1944a large bite;

he tried to talk between munches on the sandwich

chew noisily;

The children crunched the celery sticks

来自法语mangier,吃,咬,拟声词。近义词 eat吃grind磨chew咀嚼champ大声地嚼chomp大声地咀嚼crunch发出碎裂声nibble一点点地咬masticate咀嚼食物…

用作动词She ismunchingat an apple.她正用力咀嚼苹果。verb.chew, eat
同义词 bite,champ,chomp,crunch,crush,grind,mash,masticate,press,reduce,ruminate,scrunch,smash,softenbreak up
反义词 lose
ateverb consume food
bit,condensed,corroded,crumbled,decayed,decomposed,disappeared,disintegrated,dissipated,dissolved,drained,exhausted,gnawed,liquefied,melted,nibbled,ran through,rotted,rusted,spilled,squandered,vanished,wasted away
biteverb grip or tear with teeth
champ,chaw,chaw on,chew,chomp,clamp,crunch,crush,cut,eat,gnaw,hold,lacerate,masticate,nibble,nip,pierce,rend,ruminate,seize,sever,snap,take a chunk out of,taste,wound
champverb chew
chawverb chew
chewverb grind with teeth
bite,champ,chaw,chomp,crunch,dispatch,feast upon,gnaw,gulp,gum,manducate,masticate,munch,nibble,rend,ruminate,scrunch
chompverb champ
bite,chew,gnaw,munch Keep healthy snacks like protein bars and fruit in your bag to munch on between tests.
像营养餐条和水果这类健康的零食可以放在包里,在考试与考试间的休息时间嚼的吃一点。 hjenglish

Quite what that has to do with vegetarianism is debatable, but the festival is also a chance for ethnic Chinese Thaisand lucky visitors to munch a dizzying array of faux- meat dishes.
在这里,素食者还是让人争议的话题,但是这个节日是华裔泰国人包括一些幸运的游客可以吃到各种素肉的机会。 yeeyan

There are more paintings by Edvard Munch here than there are graffiti, and Saturday night in town can seem about as frenetic as a bank holiday in Sunningdale.
在这里,爱德华·蒙克的画作比涂鸦要多,而且城里的周六晚上看起来就像桑宁戴尔的银行假日一样狂野。 yeeyan

We eat while watching TV, we munch on something at our desk at work, we crunch on something while driving and drink something sugary of course while reading or waiting.
看电视时吃点小零食,工作时嘴里嚼嚼东西,开车时吃点东西,阅读或者等候时也会来点喝的当然又是含糖的。 yeeyan

After their fashion show, the Aiton students munch on sweet dates, and ask Allagany about other aspects of Saudi life.
时装表演之后,爱顿小学的学生们大口大口地吃着蜜枣,并且向阿拉加尼了解沙特生活的其他方面。 tingvoa

As they munch on mashed cassava and a thick stew, they imagine their new life away from the creeks.
在咀嚼木薯糊糊和厚厚的水煮牛肉的同时,他们想象着离开峡湾后的新生活。 ecocn

But the question no one seems to ask is, if pigs are no longer there to munch away at them, where will Cairo’s giant piles of leftovers go?
但是有个问题似乎没人问,假如猪不再继续咀嚼了,那么埃及成堆的剩菜怎么办? ecocn

Camels munch on green shrubs outside town, and donkeys drink puddles of muddy water.
骆驼也能咀嚼小镇外的绿色矮乔木,驴子也至少能喝上泥水。 yeeyan

Chew on sugarless gum or hard candy. Or munch on raw carrots, celery, nuts or sunflower seeds— something crunchy and satisfying.
嚼无糖口香糖或硬糖,或生吃胡萝卜、芹菜、坚果或葵花籽—一些好吃的发出嘎吱嘎吱声的食物。 yeeyan

Here's good- food news: The more you munch on healthy eats, the less you need to worry about Friday night's fat burger and fries.
下面报告好食品消息:你咀嚼健康的东西越多你就可以越少担心星期五晚上的高热量汉堡和薯条。 kekenet

I like to get a big back of small apples and just munch on them whenever I’m hungry.
我经常准备一些小苹果,觉得饿了就大嚼特嚼。 yeeyan

In addition, you can keep snacks such as fruits and sandwiches handy by you and munch on these whenever you feel hungry.
还有呀,你可以随身带点小零食,水果和三明治之类的,这样在饿的时候就可以直接吃了。 yeeyan

In the rush of morning, munch them along with low-fat string cheese.
在匆忙的早晨,加上低脂奶酪一起咀嚼它们。 yeeyan

Several of the Munch's family members died of tuberculosis.
曼奇家有几个人都是死于结核病。 hjenglish

Some cats munch on grass or other plants, but most biologists agree that such roughage serves only as a digestive aid and provides limited if any nutritional value.
虽然一些猫咀嚼草或其它植物,但是生物学家认为这些粗纤维仅是用来助消化并且提供很有限的营养。 yeeyan

Stephan Munch and Santiago Salinas, both of Stony Brook University in New York, were intrigued by a major difference in the lifespans of two populations of pearl mussels.
Stephan Munch和 Santiago Salinas,都是纽约的斯托尼布鲁克大学的工作者,他们被寿命中不同的的两个胎贝珍珠所吸引。 yeeyan

Sufferers don't just munch on a few potato chips, they inhale the whole bag, and they do this kind of thing habitually.
患者不止吃少量薯片,他们一下子吃一整袋,而且他们习惯性地做这类事情。 yeeyan

The animal threatens to munch through thousands of Viking vessels and other historic shipwrecks, scientists warn.
科学家警告,这种动物正在吞噬掉数以千计的海盗沉船和其它历史时期的沉船。 yeeyan

THE decision to give away newspaper content free online is increasingly viewed as the business equivalent of Eve’s decision to munch on an apple.
报纸内容在线免费的决议一经披露就日益受到各方关注,因为决议前夕的报业同类业务已打算?品尝飨宴了。 ecocn

The goal was to “ munch” the correct numbers, dictated by the theme of the level, such as, “ multiples of14, ” all the while avoiding “Troggles, ” evil creatures trying to end your learning.
游戏的目标是“咀嚼掉”符合每关的主题要求的数字,例如“所有14的倍数”,同时还要躲避想要终结你的学习过程的邪恶生物“拖拉怪”。 yeeyan

These chemicalswhich, incidentally, give urine its aroma are made when bacteria munch on a chemical called choline that is part of an animal's food.
这种化合物是在体内细菌嚼食动物食物中含有的胆碱化学物时形成的, 并且它偶然性地让尿液有了气味. ecocn

This“ couture” outfit from the Office of Technical Readiness allowed spies to munch on canapes and dance a waltz while still snapping surreptitious pics and recording cocktail chatter.
这款由中情局技术储备办公室开发的“时装系列”间谍设备让特工们在开怀畅饮声色犬马之时,依然能够拍照录音。 icxo

This clever and hilarious cover either consciously or unconsciously pays homage to the famous painting The Scream by Edvard Munch.
这张封面真是既聪明又欢乐,还不忘有意无意的向爱德华·蒙克的经典油画《尖叫》致敬。 yeeyan

We sit at my garden table and munch.
我们在花园的桌子旁坐了下来,品尝我们的苹果。 yeeyan

With plenty of phosphorous to munch, algae were off to the races, churning out oxygen that flooded the atmosphere, Papineau reasons in this press release.
有这么多磷可以吃,海藻开始大量繁殖,释放大量氧气进入空气,这就是本新闻稿中怕米诺原因的解释。 yeeyan

Munch on some candied ginger. This sweet and spicy treat can be found in most major supermarkets.

Munch and Salinas found that the lifespan for87 percent of the species they studied varied as predicted by the MTE, so those that lived in colder temperatures had longer lifespans.
Munch和 Salinas发现他们所学到的百分之八十七的物种的寿命都被 MTE所预言到了,所以这些生活在较低温度的动物都延长了寿命。 yeeyan

Munch and Salinas looked at lifespan data from laboratory and field observations for more than90 species from land, freshwater and marine environments.
Munch和 Slinas看着从图书馆找来的关于寿命的资料和关于90多种陆地、淡水和海洋环境的范围的观测图。 yeeyan




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